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MacPhail: Savior or not?

TJ Wrangler

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I am also most often right...don't say what you guys want to hear because, well..my head is not buried in the sand. You may not like the way it is done but guess what, if it is right, that's all that matters to me.

I have been hearing the same song and dance for years now...blah blah blah.

Wow, just wow.

Too easy, way, way too easy.


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Sure there are...Should be more though...Someone like LJ knows his stuff but he gets overly sensitive and focuses on the drama bs way too much. VaTech is another one...he tends to do this.(VaTech knows I have a lot of respect for his opinions..at least he should know that but when you concentrate on this stuff, it gets old)

That's the stuff that gets old.

Its like high school.

Brother.... when you see every single post on this board, you're going to come across some drama once in awhile.

I think you're just on here so much that you see more of it than most of us. :P

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I think this thread makes clear that someone has a Messianic complex. And it ain't MacPhail.

Messiah complex is a state in which the individual believes themselves to be, or destined to become, the saviour of the particular field, a group, an event, a time period, or in an extreme scenario, the world. This could also be the state in which a group views an individual as a messiah, such as followers of a cult leader. The cult leader doesn't have to claim to be a messiah, but if he is treated as such by his followers, it can also be classified as such. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Messianic_complex

Napoleon complex is a colloquial term describing an alleged type of inferiority complex which is said to affect some people who are physically short. The term is also used more generally to describe people who are driven by a perceived handicap to overcompensate in other aspects of their lives. This term is also known as Napoleon syndrome,[1] Short Man syndrome,[2] and Small Man syndrome. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Napoleon_complex


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Messiah complex is a state in which the individual believes themselves to be, or destined to become, the saviour of the particular field, a group, an event, a time period, or in an extreme scenario, the world. This could also be the state in which a group views an individual as a messiah, such as followers of a cult leader. The cult leader doesn't have to claim to be a messiah, but if he is treated as such by his followers, it can also be classified as such. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Messianic_complex

Napoleon complex is a colloquial term describing an alleged type of inferiority complex which is said to affect some people who are physically short. The term is also used more generally to describe people who are driven by a perceived handicap to overcompensate in other aspects of their lives. This term is also known as Napoleon syndrome,[1] Short Man syndrome,[2] and Small Man syndrome. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Napoleon_complex


Obviously, I was linking the martyr complex with the messianic complex. That's what I was referring to. I think a lot of us over-compensate for perceived shortcomings, Gordo. No?

Perhaps not you? Or...

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MacFail has been disappointing overall during his time in Baltimore.

I'd give him a D+ on the 18-month report card.

But that's just one man's opinion.

I don't like his turtle-like pace on trades and other issues that require a more expeditious routine.

My .02.......

It's MacPhail. People don't take kindly in these parts to that.

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He released Gibbons and ate all that money in March. That was a really good and ballsy move IMO.

I liked the pick up of the pitcher from Minnesota.

I liked the decision on Cabrera.

I thought the Izturis numbers were reasonable and he was a reasonable choice compared to the other ML-ready options.

I liked the Ramon trade overall.

The foreign player emphasis and Latin American schools are a good move.

He didn't do a ton during the season last year. No doubt about it. I would have preferred more. However, if he didn't think he was getting enough for the guys he was trying to move, I'm inclined to take his word for it until I hear/see differently. I'm especially inclined to believe he was didn't have good options because of the lack of moves by other teams during the season last year.

I agree the jury is still out on him overall, but he clearly has done fairly well thus far.

I am pretty sure we finally discovered Asia and that they play baseball just like we do.

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Obviously, I was linking the martyr complex with the messianic complex. That's what I was referring to. I think a lot of us over-compensate for perceived shortcomings, Gordo. No?

Perhaps not you? Or...

Martyr complex

In psychology, a person who has a martyr complex desires the feeling of being a martyr for its own sake, seeking out suffering or persecution because it feeds a psychological need.

In some cases, this results from the belief that the martyr has been singled out for persecution due to exceptional ability or integrity.[1] Theologian Paul Johnson considers such beliefs a topic of concern for the mental health of clergy.[2] Other martyr complexes involve willful suffering in the name of love or duty. This has been observed in women, especially in poor families, in codependant or abusive relationships.[3][4] It has also been described as a facet of Jewish-American folklore.[5]

The desire for martyrdom is sometimes considered a form of masochism.[6] Allan Berger, however, described it as one of several patterns of "pain/suffering seeking behavior", including asceticism and penance. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Martyr_complex

I'm not a psychologist nor do I play one on TV, but I find the subject fascinating and in this case IMO, some combination of the Messiah and Napolian is more applicable than the Matyr. As for the emboldened, certainly many of us do, myself included, but often in less socially unpleasant forms.

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Martyr complex

In psychology, a person who has a martyr complex desires the feeling of being a martyr for its own sake, seeking out suffering or persecution because it feeds a psychological need.

In some cases, this results from the belief that the martyr has been singled out for persecution due to exceptional ability or integrity.[1] Theologian Paul Johnson considers such beliefs a topic of concern for the mental health of clergy.[2] Other martyr complexes involve willful suffering in the name of love or duty. This has been observed in women, especially in poor families, in codependant or abusive relationships.[3][4] It has also been described as a facet of Jewish-American folklore.[5]

The desire for martyrdom is sometimes considered a form of masochism.[6] Allan Berger, however, described it as one of several patterns of "pain/suffering seeking behavior", including asceticism and penance. I'm not a psychologist nor do I play one on TV, but I find the subject fascinating and in this case IMO, some combination of the Messiah and Napolian is more applicable than the Matyr. As for the emboldened, certainly many of us do, myself included, but often in less socially unpleasant forms.

This doesn't pass the smell test for you? ;)

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He released Gibbons and ate all that money in March. That was a really good and ballsy move IMO.

I liked the pick up of the pitcher from Minnesota.

I liked the decision on Cabrera.

I thought the Izturis numbers were reasonable and he was a reasonable choice compared to the other ML-ready options.

I liked the Ramon trade overall.

The foreign player emphasis and Latin American schools are a good move.

He didn't do a ton during the season last year. No doubt about it. I would have preferred more. However, if he didn't think he was getting enough for the guys he was trying to move, I'm inclined to take his word for it until I hear/see differently. I'm especially inclined to believe he was didn't have good options because of the lack of moves by other teams during the season last year.

I agree the jury is still out on him overall, but he clearly has done fairly well thus far.

The Ramon trade was ok...The decision on Gibbons was as much PA as AM IMO(because of the money involved..as it would be with any owner/GM).

The Asia stuff is the best stuff he did.

Everything else you listed was very blah.

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