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O's Fans Held Hostage - Day 18


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No, we don't. We need to sign one guy to eat innings. Let the kids go out and pitch.


FA (Kawakami, hopefully)




If someone needs to be replaced, you have Hernandez, Bergesen, Berken in AAA who are all going to be ML ready by June, IMO. You laso have Waters and Bass who can start if needed. I really want to keep Liz in the pen, but would still rather see him start than Redding/Hendrickson. I think Patton, Arrieta, and Tillman could be ready by the AS Break.

This is a joke right????

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You can have a positive outlook...But nothing has happened and that is BB's complaint...That is the part that seems to be going over the heads of people. They just assume it is a AM hate fest because Bigbird started the thread...That's not it at all.

It is just the idea that he hasn't done anything. That is a problem..Some of you don't care...BB does. That is the point.

He traded Hernandez for a decent return. He signed a SS that at the very least gives some stability. Does more need to be done? Yes, but it is December 28 and not February 10.

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I think teams are between a rock and a hard place on where salaries will set with the 2nd tier players and below. Teams are worried about what the recession will do to attendance and at the same time if there's a big drop in salaries they have to worry about the union charging collusion. I think Jon Garland will be an example of where the second tier players benchmark in at.I can see hm taking a $2 million a year hit over normal circumstances.I don't think the O's will be all that affected by this because they are value shopping anyway.I'd be surprised if they spend more than $5 million a year on anybody.

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You can have a positive outlook...But nothing has happened and that is BB's complaint...That is the part that seems to be going over the heads of people. They just assume it is a AM hate fest because Bigbird started the thread...That's not it at all.

It is just the idea that he hasn't done anything. That is a problem..Some of you don't care...BB does. That is the point.

I can see where you are coming from, and I admit, I wish he would act quicker as well, but as long as the end result is good, I have no qualms.

Hopefully, things will become clearer and things will began to shape up, which in turn I hope will lead to more "civilized discourse" :)

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Yea, calling BB's thread pathetic is very civilized...Give me a break.

If BB came on here praising AM, I bet you wouldn't think it was pathetic...As long as someone is bowing in his greatness, the thread is great...If he gets bashed, it is pathetic.

Your getting your points mixed up.

Yes, BB is "bashing" MacPhail with this thread but that is not the reason this thread was called pathetic. It is pathetic because he is whining about "not hearing news in the last 18 days."

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BB does not like AM, he has not liked AM and just about every big decision that AM has had to make BB was on here saying things weren't going our way. Sometimes he has been right, sometimes he has been wrong. His guy was hooked in with Duquette and when Duquette was here BB praised everything he did and defended the FO non-stop.

I am not going to sit here and praise everything AM has done. I would be a fool to try, but I do think he has things basically going in the right direction. He hasn't wasted money. He got the big draft pick signings done. Our minor league system is much better today. He made two very good trades last off-season and another pretty good one this off-season. He moves slow and some hate that, but overall he is moving the team along in a good direction.

Maybe, maybe, he should take more chances, but I'm o.k. with his off-season thus far and his direction for the team in the last two years.

Bigbird expects results, not talk.

And yes, he preferred Duquette...So what?

BB has praised AM and will praise him again if he does thinks he likes...But when he doesn't do anything, BB is going to complain about it...I don't see what the problem with that is.

What do you all expect people to do? Sit on their hands, pretend everything is fine and right poetry about sunshines and rainbows?

If you don't want to read the stuff where people bash AM, then don't read it. It is all very simple...Use the ignore feature..Don't read a thread when it is obvious AM is going to get slammed(or whatever wording you want to use).

This thread was obvious what it was going to be about before you even had to click on it...So, knowing that, don't read it if it bothers you.

BB has said nothing wrong in this thread...He expects results...This isn't just about the last 18 days...it is about the last 11 months.

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I can see where you are coming from, and I admit, I wish he would act quicker as well, but as long as the end result is good, I have no qualms.

Hopefully, things will become clearer and things will began to shape up, which in turn I hope will lead to more "civilized discourse" :)

I said this, just yesterday:

But you're right - it's possible to be too one sided. I think there's an argument that AM is too methodical. And there's a real risk of not-insignificant (though perhaps not substantial) opportunity costs in his methodology. But those concerns would seem to be somewhat allayed by the fact that AM has been working on multiple things at one time this offseason.

Frankly, if things were slower in the past, it's not unlikely that it's because he didn't have the people around him he was willing to delegate too. (Just a guess - more speculation, of course).

The other legitimate criticism is that AM wants too much in return (that he wants to "win" trades). There's evidence that he works for extra, to be sure (Butler, for instance). I'm not sure he's trying to win the trades, so much as diversify his risk in a manner that makes internal sense.

Again, though, it's easy to say he wants too much: asking for evidence of SOME cost isn't beyond the pale, I don't think.

The truth probably lies somewhere in between, as always.

Obviously, my views are hopelessly one-sided.

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Your getting your points mixed up.

Yes, BB is "bashing" MacPhail with this thread but that is not the reason this thread was called pathetic. It is pathetic because he is whining about "not hearing news in the last 18 days."

Let's try and use our heads for just this one moment...If AM had gotten a lot more done the past 11 months, do you think BB would be bringing this up?

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How about this little nugget from Schmuck's blog that slipped by:

I've gotten the Bradford question dozens and dozens of times and I have asked Andy about it. It started out to be a PTNL, but apparently turned out to be a cash payment, though they have never officially announced anything. Andy has conceded that the deal turned out to be a mistake, because nobody stepped up to take over that role.

So it seems MacPhail traded a solid reliever for nothing when that reliever could have provided a draft pick.

Sure gives you confidence in his abilities...

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