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Hangout Night Pregame at "The Nest"


What's your plan for Saturday's Hangout Night at the Yard?  

23 members have voted

  1. 1. What's your plan for Saturday's Hangout Night at the Yard?

    • I'm going to The Nest for pre-game action AND I'll see you in the ballpark!
    • I can't make it to The Nest, but I'll see you in the ballpark!

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We truly appreciated the efforts that we put forward on our behalf. It was a fun filled drive from Harrisburg to get there in time after we both worked all day. We enjoyed seeing everyone and sharing our recent good fortunes. I was suprised by the number of people at the Nest and I thought that even when we got there that it was a big crowd. Thanks to all who made it and all who had a hand in setting it up.

Great game, Great time, Go O's

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I'm the glad the people who showed up had a great time, and I'm sorry a personal situation came up that forced me to leave before many of you showed up. However, it's terribly dissapointing to hear about how many people did not show up who said they were going to show up. The Nest went all out for us and I'm frustrated with the lack of people to show up to the event we put so much time and effort into advertising and setting up.

Honestly, I'm disappointed in the community and honestly, if this is the kind of turn out we can expect, this will be the last year for Hangout nights. We go out of our way to put these things together and we find a great place and about 35 people show up?

I know it was cold out there last night, but the season is young, Guthrie was on the mound, and it was our first Hangout night of the year.

Thanks to the people who came out and supported Hangout night. We're happy that we obviously have a good core group of people. We know who our true local Hangout community members are and we appreciate your support.

I understand why it's probably frustrating and I imagine that you guys put a ton of work into it. But for us that go religiously, these are the best games of the year. They do mean a lot to us. Having that area at The Nest was just incredible.

I really hope that you rethink making this the last year for Hangout Nights. Even if it ends up being scaled back a bit, I never have more fun at the ballpark than I do with this community. I think I speak for a lot of us that go to these things.

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I'm the glad the people who showed up had a great time, and I'm sorry a personal situation came up that forced me to leave before many of you showed up. However, it's terribly dissapointing to hear about how many people did not show up who said they were going to show up. The Nest went all out for us and I'm frustrated with the lack of people to show up to the event we put so much time and effort into advertising and setting up.

Honestly, I'm disappointed in the community and honestly, if this is the kind of turn out we can expect, this will be the last year for Hangout nights. We go out of our way to put these things together and we find a great place and about 35 people show up?

I know it was cold out there last night, but the season is young, Guthrie was on the mound, and it was our first Hangout night of the year.

Thanks to the people who came out and supported Hangout night. We're happy that we obviously have a good core group of people. We know who our true local Hangout community members are and we appreciate your support.

Tony, the above poll seems to indicate that 17 people had committed to both events? How many were expected?

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Tony and crew did a great job putting the event together. This was my first time attending. I had a great time meeting and chatting with the ones that I thought I had known from the OH. I will be trying to attend more this year. The Nest was a great idea and very nice meeting place.

Tony, I hope your frustration won't keep you from having these next year. Maybe the weather kept some people away.

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Tony and crew did a great job putting the event together. This was my first time attending. I had a great time meeting and chatting with the ones that I thought I had known from the OH. I will be trying to attend more this year. The Nest was a great idea and very nice meeting place.

Tony' date=' I hope your frustration won't keep you from having these next year. Maybe the weather kept some people away.[/quote']

If I didn't live in Charlotte NC I would have been there.:( Go O's!

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I'm the glad the people who showed up had a great time, and I'm sorry a personal situation came up that forced me to leave before many of you showed up. However, it's terribly dissapointing to hear about how many people did not show up who said they were going to show up. The Nest went all out for us and I'm frustrated with the lack of people to show up to the event we put so much time and effort into advertising and setting up.

Honestly, I'm disappointed in the community and honestly, if this is the kind of turn out we can expect, this will be the last year for Hangout nights. We go out of our way to put these things together and we find a great place and about 35 people show up?

I know it was cold out there last night, but the season is young, Guthrie was on the mound, and it was our first Hangout night of the year.

Thanks to the people who came out and supported Hangout night. We're happy that we obviously have a good core group of people. We know who our true local Hangout community members are and we appreciate your support.

I am a TRUE supporter of the Hangout..Honest:eektf: I had tickets:)

Sadly, not being there was beyond my control:rolleyestf:

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I'd like to think I was a factor in Niemann allowing five runs in the first. My friend and I were on our way up to our seats when I noticed Niemann warming up in the bullpen. Not willing to let a golden opportunity go to waste, we walked up to the railing over top the 'pen and started heckling Niemann and anyone else who acknowledged my witty one-liners.

Whether or not I got under his skin with my harassment or he was just that off last night, watching the O's open the flood gates in the first was a pleasure. I had such a good time with the Tampa bullpen that I went back for more sometime around the fourth inning. Yea, that's where I disappeared to.

Overall, the guys in the Tampa relief corps have a great sense of humor. A bunch of onlookers got JP Howell to pack an entire tin of Copenhagen in his lip, Grant Balfour stretched like he was auditioning for "High School Musical" and their bullpen coach was returning my gibes with his own witty one-liners. Great time. I even got a ball at the end of the night from the bullpen coach who though my knowledge of Bayamon, PR was pretty impressive.

That said, It was awesome meeting/catching up with everyone at The Nest during the pregame. Seriously, it was great. Baysox conflicts aside, I'll try to make the rest of the Hangout nights this season. Hope to see you all there!

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I understand why it's probably frustrating and I imagine that you guys put a ton of work into it. But for us that go religiously, these are the best games of the year. They do mean a lot to us. Having that area at The Nest was just incredible.

I really hope that you rethink making this the last year for Hangout Nights. Even if it ends up being scaled back a bit, I never have more fun at the ballpark than I do with this community. I think I speak for a lot of us that go to these things.

I know the OH nights mean a lot to the people who show up and we really do appreciate the fact you guys came out and support our event. Unfortunately, the turn out tells me this community is a much stronger online community than a local community.

We had nearly 50 people confirm on our facebook that they were coming and and 180 maybes. Now I assume maybes mean no, but when almost 50 people say they are coming, and that doesn't include their guests, then 35 show up, you can imagine our disappointment.

OH is a great online community, and I appreciate every single one of our members on here, but what Saturday showed me is that I need to focus our efforts on online events instead of local events because it's obvious enough people don't care or want to do local events.

Maybe I expected too much, and from everything I heard the Nest was a great place to hangout and everyone who came had a good time, but the realities are that the vast majority of this community is not interested in doing local events.

I'm actually glad to have figured this out before planning more events because I had a whole list of ideas for this season, but honestly, I'm not going to go to businesses a promise them a crowd when this is the turnout I can expect.

Just to let you guys know, this is not just on this event alone. Last year we had the same issues and I thought if we found a closer/better place that would actually treat us right, things would be different. Unfortunately I was wrong. Won't be the first time or last time I will be wrong.

I love the OH community and think we're the best online community in Baltimore. I just have to realize there's nothing wrong with that being what we're known for and to stop thinking we're more than that.

I'm sure the Nest was happy with the business we did bring them and we will continue to hold Hangout pregames at the Nest this year. I would encourage anyone who wants to get together to go to the Nest as they will take care of you.

As of today you can pick up a card that says you are a Orioles Hangout member and get 15% off food and happy hour prices on drinks anytime. You don't have to wait for our next "big" event to head to the Nest and enjoy discounts just for being an OH member.

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