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After Two Weeks of Pie...


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I am willing to give Pie 100+ PAs. Even 200 PAs. It is one thing to let a player play its another to just give him ABs because he is young. Pie is hitting .161/.235/.258. He doesn't look good at all. IF he has OBP under .300 after 200 PA (with zero power) we are just hurting the team.

Especially when you see Reimold with a great Spring Training and a great start in AAA.

200 PAs is a fine metric. That'd be about two months.

If after two months he's still really struggling, I'll not only be fine with a change, but be calling for it.

Its just the people that are calling for a change now that I think are sorely lacking in the logic department on this issue.

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We're making a mistake by giving him longer than 3 weeks to prove himself and develop at the major league level?

That's ridiculous.

Why do you guys think Pie is out of options? This is not his first major league experience. He has proven and is proving he can't play at this level. How many chances does he need?

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I do not need a couple of months. The only comparison between Jones and Pie is that they both play the outfield. Jones plays it well and Pie does not.

I am tired of seeing Pie have balls drop in front and in back of him. Not to mention him dropping the ball when trying to transfer the ball from glove to hand.

Today was the first good chance to see his arm, with a play at the plate. He was only 15 feet up the first base line and late.

You keep living off of one homerun and one great catch. Live in the present not the past.

No, we keep living off of the fact that he's 23, a prospect, and a work in progress. His ceiling is quite high. We keep living off of the fact that we're not contending this year, so we give him the chance and opportunity to reach his ceiling here, rather than see him reach it somewhere else.

Basically, we have some patience when it comes to a young player. You've made it rather clear that you have none. I'm rather relieved that the front office doesn't share your lack of patience. Otherwise, we'd be writing off Reimold if he came up and had a rough three weeks as well. And if Matusz or Arrieta come up and get hit hard, we'd be looking for the first team that wants them.

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So, you're willing to do to him what the Cubs did to him, then.

I did see Reimold with a great Spring Training. I also saw Guthrie with an awful spring training. I wasn't ready to hand Reimold LF just like I wasn't ready to move Guthrie to the bullpen.

I'd rather give Pie a chance to prove himself at the Major League level. And I don't think that 100 ABs or 200 ABs are going to do it.

....Reimold is absolutely tearing the cover of the ball at AAA.

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Why do you guys think Pie is out of options? This is not his first major league experience. He has proven and is proving he can't play at this level. How many chances does he need?

Because he's out of options. We can't send him down to AAA without designating him for assignment and passing him through waivers. You'd better believe that someone would snatch him up quickly.

He needs consistent, solid playing time to prove that he can't play at this level. Not sporadic playing time coming off the bench like he got in Chicago. And not two or three weeks like you're trying to give him here.

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Did you with Nick Markakis? Adam Jones? Markakis was far worse than Pie's been both offensively and defensively in his first cup of coffee.

Jumping to conclusions is a bad thing. Never a good thing. Whether you end up being proven right or wrong on this specific player is irrelevant. If all you are willing to give a young player, in a year where he can suck all year long and it won't cost us anything, is two weeks, then that's really all you need to say about how you judge players. Its a terrible, terrible way to do things. I'm glad our front office and coaching staff isn't as knee-jerk in their reactions.

Neither was as poor. This is not Pie's first few weeks in the Majors. Did you forget the Cub's? That is why he is out of options.

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So, you're willing to do to him what the Cubs did to him, then.

I did see Reimold with a great Spring Training. I also saw Guthrie with an awful spring training. I wasn't ready to hand Reimold LF just like I wasn't ready to move Guthrie to the bullpen.

I'd rather give Pie a chance to prove himself at the Major League level. And I don't think that 100 ABs or 200 ABs are going to do it.

Some people don't need 600+ PA to see that the guy doesn't have a chance to become a decent hitter.

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Also...how does the math work in this graph?

It says he has a +37 over 3 years...is that an average of '06, '07 and '08?

How did his total over those 3 years exceed that +34 rating that's skewing the numbers?

It's a counting stat. The +37 is a 3-year total, not an average. If 34 of them came in one year, that leaves a total of 3 for the other two. Based on what I saw even during the good year, the 2-year total matches what I saw a whole lot more than does the mega-number in that one year. It's the one-year number that I don't understand.

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Some people don't need 600+ PA to see that the guy doesn't have a chance to become a decent hitter.

No, apparently they need two weeks to make up their minds. Which is why they're not scouts.

Were you going this crazy when Nick was hitting .198 when he came up?

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David Ortiz just got a triple off the supposed "defensive whiz" that is Felix Pie.

That one probably would have been caught by Jones and as a result cost 3 runs.

Pie isn't helping us out there. He needs to go...

LOL....The craziness continues.

Good to see you are still the same old JTrea.

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Neither was as poor. This is not Pie's first few weeks in the Majors. Did you forget the Cub's? That is why he is out of options.
He got sporadic playing time and then was banished because Piniella has the same mindset towards young players you seem to have.

And Markakis was as poor. He had a .558 OPS through his first 75 PAs.

Just give him a shot. If he sucks, we'll kick him to the curb in June or July and give Reimold a shot after he's had a couple months against better competition at AAA and is more prepared. If he plays well, we've got a solid LF for cheap for the next few years.

There is zero downside to playing Pie right now. We could replace him with Matt Holliday right now and we don't make the playoffs, so there is no real cost to watching him struggle.

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