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Trade rumors heat up...


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I cant believe you guys are so blind to the players on other teams around the league.Dont get me wrong B. Roberts is a geat player aswell but when you look at the numbers he doesnt compare to Phillips.


290avg., 12hr., 57rbi., 50sb., a 377obp. and a 432 slug. percent.Now lets look at BP stats.


288avg., 30hr., 94rbi, 32sb, a 340obp., and a 485 slug. percent.

Looking at those numbers which 2nd baseman would you take on your team.Better yet which player would you take on your fantasy team which really is your team.Lets look at how the fantasy guys look at it at teh sites.Phillips fantasy number was 2055 and Roberts was 1829.So anyway you look at it phillips was by far the best second baseman in baseball last year fantasy wise.He was ahead of all other second baseman in fantasy points.Thats Utley,Roberts, or any second baseman.

Saying all this does have a point.Im just trying to get people look at stats and see just how good of a player someone is before they make crazy statements.Saying Bp would be the 3rd part of any deal taken place.nonsense.

Also I hope the Reds trade for Bedard.But I do feel that Bailey, Cueto, Votto, and EE would be way to much to pay for Bedard.That would be to big even if the Os added someone else.But I still hope AM will come down a little on his asking price so he and WK can work something out.I mena a deal of Bailey or Cueto,EE or Votto,then a couple players like Maloney and Stubbs and I could even see the Reds adding a fifth like Keppinger if the Os will add a BP arm like Cabrera or Walker.I see this as being a decent trade for both sides.A little Heavy on the Os side but you got to give up something to get something.

Roberts had an OPS+ of 112 in 2007 vs. Phillips: OPS+ of 105

Enough said.

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This isn't fantasy baseball.

Roberts also brings to table, good defense, switching hitting capibilities, plate discipline, top notch lead off ability, and a TRACK record.

Exactly. Phillips did almost nothing prior to 2007, and a lot of his semi-impressive counting stats come from getting 700 plate appearances. In rate stats he's no better than Roberts - similar OPS, but Phillips is heavier in the less-important slugging. Roberts simply makes outs less often.

Translated to a neutral context Phillips' career year is .283/.330/.496. Roberts run-of-the-mill 2007 was .295/.388/.460. A 58 point OBP advantage smashes a 36 point SLG advantage, especially since Roberts has had this year before.

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I think that was a typo. Either he hit T instead of W, or he accidently typed Not before It's. I'd say the former is more likely. Apparently it's "off the table" but we don't know what that means (or specifically, why it's off the table, if indeed it is).

Are we ACTUALLY going to discect which typo it was?

Yep, we sure are.

I suggest that the lynch mob based on one guess about the typo should please form to the left, while the lynch mob based on the other guess about the typo should please form to the right. That way, no matter what we decide about the typo, we'll have the appropriate lynch mob ready to move out in a hurry.

I always wondered how mass hysteria works. Hitler hickups and millions of Germans march off to war. Jim Jones says have a drink, Billick says "take a leap of faith... Bigbird drops a stinkbomb on the board and we spend two hours crapping all over ourselves over an opinion with almost no facts whatsoever to back it up. Amazing.

Well, there you go again, dissing this entire board and everybody on it. Clearly, you're not one of "us". I can believe that Tony or Scottie or somebody hasn't reamed you a new one, or at least given you a vacation, for pointing out what a bunch of hysterics we are. And don't gimme any crap about how you're just talking about *some* people. We all know better than that. You're dissing every single person on this board, just like you always do. And I've had enough of it. If you'd just stick to the facts-as-I-see-them, this wouldn't happen. But you won't do that, and instead you insist in dissing every single person who posts here, just like you did here. I think that's pathetic, just like you are. Every single thing you say is pathetic and a joke, and I wish somebody who's not a crybaby would finally call you on it. You don't know anything, and you certainly don't know near as much as me. Plus, like I said, you're pathetic. That's p-a-t-h-e-t-i-c. I don't know where you get off dissing the whole board like you always do. It's pathetic... and a joke. Just put 2 and 2 together, and that proves that it's a pathetic joke... just like you are. So there! End of discussion.

(Did I do that right? Did I miss anything ;-)

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Yep, we sure are.

I suggest that the lynch mob based on one guess about the typo should please form to the left, while the lynch mob based on the other guess about the typo should please form to the right. That way, no matter what we decide about the typo, we'll have the appropriate lynch mob ready to move out in a hurry.

Well, there you go again, dissing this entire board and everybody on it. Clearly, you're not one of "us". I can believe that Tony or Scottie or somebody hasn't reamed you a new one, or at least given you a vacation, for pointing out what a bunch of hysterics we are. And don't gimme any crap about how you're just talking about *some* people. We all know better than that. You're dissing every single person on this board, just like you always do. And I've had enough of it. If you'd just stick to the facts-as-I-see-them, this wouldn't happen. But you won't do that, and instead you insist in dissing every single person who posts here, just like you did here. I think that's pathetic, just like you are. Every single thing you say is pathetic and a joke, and I wish somebody who's not a crybaby would finally call you on it. You don't know anything, and you certainly don't know near as much as me. Plus, like I said, you're pathetic. That's p-a-t-h-e-t-i-c. I don't know where you get off dissing the whole board like you always do. It's pathetic... and a joke. Just put 2 and 2 together, and that proves that it's a pathetic joke... just like you are. So there! End of discussion.

(Did I do that right? Did I miss anything ;-)

You coulda talked about his Mom or something like that.

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This is a poor title for this thread as the trade rumors have gone completely cold today. We've heard absolutely nothing from the media or our insiders that anything is close.

So we go from a day where Roberts was supposed to be dealt to nothing. I swear this offseason has been the most frustrating since I've been following the team. I am glad I'm in training today otherwise I think I would have had a heart attack during these past two days. Luckily we are entertaining my sister in law and her family at the house tonight, so I won't have to click and refresh for absolutely nothing again tonight like I have been for the past three months. :rolleyes:

Pull the trigger already!

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This is a poor title for this thread as the trade rumors have gone completely cold today. We've heard absolutely nothing from the media or our insiders that anything is close.

So we go from a day where Roberts was supposed to be dealt to nothing. I swear this offseason has been the most frustrating since I've been following the team. I am glad I'm in training today otherwise I think I would have had a heart attack during these past two days. Luckily we are entertaining my sister in law and her family at the house tonight, so I won't have to click and refresh for absolutely nothing again tonight like I have been for the past three months. :rolleyes:

Pull the trigger already!

Any chance Beane pulled some magic out of a hat and somehow was able to get the signed deal we all knew was done, pulled out from under us just to add to his revenge? :D Just adding some levity (well I guess from my side it is) to this page of this thread...

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This isn't fantasy baseball.

Roberts also brings to table, good defense, switching hitting capibilities, plate discipline, top notch lead off ability, and a TRACK record.

I also want to mention the business aspect of the game, when it comes to marketability of a player.

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This is a poor title for this thread as the trade rumors have gone completely cold today. We've heard absolutely nothing from the media or our insiders that anything is close.

So we go from a day where Roberts was supposed to be dealt to nothing. I swear this offseason has been the most frustrating since I've been following the team. I am glad I'm in training today otherwise I think I would have had a heart attack during these past two days. Luckily we are entertaining my sister in law and her family at the house tonight, so I won't have to click and refresh for absolutely nothing again tonight like I have been for the past three months. :rolleyes:

Pull the trigger already!

Don't you have some snow to shovel off the roof? :002_stongue:

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Jim Hendry and the Cubs don't operate that way, so you probably ought to pull back a bit on the sweeping generalizations.

And somehow I find it highly doubtful that Mr. Bavasi is running his trade ideas up the flagpole to the Nintendo execs in Japan.

I'm not sure how reliable Prospect Insider is with Jason Churchill's blog, but here is some interesting info on the power of Mr. Bavasi (link):

Prior to the trade deadline in 2006, I wrote very strong words about the fact that many of Bavasi’s moves up to that point had been either mandated specifically (extending Raul before they should have, trading Guillen for nothing) and that the suits demand that the current roster is always the very best it possibly can be to win that year without much regard, if any at all, to the following seasons.

All still true.

But, at what point does that big gigantic caveat get thrown out the window and Bavasi get lit up like a Christmas tree?

A year ago is when he ran out of rope. The Rafael Soriano deal was horrific.

The Jose Vidro deal was horrendous.

Bill Bavasi, without question, has very little power within the organization, and I’m not alone in thinking so.

“I’d say he has less power than any GM out there,” said one rival front office executive. “I don’t think there’s any doubt about it.”

Bavasi might be a horrible GM, that is very possible. But we’ll never know, because unlike the vast majority of the financially competitive clubs in baseball, Seattle doesn’t let their baseball people take care of the baseball stuff.

So, whether Bavasi makes this potentially stupid move by sending far too much talent to Baltimore for Erik Bedard or not, many will be, if they haven’t been already, calling for Bavasi’s head.

But until Howard Lincoln and everyone around him is removed, it doesn’t matter who the GM is. It will always be the same BS.

There's quite a bit more in there. Again, I know nothing about Churchill and his connections, but this seemed interesting. It may not be the folks in Japan, but Lincoln has the same front office titles as Angelos. Seems like a very similar scenario to our situation.

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Yep, we sure are.

I suggest that the lynch mob based on one guess about the typo should please form to the left, while the lynch mob based on the other guess about the typo should please form to the right. That way, no matter what we decide about the typo, we'll have the appropriate lynch mob ready to move out in a hurry.

Well, there you go again, dissing this entire board and everybody on it. Clearly, you're not one of "us". I can believe that Tony or Scottie or somebody hasn't reamed you a new one, or at least given you a vacation, for pointing out what a bunch of hysterics we are. And don't gimme any crap about how you're just talking about *some* people. We all know better than that. You're dissing every single person on this board, just like you always do. And I've had enough of it. If you'd just stick to the facts-as-I-see-them, this wouldn't happen. But you won't do that, and instead you insist in dissing every single person who posts here, just like you did here. I think that's pathetic, just like you are. Every single thing you say is pathetic and a joke, and I wish somebody who's not a crybaby would finally call you on it. You don't know anything, and you certainly don't know near as much as me. Plus, like I said, you're pathetic. That's p-a-t-h-e-t-i-c. I don't know where you get off dissing the whole board like you always do. It's pathetic... and a joke. Just put 2 and 2 together, and that proves that it's a pathetic joke... just like you are. So there! End of discussion.

(Did I do that right? Did I miss anything ;-)

So, your sarcastic tirade is supposed to point out a lesson to "us" that we're a bunch of ridiculous overreacting schmucks, and you even lump Tony and Scottie in there too? Why is it you check this site so often if everyone here is such a pathetic joke?

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Well, there you go again, dissing this entire board and everybody on it. Clearly, you're not one of "us". I can believe that Tony or Scottie or somebody hasn't reamed you a new one, or at least given you a vacation, for pointing out what a bunch of hysterics we are. And don't gimme any crap about how you're just talking about *some* people. We all know better than that. You're dissing every single person on this board, just like you always do. And I've had enough of it. If you'd just stick to the facts-as-I-see-them, this wouldn't happen. But you won't do that, and instead you insist in dissing every single person who posts here, just like you did here. I think that's pathetic, just like you are. Every single thing you say is pathetic and a joke, and I wish somebody who's not a crybaby would finally call you on it. You don't know anything, and you certainly don't know near as much as me. Plus, like I said, you're pathetic. That's p-a-t-h-e-t-i-c. I don't know where you get off dissing the whole board like you always do. It's pathetic... and a joke. Just put 2 and 2 together, and that proves that it's a pathetic joke... just like you are. So there! End of discussion.

(Did I do that right? Did I miss anything ;-)

Geez Shack, I said I was sorrying for peeing in your Cornflakes this morning.:002_sbiggrin: And, I think Hoosiers already did call me out for my poor taste in cynical commentary. Now I'm putting you on my ignore list and refusing to acknowledge your existence for all time.

By the way, I never once expected Tony to rip me. If anything, he's been a victim of the mob mentality here, as much as anyone. I was only commenting on how we all - myself included, judging by my lack of productivity for the last two days - get so caught up in news, near news, and rumors of news.

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Man, if people are this riled up right now, I'd hate to see what OH will look like when Teixeira goes on the open market next year. :D

Yeah, OH has seriously deteriorated today. We're really in need of some news to change the subject. In it's absence, I think I need to logoff. :(

Note: This isn't a knock on our insiders...just on many of the posters.

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Man, if people are this riled up right now, I'd hate to see what OH will look like when Teixeira goes on the open market next year. :D

Oh man...if he doesn't sign an extension with the Braves this year, the site will be non stop arguments every day until he signs somewhere, and then almost everyday thereafter with arguments about why we should or should not have upped our offer! I can't wait! :D

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