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Roberts Must Go

Boston Dave

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Nobody here is talking down Roberts. The discussion is when his value is the highest.

I think my last post pretty conclusively illustrates that his value wont be higher at the deadline, or at least not in the vein that most here would prefer. (everybody seems to only want ML-ready players). And given the choice of acquiring him with one season on his contract, or with two seasons on his contract, most teams are gonna be willing to give up more with two years.

Barring an extremely odd set of circumstances, Roberts is going to bring his best return right now. You could try to wait longer and pray that he has a ridiculous .330/.400/.550 season with 50 SB, but there's just as much (if not more) risk that he declines by as much, or gets injured. Given a neutral set of circumstances though, Roberts is only going to lose trade value.

I'm not arguing that his trade value MAY be highest right now, and will be lower next offseason because of the contract, but it MAY also go higher at the trade deadline or sooner, depending on contender's needs, it's impossible to guess.

Comparing Roberts to Giles and implying that he could have a bad season and be non-tendered is talking him down.

If the best package we are being offered right now is for Cedeno/Marshall/Gallagher, there is a very good chance that we can get more during the season. That isn't like it is a Pie/Muron/Vitters package.

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I'm doing my darndest to avoid saying anything that would put a bullseye on my back. Tonight does not seem to be the night for that. Tensions seem to be running high.

Sorry guys, not trying to raise tensions or anything, but the same ol' debates about what is acceptable for Roberts is driving me crazy. Can we just say that we feel like he should have a pretty high value (not saying 2 blue chippers, but one would be nice), and as fans of other teams you don't necessarily agree?

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I'm not arguing that his trade value MAY be highest right now, and will be lower next offseason because of the contract, but it MAY also go higher at the trade deadline or sooner, depending on contender's needs, it's impossible to guess.

Comparing Roberts to Giles and implying that he could have a bad season and be non-tendered is talking him down.

If the best package we are being offered right now is for Cedeno/Marshall/Gallagher, there is a very good chance that we can get more during the season. That isn't like it is a Pie/Muron/Vitters package.

Again, I think I proved pretty well that you're not gonna be getting much more during the season. It's possible, but the odds are very low. Assuming that there's a "very good chance" that you could get more is somewhat foolish.

And I hate to speak for others, but the Giles thing is not a direct comparison. It's a reminder that anything can happen. Roberts could collapse, due to injury or any other factor... marital issues, death of a close family member... something might go wrong. It's important to remember that you are assuming a degree of risk when you decide to hold onto a player longer than recommended.

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Sorry guys, not trying to raise tensions or anything, but the same ol' debates about what is acceptable for Roberts is driving me crazy.

This is what Peter said when he nixed the deal. Question is, will he say it again?

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I think we need to keep Brian, because if we trade him we will have a young tandemin the middle of the infield. That would be bad for our young pitchers.

I don't entirely understand this last post so I think I need to go to bed

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I'm not arguing that his trade value MAY be highest right now, and will be lower next offseason because of the contract, but it MAY also go higher at the trade deadline or sooner, depending on contender's needs, it's impossible to guess.

Comparing Roberts to Giles and implying that he could have a bad season and be non-tendered is talking him down.

If the best package we are being offered right now is for Cedeno/Marshall/Gallagher, there is a very good chance that we can get more during the season. That isn't like it is a Pie/Muron/Vitters package.

Hey man we're talking about what MAY happen. You are, I am, and others are.

Roberts' value MAY creep up a bit. It may stay relatively stable. It also may tank, a la Giles.

I'm not bashing him Roberts any more than you're pimping him... and I don't consider what you're saying pimping him. I'm just revealing the opposite side of your coin, so to speak.

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Count me as someone who disputes the premise of this thread - that Roberts MUST go. If the right deal comes along, sure, trade him. But there's no "must" here.

Are you in the "extend him" camp or the "two compensatory draft picks" camp?

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I don't really agree with that at all. The package the Cubs are offering his probably better than what the Tigers gave up for Renteria, who plays a much more valuable position. I'd say that if anything, they'd be giving up too much for Roberts. In fact, I think that's the case.


Roberts is a perfect fit for the Cubs. That is pretty clear, as is the Cubs' interest. Your many posts make it pretty clear to me that you'd like to see Roberts in a Cub uniform yourself.

The Cubs have tried paying next to nothing for him. The Cubs have pretty much given up on Cedeno becoming a starting major leaguer. Why should the Orioles think any differently? Patterson's defense at 2B is very poor and the Cubs plan to try him at CF in the minors to see if they can find a position he can play. I've never quite understood why the Cubs are so down on Murton, but they are. The Scott and Jones acquisitions make Murton less valuable to the Orioles. Gallagher may be a good prospect, assuming he can get his command under control, but he is certainly no sure thing. Marshall is a journeyman. No combination of 3 of those guys makes any sense for Roberts. Why would the Orioles want such a package? There is just no headliner to the deal. As they used to say in the old commercials... "Where's the beef?"

Even with Miller's health questions, a Miller-topped package from Cleveland is far more intriguing than what the Cubs have been rumored to be offering. Hill, Marmol, and Pie are the interesting Cubs. Without one of those names in the package, I'm not seeing McPhail trading Roberts to the Cubs. I can definitely see Seattle as a potential trade partner for Roberts as well. Maybe Lopez and Clement? I personally think that Colorado is a strong possibility to have interest in Roberts at the deadline after their other 2B options don't pan out. I've heard the White Sox are interested in Roberts, too, but I'm not sure that they can put a package together that would work. A lot of possibilities. But, really, keeping Roberts is a decent option for the Orioles. I believe that Roberts will be willing to negotiate a contract extension, wherever he ends up.

Roberts is in the top handful of lead-off men in the big leagues and an above average defensive 2B. He commands a good return. A #4 outfielder, a 4-A infielder and a prospect pitcher just doesn't cut it.

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Last I heard, we had 2 years to worry about those issues. That's why there's no "must" here.

Personally, if I were in your shoes I would pull the trigger on any deal that I thought was a better return than what you could likely get with those two draft picks. Unless you could get him to extend for 3 years or less, I'd say trade him or let him walk.

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Hey man we're talking about what MAY happen. You are, I am, and others are.

Roberts' value MAY creep up a bit. It may stay relatively stable. It also may tank, a la Giles.

I'm not bashing him Roberts any more than you're pimping him... and I don't consider what you're saying pimping him. I'm just revealing the opposite side of your coin, so to speak.

Truce. Sorry, I may just be taking things a little personal tonight, long day. I know what you are saying, there are a lot of variables and any one of a few scenarios could happen. I just think that being 2 years away from him walking it isn't that pressing to trade him and worse things have happened than having an above average veteran 2B that is great in the community to help with the youngsters.

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