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MLB (Orioles) suspended indefinitely


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There has been a thread on this topic for about two weeks that was moved to the MLB forum.     It’s interesting to skim through it and see the changing attitudes over the last two weeks as the virus has spread.    At this point I think it’s likely MLB will either delay the start of the season, or play without fans in the stands.   


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5 minutes ago, Frobby said:

There has been a thread on this topic for about two weeks that was moved to the MLB forum.     It’s interesting to skim through it and see the changing attitudes over the last two weeks as the virus has spread.    At this point I think it’s likely MLB will either delay the start of the season, or play without fans in the stands.   


Rumor is May 1st start ,with free exhibitions games in the cities to get in shape but all subject to change. Things keep changing every day and finally got top people to admit to things that were know weeks ago. 


Vice President Pence on Thursday confirmed that the coronavirus is more lethal than the flu and predicted that the United States can expect “thousands of more cases.”



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As soon as a single player tests positive (and they will) they have to basically delay everything.  COVID 19 is especially contagious and spreads easily on surfaces (until weather warms up and that manner of transmission will lessen).  People can be contagious without being symptomatic so if a player gets it their entire team now has to be evaluated.

Sports teams, even if playing in empty stadiums, travelling from city to city are an especially easy way to transmit the virus.  To illustrate, Rudy Gobert, who tested positive and plays for the Utah Jazz has played in 5 cities in the last week. The teams, and players he played against, have played 15 teams in 10 cities over that same span.

And while there are large swaths of the population that are insulated (it doesnt tend to effect young people) and people under 60 who are not otherwise compromised will most likely be fine, they could still be contagious and threaten transmission to at risk populations.

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Baseball, at least for April, is in serious jeopardy.  There is no chance the schedule is played in full, with fans.  Where things stand a month from now will determine the rest.  The NBA is out.  The NHL will make the same announcement today.  I have serious doubts the NCAA tournament will still happen.  Everything is shutting down.  MLB will follow.

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32 minutes ago, UpstateNYfan said:

The unfortunate truth is that if extreme measures are taken that results in control of the virus many will say, "See, it was a hoax". On the other hand, if extreme measures are not taken and this explodes will say "Should have". This is unknown territory and best practices are needed until more is learned. For those who believe this is a hoax, keep in mind Italy shut down. This is not an American political hoax, it is a global health issue that will likely have two cycles before it is totally contained.

I think they are buying time to save the older generation so they can develop a vaccine. I dont think containment is possible at this point. Just slowing it down is the main goal. 

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11 minutes ago, Camden_yardbird said:

As soon as a single player tests positive (and they will) they have to basically delay everything.  COVID 19 is especially contagious and spreads easily on surfaces (until weather warms up and that manner of transmission will lessen).  People can be contagious without being symptomatic so if a player gets it their entire team now has to be evaluated.

Sports teams, even if playing in empty stadiums, travelling from city to city are an especially easy way to transmit the virus.  To illustrate, Rudy Gobert, who tested positive and plays for the Utah Jazz has played in 5 cities in the last week. The teams, and players he played against, have played 15 teams in 10 cities over that same span.

And while there are large swaths of the population that are insulated (it doesnt tend to effect young people) and people under 60 who are not otherwise compromised will most likely be fine, they could still be contagious and threaten transmission to at risk populations.

That is why they shut down a game in progress. The referee for the game in progress had just got done refereeing a game for the Jazz.  

I have to say as bad as I thought this was going to be I didn't think things would be all shutdown this quickly.  In the end sports are just a distraction from every day life and I hope everyone on the board stays healthy and we get through this.  


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3 minutes ago, jabba72 said:

I think they are buying time to save the older generation so they can develop a vaccine. I dont think containment is possible at this point. Just slowing it down is the main goal. 

Also as 15 percent of people need ventilators to recover they would overwhelm the healthcare system if everyone got sick at once.  In Italy they are already doing triage that if you are over a certain age and need ICU you aren't going to get it. 

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I really feel sorry for the people getting laid off  from ports,restaurants, catering places,travel agencies,etc. Small businesses will be hurt for awhile. The entertainment tax that cities get from events held will also be down. Bumpy few weeks at least. 

Also again ,please remember to ask an elderly neighbor if they need anything from the store. Some might not want to go out right now .Community helpfulness, not community spread.

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4 minutes ago, Going Underground said:

I really feel sorry for the people getting laid off  from ports,restaurants, catering places,travel agencies,etc. Small businesses will be hurt for awhile. The entertainment tax that cities get from events held will also be down. Bumpy few weeks at least. 

Also again ,please remember to ask an elderly neighbor if they need anything from the store. Some might not want to go out right now .Community helpfulness, not community spread.

Just wait until the back inventory of goods from China dries up.  Even when they get the factories back up to speed, they are going to have to deal with a huge transportation bottleneck.

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21 minutes ago, jabba72 said:

I think they are buying time to save the older generation so they can develop a vaccine. I dont think containment is possible at this point. Just slowing it down is the main goal. 

Well only about 42% of the US adult population takes the flu shot. That has killed tens of thousands this year. We shall see if more people take the flu shot next year and if a new vaccine comes out in March 2021 or so for this virus.

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