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Jordan Lyles 2022

Il BuonO

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I said earlier, don't pick up his option and see if he's available and fits at a lower price. Now, I will not be disappointed (at all) if his option is picked up. You can never have to much pitching - he has been worth the cost this year and them some - and the Orioles have the money to spend so that a few million extra for Lyles next year should not preclude other more substanitive investments in pitching particulary.

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2 minutes ago, Too Tall said:

I said earlier, don't pick up his option and see if he's available and fits at a lower price. Now, I will not be disappointed (at all) if his option is picked up. You can never have to much pitching - he has been worth the cost this year and them some - and the Orioles have the money to spend so that a few million extra for Lyles next year should not preclude other more substanitive investments in pitching particulary.

Picking up his option tells me they’re not serious about upgrading the SP in the off-season. I would be disappointed for that reason. 

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I would pick up the Lyles option and not think twice about it. They guy he done everything they could have hoped for this year and they’ll need him next year for the same purpose. Maybe (hopefully) not as urgently, but the need for innings will still be there. 

Everyone keeps listing Wells among the rotation for next year; I’m not so sure we should be counting on that.  Two shoulder inflammation type injuries this year. If it were me I’d move Wells back to the BP. Wells/Tate/Perez/Bautista backend there is pretty damn good.   Rotation can be Bradish/Kremer/Rodriguez/Lyles/FA with Hall on the wings. 

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Just now, Bahama O's Fan said:

What reliable starters are on the roster now if we hope to contend for the division? You need about eight.

That's the thing. I'm surprised at the confidence people here have in Kremer and Bradish being able to maintain their 2022 growth, in a yet-untested Grayson, and a successful return by Means.

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23 hours ago, emmett16 said:

I really like Jordan Lyles.  His post game interviews are great and you can tell he’s a genuinely good guy.  When he throws like he has tonight you almost think about re-signing him.  I’ve had that brief thought a few times this year, but then you look at the big picture stats and there is just no way we can have him on our roster if we are really trying to win.  The kids  saw what a pro looks like, now they need to see what  a proven winner is like to lead your group. I hope Lyles’s can parlay this season into a nice pay day.  He will def have his spot in orioles lore when thinking about us exciting and gritty 2022 team. 

I'm a big fan of Lyles as well. And yes, I always look forward to his honest & candid post-game interviews. 

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On 9/30/2022 at 9:54 AM, Just Regular said:

No random rainfall Monday night is going to stop us maximizing his innings.

Looks like he is being tabbed on short rest to be the SP1 Aaron Judge faces resting on 61 HR.

This also opens opportunity for him to pitch Game 162 Wednesday, which it seems like we would do because of course we would.

I wonder which direction Grayson Rodriguez pointed his car or flight now that Tides year is over.    Meoli in his newsletter today said he spoke with Buck Britton the other day as Buck was driving home, so believe all team-related exit steps completed by now.

It sounds like Hyde is deferring to Lyles about starting Wednesday. And with it being Lyles' decision, we know the answer will be a resounding "yes."

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Why do folks believe he will be the same pitcher in 2023 that he was in 2022?

How would his role change in 2023 if a true ToR SP is signed?

While he might provide value in 2023 at $10M, do you want to pay that much for a 4th or 5th SP? It is my belief that you will need 3, or preferably 4 SPs better that 2022 Jordan Lyles to legitimately compete in the AL East.

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I don't really get the "if they bring Lyles back, that means they don't care about contending" stuff. You need more than 5 starters on hand because rotation injuries and underperformance are virtually guaranteed to occur over the course of 162 games. The Orioles could bring Lyles back and still sign/trade for a TOR type SP, and head into 2023 with a rotation of the trade/FA guy, Lyles, GrayRod, and 2 of Hall, Kremer, Wells, Bradish, etc. 

I panned his signing mercilessly at the time but he has largely proven me wrong this year, so as long as they also add a legitimate high end SP via trade or free agency to anchor the top of the rotation, I would be pretty okay with exercising his option to be the veteran innings eater in the 4th or 5th starter role next year. 

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