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Report - Teixera signs with Yankees


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I've been a diehard O's fan since the early 1970s, and this really hits hard. I know, logically, he wasn't worth the money, he couldn't take the mound every fifth day where we REALLY need help, and every other good, solid, reasonable explanation for why we're better off without Tex. But it still really REALLY sucks - and, like Mussina, did he have to go to the MFYs?!?!?!? :cussing:

I'm trying to remember any other offseason move that was this painful in my nearly 40 years of pulling for this team, and nothing is coming to mind. Maybe letting Davey Johnson go... :angryfire:

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I would have put 8/184 on the table and made him say no to his childhood team and more money.

Oh really?

I am also in that 8/160 crowd.

I too would prefer a shorter contract and more money....6/140ish type deal would be preferred but 8/160 is something I could live with.

It would be awfully hard for me to go more than that though.


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Ugh! I'm bummed...

Oh well...we now have money to lock up BRob & Markakis and we can now look to Adam Dunn as a viable option and spend some money on pitching.

In no way shape or form should anyone have any confidence that this team will offer these two players a contract worthy of their contribution. They will low ball them and they will walk. We better get used to drafting early in June because every year we are going to be bottom feeders if we can't pay guys.

At some point we are going to have to pony up. Relying on Wieters, Matusz, Tillman, and Arrieta is just stupid. We need to supplement that talent with proven winners. The little bit of confidence I've had in the new plan is dwindling... mainly because we are in a division where other teams develop, retain, and acquire talent better than us.

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Well, I'm disappointed. There's not much else you can say. Same ol' same ol'.

Agree. Extreme disappointment, but classic NY... reminds me (again) of the Meatballs movie:

And even if we win, if we win, HAH! Even if we win! Even if we play so far above our heads that our noses bleed for a week to ten days; even if God in Heaven above comes down and points his hand at our side of the field; even if every man woman and child held hands together and prayed for us to win, it just wouldn't matter because all the really good looking girls would still go out with the guys from Mohawk (NY) because they've got all the money! It just doesn't matter if we win or we lose. IT JUST DOESN'T MATTER!

Now, can we go after Dunn and 2 pitchers?

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Everyone is angry, and I can see why. But if you look at some career numbers they basically signed a very expensive Aubrey Huff.

I know Tex is younger, and higher ceiling but the numbers do not lie. Not to mention Huff just started working out in the offseason last year.

THANK YOU!!! Fans chill out ok. Tex woulda been awesome for this city yes. But look at it this way, he has never been an ELITE player. and the man just got paid above ELITE money. Am I mad at AM and PA? YES!!! am i devastated? NO!! We have some amazing talent in a lot of key positions and I do believe you will see some major trades and pick ups coming now that the market will open up.

I hope McPhail doesnt let us down again cause this city cannot take it anymore. But I have to believe there is a bigger plan in place and we will make a push and a major bid for the other elite prospects and FAs out there.

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I for one am glad that this is overwith. Texeira went for the money and the fastest way to get a ring. But Tex, ya better talk to yer friend Mike Mussina and ask him. "How many world series rings do you have?" "Ummm. none." Sabbathia, Texeira, Burnett. Won't help you guys. Your still a third place team behind the Rays and the Red Sox. Team of stars don't get ya there. The Brewers blew out Sabbathia's arm. Burnett will just pitch half a season if that. Time for Brian Roberts to Go. Time for Aubrey Huff to go. Get Zaun, get one of the Japanese pitchers. Don't waste your time on Looper or Redding. They give us nothing. Work with Penn, Patton, Olson and Liz. Try and trade for Pie. Sherrill and Scott trade em. Lets grow our team like the Rays then make some smart pickups. Lets trade some of 2nd tier pitching prospects for some positional talent. Don't waste our time on Dunn or Burrell. If you want Blaylock that's ok cause he's still 29 and can play 1st or 3rd. I'm done.

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This is no longer a competitive sport.

Really? I could have sworn the team with the lowest payroll won the AL East and made it to the world series last season. Must have been a dream...

Seriously this is thread best example of knee jerk reaction that I have ever seen.

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