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CBSSports: Hardy & Harris for Hoey & Jacobson a done deal


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You should reread my post instead of picking and choosing your parts for your narrative.

It was about perspective.

I said we made good trades. And we got better as a team but not compared to our rivals. So better yes...Crawford AGon better this did not happen.

You really want to do the MacPhail draft and development argument in relation to Tampa, Toronto, Boston, even NY?

Where has MacPhail excelled in even one realm here. We pick at the top of each draft. And that's an accomplishment that our top 5 picks are good?

He didn't draft Wieters...so development...is Wieters as good as Posey now?

I love Wieters. I think he's awesome. And he's going to be an all star. But did MacPhail's development team do a good job in the minors of identifying his slow motion swing? Nope.

Matusz is awesome because he's supposed to be in that position.

We've been outspent by the Red Sox by $4 million in the draft since 2008. They pick at the backend of the draft and then go after true overslot picks.

We don't have an international player development program that is even worth boasting about.

So to my point.

We won the Reynolds and Hardy trades. And that made our team better. But winning second tier trades won't build us into a perennial winner.

We need a serious game changing addition to this team. And that's not Derrek Lee or Mark Reynolds or Hardy.

I'm sorry but this logic makes no sense. You give MacPhail blame for not developing Wieters (supposedly about a "sure thing" as there is, who he didn't even draft btw), but then don't give him credit for developing Matsuz (who was simliarly a "sure thing"). You can't have it both ways.

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What awesome news to wake up to. Hardy's got better D than Izturis from what I've heard and he's got pop in his bat. The left side of the infield has heavily improved in just a week. Interested in seeing how MacPhail plans to handle the 1B/DH/LF situation. Anyhow what a nice start so far.

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Here's the thing, we can't always focus on what the Red Sox and Yankees are doing because honestly it will just lead to depression. All we can do is look at our team and see that its better than it was at the end of last season. We're one power hitting first baseman away from having a realistically great off season.

I agree with this. You can't control the weather. Let's get our team to the point where it is legitimately above average and then worry about how we get to the next level. Personally, as I said elsewhere, I think it only happens if and when a couple of our younger players become legitimate stars rather than nice complementary pieces.

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We added around 8.5-9 million on our payroll...there is your reason this trade is done.

That and Jacobson has some upside of being a ML reliever.

So, the Twins saved a little extra money to be able to sign Nishioki and a reliever or 2.

The Twins aren't stupid...They made this trade for a reason.

This is the second consecutive offseason where AM has used other team's lack of payroll flexibility to our advantage.

Kudos on the move, AM.

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AM just killed two birds with no stones.

The Twins board says it all...

Worst trade in Twins' history?

I think that’s arguable.


I don't think we will even have to wait as long as the Santana trade to know it is.

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As a fan in Milwaukee, who loves the O's, I really like this deal.

JJ is a good teammate, a good guy and a good public relations guy, meaning, he does well with the fans, especially the kids.

My son has a Brewers "Hardy" jersey and on hearing this news, wants to be the only kid in Wisco with a O's "Hardy " jersey under the tree. Don't think I can make that happen that quick, but it will happen.

Now, finish this baby up with LaRoche:D

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Here's the thing, we can't always focus on what the Red Sox and Yankees are doing because honestly it will just lead to depression. All we can do is look at our team and see that its better than it was at the end of last season. We're one power hitting first baseman away from having a realistically great off season.

Thanks for saying this Tony. This is exactly correct. The O's can't and shouldn't react to what other teams in their division are doing but rather just focus on improving the O's. Which it appears AM has done.

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What awesome news to wake up to. Hardy's got better D than Izturis from what I've heard and he's got pop in his bat.

I think it's debatable if Hardy is better on defense. UZR says so, but I need to see the man play for a couple of months. The Fielding Bible voters aren't as impressed with Hardy as UZR seems to be, and we all saw that Izturis was very, very good.

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I think as TB and Minnesota got closer to having to offer contract numbers to the two guys they started feeling the pressure a little more. After AM walked and TB caved with a really horrendous deal sending Bartlett to SD, the Twins didn't have much leverage. Yes, Pittsburgh was nominally involved, but I don't think they were serious. They don't have much payroll room. Taking Harris also helps because he was completely unneeded and gives them an extra buck 75 to play with.

I think that could be a pretty good wrap on how things went down. Sounds plausible to me.

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As a fan in Milwaukee, who loves the O's, I really like this deal.

JJ is a good teammate, a good guy and a good public relations guy, meaning, he does well with the fans, especially the kids.

My son has a Brewers "Hardy" jersey and on hearing this news, wants to be the only kid in Wisco with a O's "Hardy " jersey under the tree. Don't think I can make that happen that quick, but it will happen.

Now, finish this baby up with LaRoche:D

Cool, knew Hardy was a good talent but I like hearing good things about Hardy the man. I can't believe we got him for Jim Hoey and Brett Jacobson honestly.

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