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Larry Bigbie is a MAJOR RAT!


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The only mention of Brian Roberts is by Larry Bigbie. He claims that he introduced Roberts and Segui to Radomski and that Segui purchased something from Radomski after that meeting but Roberts was not present. He later says that in 2003 Roberts admitted to him that he had injected himself "a couple of times." He said that he did not suspect Roberts before that. NO mentions of Roberts other than this hearsay by Bigbie!

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The only mention of Brian Roberts is by Larry Bigbie. He claims that he introduced Roberts and Segui to Radomski and that Segui purchased something from Radomski after that meeting but Roberts was not present. He later says that in 2003 Roberts admitted to him that he had injected himself "a couple of times." He said that he did not suspect Roberts before that. NO mentions of Roberts other than this hearsay by Bigbie!

You know that Bigbie introducing BR and Segui to Radmomski isn't hearsay.

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You know that Bigbie introducing BR and Segui to Radmomski isn't hearsay.

It is not hearsay that Roberts met Radomski. That doesn't prove he bought anything. Why didn't Radomski mention Roberts if he was squealing like a pig and Roberts had bought something from him? The only mentions of Roberts are by Bigbie and DO NOT provide any concrete evidence. That doesn't prove he didn't do anything, but it doesn't prove he did either.

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Very interesting, and ironically enough I just saw Larry Bigbie the other night. We have some mutual friends, and we had a few drinks together while we were out.

I even brought up the Mitchell Report, but he didn't have much to say about it and changed the subjct quickly. I wonder if this is why...

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1. Unverified information heard or received from another; rumor.

2. Law Evidence based on the reports of others rather than the personal knowledge of a witness and therefore generally not admissible as testimony.

The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition

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Very interesting, and ironically enough I just saw Larry Bigbie the other night. We have some mutual friends, and we had a few drinks together while we were out.

I ever brought up the Mitchell Report, but he didn't have much to say about it and changed the subjct quickly. I wonder if this is why...

Um, ya think?!

Honestly, it is highly irresponsible to see Roberts named in here with so little evidence (actually none). All my suspicions about Mitchell's unscrupulousness have been confirmed. They obviously tried to find who Roberts got stuff from and couldn't, or they would have included that information. Bigbie may very well have been telling the truth, but there is simply no proof of that.

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