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vs. WHITE SOX 6/23


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Right, but some people are who they are. I guess I just don't let them get under my skin. I use the power of ignoring and shunning. :D

I use the power of leaving the game thread.

I am just curious to see if the power of red pips has an impact, because I miss the rest of you.

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It is virtually impossible to hit better than everyone else with RISP yet score less runs than them. I would think this is perception bias.

You could be right. Perhaps its just this team has maddening AB's sometimes and over time my memory magnifies it out of proportion.

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It is virtually impossible to hit better than everyone else with RISP yet score less runs than them. I would think this is perception bias.

I can mathematically prove it, but I'd have to be straight and sober. And have a lot of scratch paper... and a calculator...

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People can literally be provided the statistics and still conclude the wrong things based on what their eyes have seen recently. I mean openly claim just wrong stuff with confidence. It is quite amazing.

We can't always spend 2+ hours to prove our points ;)

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Hold them at 4 and we win this thing.

They have scored more than 4 runs at home in just 2 of their last 12 games, not including tonight. But it seems like it has to get better at some point. It has to if this team wants to go anywhere.

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If you guys seriously watched that 6th inning conclude and just said, "AW, SHUCKS" then God bless you.

In lieu of screaming at the television or cussing loudly, I try to channel my frustrations through here. Apologies to those of you that are too cool for school, but I'd rather offend you than my wife. ;)

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