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O's Offer Girardi Job


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The only problem I have with Johnson is that he is 64 years old. Let's say we rebuild. All the fruits of those trades may not fully bloom for 3 years. He will be 67 years old, then. Is his passion for the game going to be strong at 67. He was a smoker and heavy drinker. What will his health be like at 67 years old? Not trying to be cold. 10 years ago he was great. He may still be great but for how long. Davey has never been the model of health, although I hear he is doing much better in recent years. He was simply amazing every stop of his career but I just am not sure if hiring Johnson accomplishes what we hope it will.

You think they blast us now. Wait until we hire the 64 year old Johnson who we essentially booted out the door 10 years ago and neither Johnson nor the Orioles have been relevant ever since. Check the headlines on that.

And I love Davey Johnson. I've always been an Orioles fan and I had season tickets to the 1985 and 1986 Mets and loved what Davey did with those teams. I personally think Davey Johnson is a Hall of Fame manager. And he loves to utilize platoons. Will he take a rebuilding scenario though?

Girardi can be here for 10 years if he is successful.

Many, if not most, managers become shadows of their former selves in their later years. Earl did crazy stuff like batting slow, sub-.300 OBP Juan Bonilla leadoff. Sparky Anderson stuck with a whole season of Mike Moore and a 7.53 ERA.

The game changes, and after 10 or 20 years most managers are still doing what made them successful in another era, while the younger guys are all figuring out things to defeat the 20 year old strategies.

This isn't a universal thing, but I think I want Girardi over Davey at this point with this team.

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I must say all i care about is rebuilding...At this point, i don't care who the manager is.

I just want whoever the manager is to be on board with a rebuilding effort.

Well, Girardi would seem to fit that profile as well as anyone. My only apprehension with Trembley is that I would like to see someone from outside the organization who can come in with a completely fresh look at things.

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It's very weak....if you are 20 miles outside Towson then you won't get it

WNST is required to turn their signal down I believe at 5:00. I think it has something to do with emergency broadcasting. I asked Terry Ford this once and that's what he told me, I don't remember the exact reason though.

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According to the updated Sun article, Rick Dempsey could be interviewed today.:eek:

Also, they may not need to interview a minority candidate.....

Major League Baseball rules stipulate that when hiring in key positions, such as general manager, assistant general manager and field manager, minority candidates have to be considered. But if the Orioles communicate to the commissioner's office that Girardi is the man they want and interviewing a minority would be done only to satisfy the rule, they may not be required to do so.


Then why have the rule at all? I don't think it's that simple. Reagrdless, IMO, the talk about the "process" means we are going to interview a minority candidate.

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Then why have the rule at all? I don't think it's that simple. Reagrdless, IMO, the talk about the "process" means we are going to interview a minority candidate.

Bud Selig plays Calvinball when it's convienent - sometimes he just makes it up as he goes. Minority hiring rule... good when the spotlight is on MLB's hiring practices, can be set aside when no one's looking too hard. Loans to your cronies in MLB... sure that's explicity illegal to eliminate conflicts of interest and syndicate ownership, well, except when it's not. Lots of examples of this. When you're a self-policing monopoly you have to answer to almost no one.

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The minority rule is stupid IMO.

You should interview the candidates you want whether they are black, white, asian, indian or whatever.

By interviewing a guy like Baylor, all you are doing is wasting his and your time.

And exposing the whole thing as a sham. If they're trying to prove they are open minded and unbiased how does it look when 90% of managerial hirings involve turning down the minority candidate because he wasn't really on your radar but was only invited as a check in the box?

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If Dempsey becomes the manager, I think I will literally flip out and go crazy with rage and anger, and maybe not watch the Orioles again until he's gone. The guy is not smart, which he proves every time he opens his mouth on the Orioles telecasts. I'm sure he's a great guy, and maybe at least decent as a coach, but there is ZERO way he should ever manage any team.

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And exposing the whole thing as a sham. If they're trying to prove they are open minded and unbiased how does it look when 90% of managerial hirings involve turning down the minority candidate because he wasn't really on your radar but was only invited as a check in the box?

Right...I know most of the minorities feel this rule should be there but if i were them, i would look at it as a slap in the face more than anything.

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Some things to consider in evaluating Guthrie.

1. He lost some time due to the fact that he did mission work.

2. While his K rate is maybe not as high as you would like, his stuff suggests that his K rate should be higher. This is possibly a product of him concentrating on learning how to pitch and throwing strikes versus trying to strike everyone out.

3. We got rid of a late-bloomer a number of years ago who didn't have much of a k-rate--Jamie Moyer.

4. Though Guthrie's stuff isn't as good, Verlander is a guy who comes to mind who had a seemingly abnormally low k rate for his stuff last year. His k rate is now improving, but still isn't what you would expect for someone with his stuff.

5. Guys with k-rates similar to Guthrie who are pretty good.

Buerhle - 5.86

Halladay - 5.90

Blanton - 6.09

There is a lot of value in sabremetrics but everyone needs to understand its limitations. Last year the sabermetricians said that the Nationals were fools for trading Brad Wilkerson for Alfonso Soriano. I saw more than one article saying that they might end up with roughly identical statistics. How did that work out?

There were numerous sabremetricians that were all set to write-off Jose Reyes early in his career. I have heard for a couple of years now that Wang can't keep it up in NY because his K rate is too low. J.D. Drew has made millions of dollars because he is such a favorite of sabermetricians.


In short... FANTASTIC post. Your rep points have been AWARDED!!

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And exposing the whole thing as a sham. If they're trying to prove they are open minded and unbiased how does it look when 90% of managerial hirings involve turning down the minority candidate because he wasn't really on your radar but was only invited as a check in the box?

And then you have the Rangers hiring Washington, a guy most people had never heard of. Teams will hire who they want to hire, period. I understand the spirit of the rule, but like many affirmative-action programs, I think its necessity has passed.

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I just don't think he is the best option.

I like Davey Johnson more...And i really think i prefer Trembley to finish out the year, see how he does and go from there.

I am not opposed to Girardi at all but i would prefer another direction. Some things i have heard about Girardi really make me question him.

I'm leaning towards that as well. Although I would not be upset with Girardi being named manager, I like a lot of what I'm hearing from Trembley. He wants things done right and although I'll reserve complete judgement on his in-game managing abilities once I see how he manages his bullpen, lineup and pinch hitting situations, I'm not sure it's such a bad idea to ride out the rest of the season with him and see where we are at the end of the season.

I'm not convinced Girardi really wants to be here and I really don't blame him to tell you the truth. Hopefully McPhail will change that feeling around baseball.

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