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How is it funny? In today's Sun he specifically said that he doesn't want Bergesen up here because he thinks he's not ready. Do you think MacPhail would promote Bergesen if Trembley didn't want him to?

Absolutely. And in the end, Trembley would know that MacPhail has seen Bergesen a lot more than he has.

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What more do you want from Trembley? When he sees players making mistakes, he addresses the issue with the player. If the player continues, what do you want him do? Take them out back and give them a good spanking?

Actually, yes.

If you preach accountability, then shouldn't you hold players accountable?

I understand the idea of not wanting to embarrass players, but if they keep doing the same things that hurt the team, then maybe a little embarrassment would do some good.

I don't want to see Trembley replaced, but I can see where most people are coming from on both sides of the issue.

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Well this team isn't going to lose 100 games so the Trembley stuff is surprising. IMO, AM needs to be focused on what players are one the field, the coaching staff isn't the biggest weakness.

Yep, the pundits said this team was going to rival the 1988 team!

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If Trembley didn't stress fundamentals as much as he does, I almost guarantee you that this team would look like a little league team. He's practically pulling the vets around by the ears as best he can, but as I said old dogs/new tricks. And the young guys look pretty darn sharp. What the hell else do you expect out of a guy? Especially in the first year of an actual rebuild.

If this happened, it would seriously put a dent in my respect for MacPhail's vision. It sounds like he has a Girardi man crush, when he could very possibly have a jewel in the rough situation already.

What's the point of stressing fundamentals if you don't actually get results? At some point you have to measure a coaches effectiveness by results, not by what he says in press conferences.

I expect him to have the guts to bench vets who are playing poorly in favor of someone else on his roster. Quiroz for Ramon comes to mind. Salazar for Mora or Millar was another possibility when Salazar was with the team. Give the younger guys a chance to show what they can do and make the vets work their butts off to get back into their starting role. But other than at shortstop (where we have no old, underperforming vets with sparkling personalities...) we haven't seen this at all from Trem.

I also expect him to eventually get irritated enough by baserunning mistakes that most little league players wouldn't make, from 30 - 35 year old vets who've been playing baseball for nearly two decades, to actually do something about it.

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What's the point of stressing fundamentals if you don't actually get results? At some point you have to measure a coaches effectiveness by results, not by what he says in press conferences.

I expect him to have the guts to bench vets who are playing poorly in favor of someone else on his roster. Quiroz for Ramon comes to mind. Salazar for Mora or Millar was another possibility when Salazar was with the team.

I also expect him to eventually get irritated enough by baserunning mistakes that most little league players wouldn't make, from 30 - 35 year old vets who've been playing baseball for nearly two decades, to actually do something about it.

We are trying to shop most of these guys. I'm sure Trembley would love to bench Ramon but it ain't happening.

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What's the point of stressing fundamentals if you don't actually get results? At some point you have to measure a coaches effectiveness by results, not by what he says in press conferences.

I expect him to have the guts to bench vets who are playing poorly in favor of someone else on his roster. Quiroz for Ramon comes to mind. Salazar for Mora or Millar was another possibility when Salazar was with the team.

I also expect him to eventually get irritated enough by baserunning mistakes that most little league players wouldn't make, from 30 - 35 year old vets who've been playing baseball for nearly two decades, to actually do something about it.

Okay, once again...if you're gonna bench the "vets" for doing stupid things, then also put Markakis on the list, as well as BRob. His stolen base percentage has not been great this year, and he has gotten picked off too many times to think about. You gotta be fair with your critisism and punishment, it cant just be to the guys you dont like.

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Seriously, if we go back after Girardi because he gets fired, I think I might get sick. It just seems...wrong.

Yeah, get rid of a guy who got more out of a team than was expected, to go after a guy who was fired (in the scenario we are talking about) for getting less out of a team than was expected. No way do I see that happening.

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What's the point of stressing fundamentals if you don't actually get results? At some point you have to measure a coaches effectiveness by results, not by what he says in press conferences.

I expect him to have the guts to bench vets who are playing poorly in favor of someone else on his roster. Quiroz for Ramon comes to mind. Salazar for Mora or Millar was another possibility when Salazar was with the team.

I also expect him to eventually get irritated enough by baserunning mistakes that most little league players wouldn't make, from 30 - 35 year old vets who've been playing baseball for nearly two decades, to actually do something about it.

From the Washington Post:

Part of the newfound fun is based in more work, more structure and more emphasis on fundamentals than the Orioles have had in years. Once in each homestand, the Orioles come early for pitcher fielding practice on one day and bunting practice on another. Few teams do this after March. Trembley has also instituted infield practice before the first game of each homestand and road trip, largely because it's such an old-time ego booster.

"In Anaheim, at 6:20, I told some fans, 'Stick around, you're going to get a treat, a big league team taking infield, like they all used to' " Trembley said. "We took a nice infield. Showtime, 40,000 watching us look like the Globetrotters. We won that night.'"

For years, one Orioles manager after another has complained, "The inmates run the asylum here." That's changed with MacPhail. Nobody goes over him to get the owner's ear. So, Trembley actually has authority. Fifteen minutes before the end of batting practice, he motions subtly with one hand to let his regulars know that they can come in early. Not one leaves the field until they see the little sign. Not since Earl Weaver?

Now, honestly - what else do you want Trembley to do? I know everyone wants us to just dump these players but that isn't going to happen as long as they have some sort of trade value. He can't belittle them in the press because that will impact MacPhail's ability to get rid of them also.

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What more do you want from Trembley? When he sees players making mistakes, he addresses the issue with the player. If the player continues, what do you want him do? Take them out back and give them a good spanking?

No your right. If they don't improve their play after a good talking to the best we can do is hold their hands and give them all the emotional support we can. These guys that play a game for multi-million dollar contracts are fragile and can't be pushed to hard lest they develop emotional problems that cripple them for life...

Managers who bench players or call them out in public for bad play and poor fundamentals are so barbaric. If a Stern Talking Too won't do the trick, then a coach has done all a civilized person can to address the problem.

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Really? So you like Bynum/Fahey at ss and Mora at third better than Hall, who would immediately take over the starting job at one of those two spots.

Bradford isn't going to get you a prospect much better than Hall, so IMO I'd take the ML ready guy over a lower level prospect.

In our rebuilding phase, I'd much rather have Fahey at SS playing solid defense, getting bunts down successfully whenever he has the opportunity and getting the occasional hit than a left side of the infield made up of Melvin Mora and a younger clone or old Melvin Mora (ie nowhere near as good as Mora in his prime). That would be an obscene number of errors gnawing at the psyche of our young pitchers as they try to develop. I don't care if we literally give up an automatic out every nine batters like you do if you don't have enough girls on your co-ed softball team, you need somebody at shortstop who can field the position respectably. Hall can't.

I don't dislike Hall per se. I'd be ok with having him as a utility guy if we didn't already have Mora on the team and he were cheap. I just don't see the point in trading Bradford for him, or taking on the financial obligation. I'd trade Bradford for a prospect. Otherwise, Bradford has more value to us than a redundant utility player who isn't that young, can't handle SS defensively, and is signed to a terrible contract. Perhaps most of the posters on this thread don't realize it, but he's owed $6.8 million next year and $8.4 in 2010, plus a buyout for 2011. Why on earth would we take on a contract like that?

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Well, apparently Scott Moore killed Trembley's dog, because between Trembley benching Moore when he said he'd play him, and then telling him he'd start the next 4 games, and he only started I think 2, I'm beginning to think Moore kicked his dog.

I'd much rather Moore getting PT at 3B and getting AB than Mora.

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Hall is just marginally better than Mora if at all IMO and he's due about 15 million over the next 2-3 years I believe...

And sure the rest of this year Hall would likely be better than Fahey but what about next year? I certainly dont want Hall starting at SS or 3B next year, that's for sure.

And any prospect under 25 with the upside of Scott Moore would be a better acquisition than Hall, so there's no reason to trade Bradford for Hall because he's the best player to get in return.

Can we not limit our view of Hall to this year? In the last 2 years he has an OPS of 835 and 899. One of those seasons included 35 dingers. Likely better than Fahey?!?! You are likely better than Fahey. Hall is a lock. Marignally better than Mora and his 703 OPS? Really? Can you find a 28 year old 3B with 2 800+ OPS seasons in the last 3 years coming off a 35 HR season who you could maybe get for an old, decent RP?

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Well, apparently Scott Moore killed Trembley's dog, because between Trembley benching Moore when he said he'd play him, and then telling him he'd start the next 4 games, and he only started I think 2, I'm beginning to think Moore kicked his dog.

I'd much rather Moore getting PT at 3B and getting AB than Mora.

Trembley loved that dog...

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From the Washington Post:

Now, honestly - what else do you want Trembley to do? I know everyone wants us to just dump these players but that isn't going to happen as long as they have some sort of trade value. He can't belittle them in the press because that will impact MacPhail's ability to get rid of them also.

Millar, Mora, Payton, Bynum, Luis Hernandez and Ramon Hernandez have trade value? Seriously? And letting them continually show how inept, incompetent or uninspired they are on television day after day improves their trade value how?

I want him to say in a press conference something to the tune of:

"I and my staff understand that the kinds of fundamental mistakes the team sometimes makes are absolutely inexcusable and we're doing everything in our power to address the issues."

And then I want him to hold someone accountable for those mistakes by doing what good coaches do - benching them or curtailing their playing time until they put in the work required to address the problem.

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