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The Teixeira Watch: Part IV


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Wow, I was up until almost 4am last night (west coast), and went to sleep thinking I'd wake up to see the detail sof a Tex signing- but instead the 1st thing I see is the tail end of a crawl on ESPN saying something about the Orioles being out of it.

Now I was BARELY awake mind you- but upon seeing that- threw off the comforter and jumped out of bed (freakin the hell out of my girlfriend btw)- and ran downstairs to turn my computer on and see what the hell happened.

Now at least I see it's just more speculation, but whooo. I really don't think what he says is true. NO way MacPhail comes in with his highest bid, no way. I don't believe that. I think this will end up being another move that make MacPhail looks like a shrewd negotiator and hopefully- fingers crossed- has us singing his praises for the mastermind he is.

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I could see Huff being a Type A free agent so the lack of interest in him isn't disheartening to me. With Roberts in the last year of his deal, we're going to have to drum up some competition for his services to approach what he's worth.

I don't think the situation is that bleak without tex. We have offensive options at 1st w/ Huff and Salazar can spell him there. He's no tex, but he's not a replacement player, either.

I say AM continues to search for quality starters at sensible contracts to shore up the rotation. Our offense for 2009 is going to be fine. In 2010, it's not looking so hot if we don't extend Roberts, et al.

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Wow, I was up until almost 4am last night (west coast), and went to sleep thinking I'd wake up to see the detail sof a Tex signing- but instead the 1st thing I see is the tail end of a crawl on ESPN saying something about the Orioles being out of it.

Now I was BARELY awake mind you- but upon seeing that- threw off the comforter and jumped out of bed (freakin the hell out of my girlfriend btw)- and ran downstairs to turn my computer on and see what the hell happened.

Now at least I see it's just more speculation, but whooo. I really don't think what he says is true. NO way MacPhail comes in with his highest bid, no way. I don't believe that. I think this will end up being another move that make MacPhail looks like a shrewd negotiator and hopefully- fingers crossed- has us singing his praises for the mastermind he is.

I think I speak for all of us when I say that we could've done without ALL the details of your morning. :rofl:

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If we lose Teixeira, there's no reason to ever believe this team will do what it takes to put a winning product on the field. MacPhail in my mind will remain the same. I put all the blame on Angelos's never ending list of disappointments.

I understand the frustration, but at what point do the dollars outweigh the product? I'm sorry, but spending north of 20 million is not only a huge risk, but pretty irresponsible, considering the Orioles are more than Mark Teixeira away from competing in the next 4 years.

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The hysteria on this board was, at one point, at least amusing. Now it is just a bit sad. So I'll do my best to step in and inject some reason...

1. Media

Most major media talking-heads do not to their own low-level reporting and investigation, they have their reports gathered for them. This is the type of news (free agent / trade negotiation process) where opinion can be sold as 'reporting' very easily - and you can be rest assured that Gammons, Olney, etc. are not ones to pass up the chance the hear themselves talk. If they are wrong, they can simple say "wow, x team swooped in at the last moment." No harm to their credibility. However, if they turn out being right - they can look like they knew all along.

2. Insiders

I have mentioned this before - but clearly this needs reinforcing. I am not disputing the fact that the OH insiders do in fact have legitimate sources - I believe that they do. However, we are at, the very least, the fourth stem in the grapevine (we'll make an assumption that Andy nor Angelos are not the sources, for reasons of obvious sanity), where; best case is:

Andy/PGA -> source -> insider -> OH

There is going to be a heavy time-skew and likely at least a mild amount of distortion when you are getting information fourth hand, and that is under the best case scenario. Getting insider information is fun and I am glad to have it on the board - but I think it is being relied on and given a worth far more than it is merited.

3. Negotiations

Let's rationalize who is part of the negotiations out of people in the Orioles organization with Boras? We can say that Andy and PGA are, at this point, certainly involved at varying levels. Who else? Perhaps an assistant or two? Fair enough. Now - how many people think that there is some sort of mass-email sent out to everyone in to FO providing hour by hour updates on negotiations? Incredibly unlikely.

Wake up.

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Personally I'm not all that high on signing Teixiera but if he signs elsewhere and it's confirmed the Orioles were outbid, that will be the worst PR hit this club has probably ever taken. And that's saying something when you think about the PR hits they've taken over the last 10 years or so. I think even some of the hard core fans will start to fall away then.

Not just outbid but never raising their initial offer. I am as hardcore a fan as they come and I'm not one to be irrational and spout hyperbole. I can honestly say that my enegry, time, emotions and money would no longer be spent on an Angelos owned Orioles team. I'm would never latch onto another team but would simply not concern myslef with MLB.

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IMO, that should be Plan B. Maybe even Plan A since the Tex Sweepstakes are getting out of hand.

I think that is also part of plan A, but plan A has subpoints and subpoint 1. is Tex.

I would count on some serious progress being made with Kakes, and a decision on Roberts coming soon. The problem being trading Roberts and losing out on Tex is not going to help how much we have to pay to keep Kakes, which will limit money we have to bring in help. Baseball management is so cyclical.

I would explore Sherrill to a few teams, I know the Mets could use a lefty out the pen. If we do lose out on Tex, might as well explore Huff too, get something for the guys we are going to lose anyway, and pay what it takes to keep the guys that want to stay.

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One thing that does bother me...if the O's are still alive, shouldn't they put something out there (I'm thinking Roch's blog) disputing the ESPN crawl? That concerns me!:o

Also, to chime in on Greg's question, IF we lose out on Tex, and IF we trade Roberts, how in the blue hell is the Orioles PR department going to market this team for the casual fan to come to the yard?

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