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Can someone tell me what Cowser needs to do better?


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8 minutes ago, RZNJ said:

Tom Shopay vs Ted Williams.   The self proclaimed OH comedian can’t tell a joke when he sees one.   Cowser looks awful.   That can’t be argued.  I’ve said repeatedly that you can’t ignore his track record and that eventually he’ll settle in.   The question is how much rope he has and if he can settle in before Hicks and Mullins come back and take away all of his AB’s.


I know you want to come off as the voice of reason here but it’s actually a small minority who think Cowser was never any good to begin with, has a bad swing, and is now being exposed as a mediocre talent.   I never disagreed with you.   Just your absurd comparison to Ted Williams.   I came back at the other end of the spectrum with Tom Shopay.   If you can’t get that joke then it’s at least time for another cup of coffee.

I agree he hasn’t looked good so far and feel that he’s been rushed. I think they should send him back down, mover Hays to CF and bring up Stowers. 

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7 hours ago, RZNJ said:

Haha.  Believe it or not, I was thinking the same thing.  Couldn’t watch tonight but I know he K’s 3 times.   Stop thinking and start swinging at strikes.

Honestly, Cole was spectacular last night against Cowser, right on the black with every pitch plus he got two pitches outside of the zone called twice.  So I’m not going to put those on Cowser.  The third strikeout was against one of the relievers and was more on Cowser than the other two.

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7 hours ago, RZNJ said:

Agree on everything you’ve said.  Good posts.  Yeah, he stunk to begin the season in Norfolk.   It’s tough to watch but everything says it should just be a matter of time before he settles in.

Just defending myself against Mr. Moose.   Does this sound like someone who has given up on Cowser and expects 1941 Ted Williams production from the getgo?   At the same time, he’s been disappointing for sure.   4 for 45 with no power at all.  There’s certainly nothing wrong with posters pointing that out and wondering why so bad.   He needs to adjust and pick it up.  Pretty simple.   Westburg isn’t lighting the world on fire but he’s holding his own for now.  Yeah, that’s what I was hoping with Cowser.   He was hitting .330 with a .990 OPS when he was called up and he wasn’t slumping so what he’s done to this point is both disappointing and unexpected despite the 3/30 start at Norfolk this year.

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I am going to go out on a limb and say he will wind up somewhere between Ted Williams and Tom Shopay...

In reality, the player I've heard him compared to a lot over the years is Nick Markakis.  I know we've cited Rutschman and Henderson's adjustments in this thread, but look back at Markakis' splits from his rookie year in 2006.  They looked like this:

April .182/.270/.288

May .254/.329/.338

Not good at all (though certainly better than July Cowser).  I remember lots of hand-wringing then as well.  Then Markakis went on a three-month tear through the end of August.

It will take time with Cowser, and it's just a matter of how painful it will be if it happens through a late-summer pennant race.  Without Mullins and Hicks, we don't have a ton of options.

As we review these adjustment periods for everyone, it's reinforced for me that calls for Kjerstad and Ortiz to jump-start our lineup may be unrealistic.  I would certainly have Ortiz up here in place of Mateo at this point, but I have to temper my expectations with all of these guys.

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2 minutes ago, Frobby said:

Honestly, Cole was spectacular last night against Cowser, right on the black with every pitch plus he got two pitches outside of the zone called twice.  So I’m not going to put those on Cowser.  The third strikeout was against one of the relievers and was more on Cowser than the other two.

I am in a blacked out market on mlb.tv.  Didn’t see last night.   He’s seeing much tougher pitching no doubt.  Unfortunately, that’s the new job description.

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7 hours ago, Moose Milligan said:

It’s like people here don’t learn.  I swear, 2.5 months ago people here were losing their minds because Gunnar Henderson didn’t start fast out of the gate. 

“He can’t hit ML pitching!”

”He can’t hit a breaking ball!”

”He’s only looking to take walks, he’s not aggressive enough!”

And on and on and on and on and on and on…

And then he figured it out. And now he’s a darling. 


And it’s been pointed out SEVERAL TIMES that he’s struggled when making the jump from one level to the next and that explanation isn’t good enough. As a matter of fact, the self proclaimed minor league expert can’t help himself by saying he’s hitting like Tom Shopay. 

No one learns! We just went through this with a highly touted prospect and here’s another one going through the exact same thing!  

And they did it with Markakis and Adley…but yet those same people also thought Travis Driskill was going to be a stud. People never learn.

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9 minutes ago, Roll Tide said:

I agree he hasn’t looked good so far and feel that he’s been rushed. I think they should send him back down, mover Hays to CF and bring up Stowers. 

I would stick with Cowser and cross my fingers that he snaps out of it soon.   Stowers for Cowser weakens the overall outfield defense and Stowers had his own struggles.  You never know though.  He could come up and provide an offensive spark.  Kjerstad as well.

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3 minutes ago, Sports Guy said:

And they did it with Markakis and Adley…but yet those same people also thought Travis Driskill was going to be a stud. People never learn.

This could be one of most ironic “People never learn” posts of all time.   Thank you, Mr. Kettle.

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I’d consider myself to be one of the stronger proponents of Cowser. I think he will be fine but admittedly (and knowing full well that he has shown at every new level that he takes time to adjust) I am hoping to see something click with him soon. This isn’t because I think that he stinks but because the O’s are in a fight for the division and playoffs and need production from every guy in their lineup. 

I’ve been critical of Jorge and even though he’s my second favorite player on the current team, I believe it’s time to move on from Jorge for the benefit of the team. So, while I am a strong supporter and believe in Cowser, I think having some concern is fair.

As many folks have mentioned, he just needs the ABs. How many ABs is not something that I can answer but he’s now facing the best pitchers in the world. Take whatever amounts of time his adjustment at each level of the minors required and add to it. There aren’t any Gerrit Coles in AA or AAA.

He’s going to be fine but I imagine that the O’s will figure out something when Hicks and/or Ced return from the IL.

If this were 2021 he would continue to play every game regardless of his production. He’s going to be fine but I don’t think that they’re going to put him in a position to fail or compromise their playoff/division title aspirations.

Did I mention that he’s going to be fine? 




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Some (maybe the most vociferous) seem to believe guys like Cowser, Westburg, Ortiz and others AAA numbers will translate to the O's without a hitch. That is extremely unlikely. Once they're up they preach patience, they will get it. That indeed may be true. But, the O's are in a position to win the division and cannot afford to have a learn on the job and see what happens. There are some "terrible???" players that somehow got the O's to their current 1st place position. I am not opposed to change, but I am opposed to having 1/3 of the lineup with on the job training in 2023. 2024, bring it on...162 games vs the remaining 60 gives more time for patience.

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1. I expect Cowser to be fine, he will adjust and produce eventually

2. That being said, the O's are in a playoff hunt, and need guys who can produce. I wouldn't be surprised to see Elias make a Kjerstad for Cowser swap once Mullins comes back. That's not to say Kjerstad will do any better than Cowser at the plate. But a playoff team needs players who produce and add value.

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18 minutes ago, AlbNYfan said:

Some (maybe the most vociferous) seem to believe guys like Cowser, Westburg, Ortiz and others AAA numbers will translate to the O's without a hitch. That is extremely unlikely. Once they're up they preach patience, they will get it. That indeed may be true. But, the O's are in a position to win the division and cannot afford to have a learn on the job and see what happens. There are some "terrible???" players that somehow got the O's to their current 1st place position. I am not opposed to change, but I am opposed to having 1/3 of the lineup with on the job training in 2023. 2024, bring it on...162 games vs the remaining 60 gives more time for patience.

It should have been happening in prior years but you have what you have.  Not as they are benching All Stars to play the kids so it should be fine.

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8 minutes ago, Jagwar said:

1. I expect Cowser to be fine, he will adjust and produce eventually

2. That being said, the O's are in a playoff hunt, and need guys who can produce. I wouldn't be surprised to see Elias make a Kjerstad for Cowser swap once Mullins comes back. That's not to say Kjerstad will do any better than Cowser at the plate. But a playoff team needs players who produce and add value.

I’d be very surprised if they did this.

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10 minutes ago, Jagwar said:

1. I expect Cowser to be fine, he will adjust and produce eventually

2. That being said, the O's are in a playoff hunt, and need guys who can produce. I wouldn't be surprised to see Elias make a Kjerstad for Cowser swap once Mullins comes back. That's not to say Kjerstad will do any better than Cowser at the plate. But a playoff team needs players who produce and add value.

But they are winning. Again, this was the argument people have used for Frazier all year..why mess up what’s working? If they are winning, who cares?


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50 minutes ago, Roll Tide said:

First most people are not filled out at 23. The guy produced in the minors so there’s reason to believe he will adjust. He’s hit 30 homeruns over 800 ABs in the minors so that dismisses the warning track theory. Plus his OPS was .927 and 1.000+ in the minors and college respectively.

Mullins will be traded between this off season and the end of 2024 if they are following the Rays model as they have proclaimed.

Gunnar in CF😂….We have Kjerstad, Beavers, Haskins, and Lofton comparison Bradfield. I don’t think we need to get carried away.




I am betting Mullins is an Oriole through the 2024 season.

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