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Well, That Sucked

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2 minutes ago, OnlyOneOriole said:

Which is insanity imo.


Those guys are pretty good at best.   Very bad at worst.

Strive for higher because those guys won't win you a WS.

I think you have to get rid of two of them. Most likely Hays and Urias. Bring up Norby and Heston. Bench Mullins for now and use Heston over Santander for ahile

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4 minutes ago, Orioles0615 said:

Also when can we question why they have 2 hitting coaches plus an offensive strategist 

I'd say it's worth having a conversation right now. Are the coaches consistent in their messaging with the players? I could see a situation arising where players are given differing guidance from the coaches and it causing issues with their approach at the plate.

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2 hours ago, allquixotic said:

Easy to say, but I think there's a very good chance of a Nick Nastrini perfect game against us. (He's 0-2 with a 7.88 ERA.) Or any of the other CWS pitchers, really.

On about.... 81 pitches or so.

Mathematical certainty. That is exactly the sort of stat line that scares me.

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1 hour ago, OnlyOneOriole said:

I haven't even  mentioned Tony because he has been at least "not sucking completely".  And he is in a contract year so I really thought he may come through.

But even he is a below average OF compared to most teams this year.  Think about who we have starting in the OF on a regular basis this year and compare that to other top teams.  It isn't even close.  Your OF hitters and your DH should be your main run producers.


We have gotten next to nothing.   

It is time to change things up.  First by making a BIG trade for a solid proven OF run  producer and two by playing guys from AAA that actually have potential. 

Who do you propose is that big bat OF we can make a trade for? Genuine curious. I like the idea.

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I kind of thought this off season that we should of moved Santander and Hays.  Now they have zero trade value.  I think they got too cute by holding on to the vets and giving all the kids the shaft over and over.  Without even hindsight I was wanting to go in a different direction.  The kids need to get their lumps over now so we can see what we have with them.  

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2 minutes ago, Gurgi said:

I kind of thought this off season that we should of moved Santander and Hays.  Now they have zero trade value.  I think they got too cute by holding on to the vets and giving all the kids the shaft over and over.  Without even hindsight I was wanting to go in a different direction.  The kids need to get their lumps over now so we can see what we have with them.  

Santander was their most consistent offensive weapon last year.  I think they may have been open to dealing him but they weren’t going to give away someone who hit 28 homeruns last year.  

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1 minute ago, Gurgi said:

I kind of thought this off season that we should of moved Santander and Hays.  Now they have zero trade value.  I think they got too cute by holding on to the vets and giving all the kids the shaft over and over.  Without even hindsight I was wanting to go in a different direction.  The kids need to get their lumps over now so we can see what we have with them.  

I wanted to shop Hays after last season too. He was coming off an all star season and even with his second half slump last year Hays would have had some trade value. For whatever reason the team has been hesitant to move on from their veteran players and allowing these top prospects to get playing time.

Hays with his approach at the plate is never going to develop into a better hitter and Santander is a free swinging slugger. Santander is mashing southpaws and now would be a good time to limit his starts against RHP. Let Stowers play in his spot.

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54 minutes ago, OsFanSinceThe80s said:

I think Mulilns status for next season is in trouble now. He's been a bad offensive player since last July. The Orioles have World Series aspirations, but it's not going to happen with this current outfield's production. There needs to be a shakeup less playing time for Mullins (even if his defense in CF is valuable), Hays and even Santander. Kjerstad needs to be given an extended look and give Stowers consistent at bats.

Elias needs to consider trading for a .850 OPS hitter who can play either the outfield or 1B/DH if one becomes available. Kjerstad, Mayo and Basallo could become middle of the order hitters in the future, but it's not happening this year.

A great hitter batting third or fourth would be a huge difference maker, but again who knows what players will be available during trade deadline season.

Good post but O’s aren’t trading for a MOO.

Fully agree regarding Stowers needing to get more at bats and Kjerstad back up with the big league club. I got destroyed over a week ago suggesting Stowers should have pinch hit for a scuffling Mullins but it doesn’t look so foolish now.

If my sentences seem off apologies; was in a major car accident last week so yeah meds and being tired and etc 


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Had a busy day at work, and plenty of family responsibilities to attend to this evening.  But every so often my thoughts drifted back to this series… and yea I agree with OP’s title.  That really sucked.  Nothing profound to add, just total agreement with the sentiment.

Baseball is tough to watch when your team isn’t hitting.

Hoping they kick the crap out of the White Sox and right the ship.

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Losing streaks are part of the season. Expecting some significant bounce backs from veterans if they are healthy. If not, it will be next man up. Cowser is proof and example #1.

Hays and Mullins have been battling a number of issues since ST. If they linger, play Stowers/next man up.

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It is a very bad idea to have two hitting coaches, unless a given player only works with one of the two. The two best hitting coaches in the world won’t agree on everything, they will contradict each other. They will disagree with each other, give differing advice and instructions, and they will both be right, because each one of them is one of the two best in the world.

Unless they have extremely clearly defined jobs, and it is extremely clearly delineated what they can and cannot say to the player, it is extremely Counterproductive to have two guys doing the same job.

Even if they agree on something, they might disagree on the best way to process. Good heavens, look at all the weight loss programs, all of which start with “have you been doing thus and such? Well stop right now because that’s wrong…”

I would have to know more about the situation to conclusively say whether it’s a bad idea to have two hitting coaches, but on the surface, it sure seems to be a lousy idea.

My big beef is with the manager, who constantly makes questionable pitching decisions. He also makes questionable lineup decisions, and plays guys who should sit and ignore guys who should play

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17 minutes ago, KojiSplit said:

Good post but O’s aren’t trading for a MOO.

Fully agree regarding Stowers needing to get more at bats and Kjerstad back up with the big league club. I got destroyed over a week ago suggesting Stowers should have pinch hit for a scuffling Mullins but it doesn’t look so foolish now.

If my sentences seem off apologies; was in a major car accident last week so yeah meds and being tired and etc 


I agree a trade for a true MOO bat is unlikely, but an under the radar move like what Matt Carpenter did for the 2022 Yankees (minus the injury) isn't out of the question. If Elias does trade top prospect(s) it's almost certainly going to be for pitching.

This team has options in house to replace slumping players and many of us want to see the team take advantage of this leverage. I've been defending Mullins due to his defensive value, but he's reached a point where his lack of offense is impossible to ignore.

Sorry about the accident and hope you have a quick recovery. I can't imagine watching the Orioles the past week is helping your mood, lol.

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In September, we'll look back at this as the low point of the season.

I'm watching the A's and Rockies in the 12th inning right now and these are some bad offenses.   Although - there are several Oakland pitchers I would love to have in the Baltimore bull pen. 

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10 hours ago, eddie83 said:

I’m not for adding a bat via trade. Perhaps around the deadline for a RHH CF. 

This team is in a slump. We have MiL options. No need for a trade. 

They seem like they won't use the minor league options though. 

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