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Colin Cowherd bashes O's fans for Tex boo's


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He represents a player that can be bought out...a player that went as far as to say he "wore Yankee hats at O's games as a kid."...that is why I "hate him"...he does and says whatever gets him the most money and is good for his PR...I hope he flops...he is obviously not welcome in Baltimore anymore :D

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You can boo a guy all you want and talk about how you hate him all you want, but directing those types of insults at a guy is crossing the line. Booing is part of sports past, present, and future. Personal insults have no place in the game.

How do you define hate?

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You can boo a guy all you want and talk about how you hate him all you want, but directing those types of insults at a guy is crossing the line. Booing is part of sports past, present, and future. Personal insults have no place in the game.

I think they're hilarious.

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Yes, personal insults can be a bit on the harsh, untasteful side. But, if there is no danger of anyone being physically harmed by them, who cares? Teixieria is Public Enemy #1 right now. It was Opening Day. It was the Yankees. I just don't know what people expected to hear. Crickets?

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You can boo a guy all you want and talk about how you hate him all you want, but directing those types of insults at a guy is crossing the line. Booing is part of sports past, present, and future. Personal insults have no place in the game.

I am sure nobody actually hates him as in they want something bad to happen to him or his family. He is hated as a rival athlete and there is nothing wrong with that. It is the passionate fans that help keep sports alive.

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I am sure nobody actually hates him as in they want something bad to happen to him or his family. He is hated as a rival athlete and there is nothing wrong with that. It is the passionate fans that help keep sports alive.

times 100. Well put. :clap3:

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Colin Cowherd represents everything that is wrong with Sports Talk Radio. His standard position on any issue is to stick up for the big guy and kick the little guy while he is down. Case in point right here...

Cowherd is all about the ratings. What he says is only said to invoke disucssion and interest. He doesn't care if your discussing how awful he is or how great he is, the fact that you're discussing him at all is what he's after, period. He's not alone in that regard... it's the general trend.

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