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Anyone miss Mark Reynolds yesterday?

Mr Snuffleupagus

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Admittedly, when we let Mark walk in the offseason I was a bit torn, but after watching yesterday, and I'm not just saying this because we won, I don't know how he could have fit on this team, at least the healthy version of it. I convinced myself 3 months ago that letting Mark walk was going to be best for the team in the long run. I think yesterday really firmed that feeling up for me.

Anyone else?

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I wouldn't say yesterday confirmed it, but I do agree that letting Mark go was best for the team. There are things that we will miss, like his ability to see a lot of pitches and ridiculous hot streaks, but all in all I think we're better off.

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Admittedly, when we let Mark walk in the offseason I was a bit torn, but after watching yesterday, and I'm not just saying this because we won, I don't know how he could have fit on this team, at least the healthy version of it. I convinced myself 3 months ago that letting Mark walk was going to be best for the team in the long run. I think yesterday really firmed that feeling up for me.

Anyone else?

I kinda missed him. Then I watched the Indians game last night, and watched his flailing at pitches, and thought to myself...nah, I'm good!

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I think we could have used Mark this year for sure....I mean if you're looking at the lineup I believe Reynolds is a better option at DH, then Steve Pearce.

I think you have a fairly strong argument that Reynolds is a better DH against left-handed pitching than Steve Pearce. But... the other 2/3rds or 3/4ths of the time I'm not quite sure how you get him in the lineup. Pearce is an outfielder and a first baseman, so he can cover 1B/DH/LF/RF if necessary. Reynolds is really only a 1B/DH. So against righties you want McLouth in left, which pushes Reimold to DH, and Davis is going to play first almost everyday. So barring injuries the question is would you rather have Reimold or Reynolds playing DH? On ability that's kind of a push, but once you factor in salary and roster flexibilty I think you end up on the side of Pearce/Reimold.

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What about Pearce? Personally, I'd rather have Reynolds than Pearce. But whether the difference is worth $5+ mm that can be spent elsewhere is certainly debatable.

(Edit -- I see Drungo just addressed this, and I think he has a good argument that the current roster construction works better, so long as Chris Davis plays a solid 1B.)

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You mean do I miss seeing him strike out three time and make a horrible play in the field? No of course I don't miss him. Him being gone is an immediate improvement to the team. I expect the team to score signicifantly more runs without him and have an improved defense.

To me the biggest improvement since Buck got here is improved baseball fundamentals. I can't stand seeing baseball played badly. I can handle players not being good. But all the strike outs and the not advancing the runner and the bad plays in the field. Mark Reynolds is the opposite of the old Orioles baseball way.

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I'm also not counting Pearce out as a solid DH option. Price is on another level, and I'm withholding judgement until we see him face someone that isn't a Cy Young winner.

It's only one game. Plus, we have many other options at AAA if Pearce doesn't work out.

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