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Hyde's Decisions 2019


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6 minutes ago, jamalshw said:

I get the argument to leaving Hess in. It's a lost season, most don't think Hess is a big long-term piece (though he could be a serviceable back-end starter). A no-hitter would be the highlight of the season BY FAR. On an emotional level it would make sense to leave him in, but it would be a big risk with little reward as he still needed eight outs. It's not like he was just a few outs away.

I also understand the argument that he was at 82 pitches, but this early in the season, players are often on lower pitch counts as they continue to ramp up. He also threw 42 three days prior. I can see the argument for extending him an extra 20 pitches to 100, but does 20 pitches get you through 2 2/3 innings? Not likely.

All in all, I would have liked to see Hyde manage to keep the no-hitter after Hess left and tried for a combined no-no. That would have meant someone other than Arujo, but I don't really see that the decision making was egregious. The likelihood of getting a no-hitter with Hess (or combined with the better bullpen arms) was slim so I don't really have a problem with him not straying from the process to try and make it happen.

You dont risk a players health because he is not "a long term piece." 

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Hyde did the correct thing. Let’s see if Elias makes a move and gives him a fresh arm for the next two games. Hyde’s our there managing with a 23 man roster because of Davis and Arajuo. 

A win tonight and going 4-1 becomes the bigger story than Hess’s near no no. 

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1 hour ago, LTO's said:

And then the O's overworked him when he came back and now his arm is shot There was nothing that was "babying" about Hyde's decision.

There isn't evidence that low pitch counts and low innings help you avoid Tommy John surgery. But I am Ok with pulling Hess. Going out without giving up a hit  is great and it seems he has great confidence with his catcher.  

The pitch count and inning count thing is just a joke.  There is no evidence to back it up  and players are getting injured more.  It is certainly not backed up by analytics.  





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12 hours ago, Rene88 said:

70 pitches. 


Awful awful awful decision. If you think otherwise than you just like to play contrarian and get people bent out of shape like Frobby & Corn. I doubt either of them actually think that, they just enjoy the reaction.

If you are going to be an irrational emotional fan that's one thing, but at least get your facts straight during your ignorant rant. I try to avoid commenting on your typically ridiculous posts, but I can't help myself when you can't even get the facts straight.

This is the Hangout, the major leagues of Orioles discussion, if you can't step up to the plate feel free to step off the team.

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2 minutes ago, Tony-OH said:

Reading and hearing fans upset at Hyde from removing Hess after he just threw 40 pitches on Thursday and hasn't pitched more than 65 pitches all spring reminds me of the old adage:

Baseball is like church:
Many attend
Few understand

I expect these kind of comments in the MASN comments section or by call in show callers, but here on the Hangout? Thanks to those who tried to talk sense into those ignorant of the entire situation. 

I'm proud that Hyde, a new manager, had the gumption to stick to the pitch count plan in that situation. Loved Hess comments as well as he understood how difficult that was for his skipper.

Nice post.

We knew this was going to be a long season, but am shocked at how upset some of the posters are.

You would think we was 0-21.

Its not going to sustain for the entire season, I get it.

Enjoy it while we can.

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Just now, Babypowder said:

Not fully stretched out and pitching on short rest in his first start of the season. He correctly had no chance at finishing this game. It was the correct call and one that took some stones to make. No issue at all from me.

Yup, but, I knew at the time, it would be be over analyzed here. My son told me Facebook blew up last night with the ignorant rantings of the fans.

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Just now, Babypowder said:

Not fully stretched out and pitching on short rest in his first start of the season. He correctly had no chance at finishing this game. It was the correct call and one that took some stones to make. No issue at all from me.

This. completely understandable move. The fact that he left with 82 pitches shows he was on a limit and he still needed 8 more outs for a no-hitter. If you want to protect your Starters from arm injuries, you have to take them out. 

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Just now, Redskins Rick said:

Yup, but, I knew at the time, it would be be over analyzed here. My son told me Facebook blew up last night with the ignorant rantings of the fans.

The average baseball fan has so many wrong opinions. Lol. 

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27 minutes ago, Aristotelian said:

I admit, I was all over Hyde in the game thread but had forgotten that Hess was on short rest. If anyone is to blame, I suppose it is Cashner for failing to make a quality start.

The game thread is different, Tony-OH allows us to ramble and rant about the game, due to the heat of the moment.

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I have no problem at all with what Hyde did.  It tells us he is going to do everything he can to win, and he is going to do his best to get the most out of each player.  Thats good.  I am all perfectly fine with anyone who would have said that they would have left Hess in as long as the no-hitter was still on. Don't agree, but still.

What I don't get is the outright anger at it as if now that the Orioles are using analytics that they would somehow in the 4th game of the season take a young arm and throw it as long as it works to get a no-hitter.  Honestly, don'[t get it.

And to some...having different opinions are fine.  But there are some pretty poor posts in this thread and they don't need calling out.

New leadership, gonna do things differently, we may not get or like all of what we see.  No one expects this team to win at a .750 clip.  How about we step back and watch this rebuild and see where it takes us.

Oh, and whoever had the first game where someone here called for Hyde's head, step forward and collect your money.  And buy that guy a cup of coffee.  I think he is gonna need it.

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11 hours ago, DirtyBird said:

To be honest, nobody cares what your friend posted on FB. Aside from you,  none of his FB friends even care. Most of them probably have him muted.

Notice he said "I guy I know", not friend. Do you think this guy has friends? Bwahahaha.

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I will say, I did appreciate Hess showing the desire to stay in the game and pushing back on Hyde when he pulled him.  That's what you want out of a pitcher, that bulldog mentality.  And I'm still glad that Hyde ignored that and pulled him for his own good.

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11 minutes ago, Redskins Rick said:

Yup, but, I knew at the time, it would be be over analyzed here. My son told me Facebook blew up last night with the ignorant rantings of the fans.

They were mad they didn't get to watch Hess go for the no-hitter. Not mad that Hess didn't get a chance at a no hitter.  I don't think Hyde is saving Hess' arm and is naive to think he is but in the big picture it doesn't really matter whether Hess gets a no hitter or not. 

What matters to Hess is whether he continues to have success pitching in the big leagues. 

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