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I really want to keep Villar (Update: Traded to Marlins for LHS Easton Lucas)


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21 minutes ago, Frobby said:

I think Villar is underrated by a lot of people here.    He’s not anything amazing, but he’s about a league average starting 2B who can also play short when needed.     And yes, exciting at times, even if frustrating at other times.    

I agree I've mentioned offering him a 2-3 year deal at 5.5 per. I watched the first interview where he said they've had him cut down on his swing. Hopefully it increases his average and in turn his OBP.

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You know, I’ve vacillated on Villar all season. 

At times, I’ve viewed him as a most expendable piece, a “JAG” if you will, who’d get us from point A (Opening Day) to Point B (July 31st), and that’s that.

Other times I’ll see him square in the mix of rallies, or sometimes starting them himself, and observe his consistency, the relative joy he plays with and how his teammates receive him, and wonder if he could be - and this may border on heresy - our millennial, destitute man’s MelMo. 

I suspect the real deal is somewhere in the middle. If he’s not dealt tomorrow, it’ll come down to (as usual) whether TPTB decide he’s worth paying his going rate, whatever that ultimately turns out as. 

In the meantime, I’ll continue to enjoy his production, enthusiasm, and hustle (even if it sometimes leads to hustling right into an out/error).

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Im not sweating it either way...on one hand, Ace King is correct, 1.7 war makes him and Mancini our most valuable players.  On the other hand, I don't see the O's paying him 7M next year.  If someone make a nice offer sure.  I think Elias will do what he feels is best.  We still need lots of talent before we start sweating minor issues.  But I do like him.

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Rebuilding means the question must be asked for each player...Can he contribute to the next Orioles champion (or contender if you like).  Villar will probably be at least 31 when the Orioles next contend (assumes 2022 or later).  At that point, he won't be nearly as good a player and he's just an average player right now (.500 162WAA this season). 

I think part of the misunderstanding of Villar's value is in difficulty of using WAR arising from its arbitrary replacement level.  The 1.7 WAR means only that a team that would otherwise play .294 ball would improve by 1.7 wins given his contributions to date.  An otherwise .500 team would not improve at all with Villar (per 162WAA).  BTW, in terms of 162 WAA, Mancini and Villar are virtually identical (Villar .500, Mancini .499) and both are 28, but since Villar plays on the left side of the defensive spectrum and the Orioles have a logjam of LF/RF/DH/1B, it probably makes more sense to keep Villar of the 2.

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1 minute ago, foxfield said:

Im not sweating it either way...on one hand, Ace King is correct, 1.7 war makes him and Mancini our most valuable players.  On the other hand, I don't see the O's paying him 7M next year.  If someone make a nice offer sure.  I think Elias will do what he feels is best.  We still need lots of talent before we start sweating minor issues.  But I do like him.

Means is at 3.6 WAR.

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25 minutes ago, sportsfan8703 said:

We could always trade him then sign him in the offseason when he’s non tendered. Like a 2/8 deal or something. 

$4 million is what Elias is dreaming of paying one-quarter of the whole team next year.  I suspect he's very warm to the trade idea though and will consider it a failure if that doesn't happen.

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2 minutes ago, Frobby said:

Not sure about $8 mm, but I’ll bet someone will pay him $7 mm next year.    

I am guessing it will be because an arbitrator says that is what he is worth in the current environment.  He would be worth more to me, as an Oriole, for the reasons listed.

I am a season ticket holder, and I want to watch fun baseball up to and including when we finally win something.

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3 minutes ago, Philip said:

No one is going to trade for Villar, but no one is going to pay him 7 million in arbitration either.

He’ll be here till November(or whenever the tender deadline is) and then go away.

Cuz he sucks!

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2 hours ago, AceKing said:

And your little chart here says 1.7 war, not 1.3.  That is actually a significant difference

Plus WAR is cumulative, so he is on pace for perhaps 2.5 WAR. I am OK with trading him but would certainly want something back, not just salary dump.

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No matter how poorly the O's play and what a farce Davis and most of the starting rotation and bullpen continue to be, VIllar will provide energy and be fun to watch. That's worth a lot.

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