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ESPN's Ravech: Teixeira has "enormous attraction to the Orioles" Close to signing


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I'd guess the O's and Boras have to be tight-lipped because too many dominoes start to fall once Tex signs.

If word gets out they're finalizing details, let's say the Red Sox and Angels both instantly go to Plan B. Then the details don't work out, and poof, Tex's best alternatives go away.

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Well, for starters, the longer he waits the more gets paid.

Lets say from Day 1 he decided he wanted to wear orange... does that mean he should take the first offer the O's give him...?

I think at this time he knows what kind of money he is getting.

Christmas is just around the corner.

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2 reasons:

1) We aren't actually close to getting anything done.

2) The Orioles are so tight lipped about things that we are just hearing nothing.

It has been reported today that Teixeira is close to making a decision - and yet none of the sports media outlets have picked up on what team he is going to go to. This has got to be because whoever is wrapping this up is being extremely tight lipped. I really think this sounds like us more than anyone. One thing for sure, it Teixeira was in Boston right now taking a physical - ESPN and Gammons would be all over it.

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If you're a true baseball fan, you'd probably have a team. If you had a team and were a true baseball fan, you wouldn't switch allegiances so quickly (the cities are what...35 miles away?). The only instances I can see are of old Senators fans. So, maybe 5% of Nats fans are real fans?:clap3:

Nats fans make me angry but give me a good laugh/cry when I ask why they're fans.

I never really had an NFL team, I cheered mildly for the Lions before the Ravens got here (only b/c I was 12 or so and liked Barry Sanders), but once they got here I became a full fledged Ravens fan. I'm sure a lot of the younger (under 30) posters here are in the same boat... does that make us not real Ravens fans?

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Don't worry about the Nats!

I completely concur. I've never really thought the Nats were a player in this unless they were willing to get really stupid with an offer of something like 10yr./$250mil.

The only reason the Orioles have a good chance of signing Teixeira is because he grew up in Baltimore, has been a lifelong Oriole fan and his family still lives here. Yes, Washington D.C. is close in proximity, but it might as well be a million miles away when you start to talk about the fans of each city. I actually think the Nationals were at a disadvantage because of the clear disdain Baltimorons (;))have for DC sports teams.

It has become clear to me Boras has used the Nats to help drive up the asking price from the Orioles and the Red Sox. I think Tex and Boras are laughing all the way to the bank at the Nats ownership and their fans expense.

But please don't worry DC fans, you still have the Generals and the Redskins. :eektf::P:eektf:

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