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Dennis Sarfate DFA


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I'd love it if he slipped through without being claimed. By the way, isn't it ironic that we are making room for Miggy by DFAing one of the players we traded him for? That trade isn't looking as good these days with Sarfate gone, Patton a health question and Costanzo no longer a prospect. We got a solid producer in Scott and maybe Albers still has some value.

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I'd love it if he slipped through without being claimed. By the way, isn't it ironic that we are making room for Miggy by DFAing one of the players we traded him for? That trade isn't looking as good these days with Sarfate gone, Patton a health question and Costanzo no longer a prospect. We got a solid producer in Scott and maybe Albers still has some value.

I was thinking the same thing. It almost appears it was a swap of Tejada for Scott as the only two legitimate pieces of major league talent involved. Oh well, it doesn't matter that much anyway with Miggy back now and maybe we can eventually get a decent prospect out of Scott.

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I don't understand why it had to be him istead of someone else. He was good out of the bullpen two years ago and last year he had a bad year due to injuries. He was also having a stong winter down at that mexican leaue he was playing in. I hoped he would be able to bounce back and prove he could be good in the bullpen again.

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But he throws 97MPH. 97MPH! (My butt...)

97 MPH and straight as an arrow as always. :D

Sarfate needed that kind of velocity to have any kind of success because his entire success was built off throwing the ball by guys. He never had much if any movement and it was one of the reasons why he was available as a throw-in to the deal. At the time of the trade he was a good low-risk guy, but the Orioles are much deeper now with guys much better than Sarfate, regardless of his velocity.

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Not sure I approve of this move but it was definitely my leading assumption.

I'm not pleased, but I understand it. He does have great stuff, but at some point, you have to have better command than he showed. I wish him good luck, and I won't be surpised to see him do well.

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I'd love it if he slipped through without being claimed. By the way, isn't it ironic that we are making room for Miggy by DFAing one of the players we traded him for? That trade isn't looking as good these days with Sarfate gone, Patton a health question and Costanzo no longer a prospect. We got a solid producer in Scott and maybe Albers still has some value.

I laughed a little more because of the Fordin article that said he raved about Tejada as a teammate. He may never know...

I wonder if Sarfate still has injury concerns. I didn't see him as #1 on the DFA list.

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