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Scoreboard watching thread 9/27

Pedro Cerrano

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Not sure where OFFNY is, considering he's usually on top of this, but there are 4 huge games today that have real implications for the O's playoff chances. As an added bonus, some of them are in the afternoon so we have a day full of cheering for (or against) certain teams! Yes, I'm typing this on September 27.

2:05: Oakland (T. Blackley, 5-3, 3.48) vs. Texas (M. Harrison, 17-10, 3.17)

3:35: Seattle (H. Iwakuma, 7-5, 3.41) vs. Los Angeles (D. Haren, 12-11, 4.35)

7:07: New York (I. Nova, 12-7, 4.94) vs. Toronto (B. Morrow, 8-7, 3.28)

8:10: Tampa Bay (J. Shields, 15-9, 3.65) vs. Chicago (J. Peavy, 11-12, 3.40)

If you've been living in a box, we'd like Texas, Seattle, Toronto and Chicago to bring home wins today -- based on the starting pitching match-ups, we have a chance of winning at least a few (the guys we want to win all have the better ERAs, for what that's worth).

If we go 0-4 today, there is somebody, somewhere, that has it out for us.

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BTW, just for laughs, I put in a 4-team parlay where the A's, Angels, Yankees and Rays all won. A $100 bet wins you almost $1,300, so Vegas, at least, thinks it's about 13:1 that all four of our enemies win today.

Hypothetical - the A's and Angels win this afternoon. The Yanks jump out to an early lead against the Jays and appear to be cruising to victory.

Who you pulling for as the Rays/Sox game gets started?

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