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Weather is looking worse for tonight


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Justin Berk doesn't seem hopeful the game will be played.

Justin Berk‏@JustinWeather

Rain appears to be moving in faster than earlier models showed. I think the #Orioles Game 2 vs #Yankees might be in jeopardy @masnORIOLES

Justin Berk‏@JustinWeather

Radar shows developing storm more impressive than Sunday's. Rain in #Baltimore inevitable. Sorry #Orioles #Yankees pic.twitter.com/lEfMAZtn

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I looked at the radar a little while ago and thought the same thing even before your opening post. I have tickets for tonight's game and my 12 year old daughter is going with us. It would be miserable to have a 2 hour rain delay with the game already scheduled to start at 8pm.

My hope is if the forecast continues to trend downward that they will not try to wait out the rain and call it early and reschedule for tomorrow. With New York being so close it would not be a huge travel burden to play here tomorrow and New York on Wednesday.

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I'd prefer an early cancellation as opposed to a prolonged rain delay.

Me too. Last night was BRUTAL. It was great to be there once the game started, but damn, that took a lot out of me. Got back at 2am. Wet, tired, defeated.

Work came too early today. Feeling a bit sick. Ugh.

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This is really discouraging news. I sat through a 3 hour rain delay for Eddie's statue game and 2 hours 40 minutes last night. I'm pretty sick of this, and I have an hour drive home after the game ends and have to go to work tomorrow morning. I hope if the weather sucks that they just postpone the game until Tuesday rather than waiting around all night and hoping they can get started after 10 p.m.

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