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Orioles offer BRob 3yr 30 million


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I cant wait for everyone on here to bash the front office next offseason when Roberts has an All-star like season this year and that we didnt sign him this offseason. BTW I dont see any good 2nd basemen in the pipeline.

This is a reasonable point for consideration. I think the numbers you propose are high. 3yrs 30 mil seem right if that is an extension and in fairness that seems to be above current market prices, so I would argue that they are "paying the man and paying him right!"

The question is, does Brob want to spend his whole career here or does he want to get traded, try to help a contender and sign a contract next year when the market may be better. It is a business risk for him and in fairness, it would be hard to argue that decision for him.

If it goes the route of no extension and he has an All-star year, I wont be bashing the front office. I think they have made a very reasonable offer. If he wants to be here, that should be close enough to get it done. If he indicates he really wants to stay but needs 33...I'd do it, but if he rejected outright and wants to wait, the situation probably favors the FO in the long run.

Just my two cents...but I still hope he signs.

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Well, there is talk of extending him until he is 35. Of course they are not the same player and not the same age, but there are still some ready to hand Roberts a blank check now just as there were some willing to do the same for Mora back then.
The only blank check I noticed is from Cindy. As for me, I've proposed a three year deal with a fourth year option.
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I understand the modern game is about trying to maximize value, but there are times and players that provide more than certain stats for certain dollars. A classy player, who adds to a team, a community and can play the game of baseball at a high level is a rare combination.

And this sounds a lot like the justification for giving Mora the contract we did. Different players in different situations, but the same mentality.

I don't see anyone near his quality or on field potential coming up in the system.

Trading him, if possible, allows us to add to our depth of young talent, which we need in many areas. Even if we have to settle for the draft picks, that helps too.

Overpaying or overreaching for a fourth year may be not be cost efficient, unless he helps to turn a young team into a winning team before the end of his contract.

Winning > Cost Certainty.

There are no guarantees in life, but I think he helps the team get better, faster.

Well, you're entitled to your opinion, but I respectfully disagree. I love Roberts as a player and would love to have 9 2005-2008 versions of Roberts on the field, but I would not commit to him for a contract through age 35. I think it hurts the team in the long run.

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Its the idea of the concept of...pay the man...IE, give him what he wants.
I remember the "pay the man" quotes here on Mora. There were some arguing that we should overpay him because he had been underpaid prior to the contract. I don't see anyone advising we do that with Roberts.
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And this sounds a lot like the justification for giving Mora the contract we did. Different players in different situations, but the same mentality.

Well, again, I wasn't for signing for Mora at any point in his career.

Trading him, if possible, allows us to add to our depth of young talent, which we need in many areas. Even if we have to settle for the draft picks, that helps too.

Way too many ifs there. Including huge ifs on draft picks that may or may not ever contribute at the Major League level. I'll never quite understand the mentality of ditching a current high value player for perceived, HOPEFUL, maybe, could be, someday talent.

Well, you're entitled to your opinion, but I respectfully disagree. I love Roberts as a player and would love to have 9 2005-2008 versions of Roberts on the field, but I would not commit to him for a contract through age 35. I think it hurts the team in the long run.

Again, sometimes not all aspects of the game can be calculated. He may provide a greater return, longer than projections. They may be worse. But I think this is the type of player who could still provide value to a young team, even if he is a step slower and hitting only .276 instead of .299.

I don't currently see a deal that would give us the value he could over the next 3-4 years. If AM can find such a deal, as I noted before, I could probably get behind it.

Ultimately, the game is a business, but I think this is a case where I would go the extra year to keep a quality player around.


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I remember the "pay the man" quotes here on Mora. There were some arguing that we should overpay him because he had been underpaid prior to the contract. I don't see anyone advising we do that with Roberts.

I wasn't here back then, but that is a terrible way of going about contract negotiations.

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After locking up Nick i would make one more attempt to extend B-rob at say 3/33. If he wants to stay an Oriole i think that would be a pretty fair deal. If he says no thanks then obviously he wants to play for a winner and i would look to move him at the dead line.

Agreed - it's easy to underestimate the value of an elite leadoff hitter, which BRob is. Just ask the Cubs. Speaking of the Cubbies, I would still LOVE to see us trade Brian for Gavin Floyd and Getz, their young 2nd baseman. That would so fit in with where this team is headed: Young, high-cieling guys with tons of energy who fit in with a long-term, and long-lasting rise to perennial glory. The Orioles will soon be competing in the East... And BIG UPS to AM on the Markakis signing - that will have a ripple effect on all our youngsters who, for years, saw O's prospects do nothing but fizzle, get traded or move in via FA for real money elsewhere.

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Way too many ifs there. Including huge ifs on draft picks that may or may not ever contribute at the Major League level. I'll never quite understand the mentality of ditching a current high value player for perceived, HOPEFUL, maybe, could be, someday talent.

The difference is that the "ifs" involved in trading for prospects or taking draft picks don't potentially lock us into a bad contract at a key position. If the talent acquired in a trade or through the draft doesn't pan out, we move on and continue to try to find talent. If the Roberts contract doesn't work out, we find ourselves in a Melvin Mora type position. The risk is greater with the contract extension.

Additionally, Roberts is not necessarily a high-value player. He might be a very productive player, but he is only high-value if he is out-performing his contract.

I realize that there are other benefits that Roberts provides (good clubhouse guy, good in the community, eye candy, etc), but I think those who would offer him a 4 year extension should ask themselves whether they would consider signing a 31-year old second baseman with a career .771 OPS to a 5/55 contract, even if he was a nice guy. Some generosity could be justified because he is homegrown, but how much?

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The difference is that the "ifs" involved in trading for prospects or taking draft picks don't potentially lock us into a bad contract at a key position. If the talent acquired in a trade or through the draft doesn't pan out, we move on and continue to try to find talent. If the Roberts contract doesn't work out, we find ourselves in a Melvin Mora type position. The risk is greater with the contract extension.

Additionally, Roberts is not necessarily a high-value player. He might be a very productive player, but he is only high-value if he is out-performing his contract.

I realize that there are other benefits that Roberts provides (good clubhouse guy, good in the community, eye candy, etc), but I think those who would offer him a 4 year extension should ask themselves whether they would consider signing a 31-year old second baseman with a career .771 OPS to a 5/55 contract, even if he was a nice guy. Some generosity could be justified because he is homegrown, but how much?

In most cases, I have to agree, and I completely understand why the O's made the three year offer. And I still contend we would get more out of him in that fourth year than having a nice guy around.

And, in this case, I would rather be in one extra year, I mean if all the probabilities play out against us, we're talking ONE year of a bad deal, to get three other good years. All that versus some players, who again, may or may not contribute.

The only deal that continues to "sound" good, but seems unlikely was getting Floyd for Roberts. A starter who has some upside is one of the few concepts I could support.

Of course, AM hasn't called me to consult on this, so I'm not sure my support matters, one way or the other...


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After locking up Nick i would make one more attempt to extend B-rob at say 3/33. If he wants to stay an Oriole i think that would be a pretty fair deal. If he says no thanks then obviously he wants to play for a winner and i would look to move him at the dead line.

Brian needs to be very careful. If the soft free agent continues he may wish he had taken the 3/30. Either way, the Orioles have made IMO a very fair offer. I disagree with the theory that he will tail off after 3 additional years but any more is pushing it. Considering a very similar player (Hudson) has not gotten an offer yet, Brian should have grabbed the pen.

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