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Kevin Brown absence explained?

Sports Guy

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2 hours ago, Tony-OH said:

Boros is steering his guys to the place where they will make the most money. Pure and simple. 

Most players could care less about the owner. They care about their teammates, coaches and manager. I don't think the rest of this stuff matters to them. Players aren't going, "Man, I don't want to play on the good, young, up and coming talented team because the owner was mean to their announcer."

I think the terrible treatment of the announcer speaks to a MUCH bigger issue though. 

When this issue is placed in context with the opening day comments blowing off consideration of an Adley extension WITH the lack of spending during the off-season when all things point to the rug being pulled under Elias with him walking back the “lift off comments” WITH MASN producing amateurish level content (running the same game from an inconsequential season from 2020 at least 6 times this season) WITH the comments about opening the books and belittling a respected local baseball writer WITH refusal to sign the lease when he said it would be done by the Allstar break.

These are just but some of the issues (I’m sure you are aware of many more) that would steer players/employees/potential staff members in the direction of a better/more professional outfit than the one that continuous to go off the rails under Angelos’ leadership.

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Sad reality is tonight there is a great chance of a "free Kevin Brown" chant that will obviously be ignored by the MASN broadcast.


Would be funny if they're told by management to do something dumb like the "Let's go Brandon" explanation as your able to hear it on air... just double down on stupid since that is the Angelos way...

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31 minutes ago, Roy Firestone said:

I've talked to him about thee similarities...he agrees he sounds (coincidentally) like Joe Buck...

When I first heard him do a game, my first reaction was “baby Buck” and that’s what I’ve called him ever. 

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35 minutes ago, Can_of_corn said:

MLB made McCourt sell the Dodgers.

I think the lesson from McCourt and Snyder are 1: don't mess with the other owners' money (McCourt did that by signing away media rights for bargain basement prices so he could afford his divorce, which would have had cascading effects on all other media rights deals) and 2: don't harass an entire category of people in your employ.  #2 was also invoked as a result of Marge Schott's.. interesting hobbies and comments.  I'm not really sure if Angelos has met this bar, because what happens to Kevin Brown isn't really going to affect the other 29 teams, and he is harassing a single employee, not an entire category of them.

Edited by Hallas
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41 minutes ago, Billy F-Face3 said:

As someone who no longer has a favorite football team because of him, I feel this post. It cuts deep. 

I respectfully suggest that you should consider supporting the Ravens, a first-class organization.

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37 minutes ago, Roy Firestone said:

He doesn't need the job..trust me. He just loves to do it and get paid.

Jim can say whatever he wants and not be worried about his job status.   He is not only beloved as a long time broadcasters, he's one of the five faces of this franchise all time.  I don't think even an Angelos would dare "mess with Jim" (sorry thought of that song lol).

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