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6-21 vs. Pirates -- First day of summer!


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At least he's not Fred Manfra. That dude's just getting the home run call out as the hitter is touching home plate.

And he hits this ball far... its also high in the air, high in the this Pittsburgh twi-light beautiful summer sky as it heads out to center and its going, going, gone as it finds a place on the "E" in the Pirates bush in the batters eye here in PNC Park. And Jones takes ball two here.

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Rules question. If Cedeno allowed himself to be hit by that ball, the runners would be placed on first and second, correct? What is to stop a base-runner from intentionally being hit by a tailor made double-play ball?

Cendeno is out, not sure if they'd call an interference because a DP can't be implied.

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Nick has a cyst in his wrist that is hurting his power. Glad I could clear it up.

Sounds like a Dr. Seuss story... the Cyst in the Wrist.

Nick has a cyst in his wrist

The cyst in his wrist is the size of his fist

Nick is pissed about the cyst in his wrist the size of his fist

Oh how his power is missed because of the cyst in his wrist the size of his fist that makes him pissed.

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He's had a gangleon cyst on his wrist for his entire career. There is a conspiracy that its sapped his power now. They are nothing, they can get fairly large, they do not hurt, and I do not see how it could now drain his power.

That's interesting and in some ways depressing. I was hoping it would be the issue.

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And he hits this ball far... its also high in the air, high in the this Pittsburgh twi-light beautiful summer sky as it heads out to center and its going, going, gone as it finds a place on the "E" in the Pirates bush in the batters eye here in PNC Park. And Jones takes ball two here.

You missed the Royal Farms spot in the middle.

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My mother had a gangleon cyst on her wrist for years when I was a kid. It did affect her strength in that arm. She eventually got it removed. Wow, I'm shocked I'd never heard that before.

Depends on where the cyst is. Some are not right on the wrist but further up the arm, I've seen them about 4 inches above the wrist. A cyst in that area should not hamper strength, if a cyst is right on the wrist bone, it may mess with the tendons I guess. I'm not sure where Nick has his cyst.

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