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Is Tillman Done?


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Another bad performance, and frankly he hasn't been the same guy since going through the shoulder injury in the middle of last year.  He loses his effectiveness earlier it seems, when he's been effective at all.  I just have a hard time thinking any shoulder injury that keeps you on the DL for a couple of months just magically heals to the point you're a big league pitcher again. 

Honestly I can't see any scenario where it's worth it for the Orioles to sign him in the off-season, unless something drastic changes with his shoulder.  It'd probably have to be something surgical that provides a clear fix to whatever it is that has gone wrong.  And that's if that's even an available option.  I don't know.  In another thread it was alluded that he's also dealing with a hip injury now too.  Get it fixed.  What's going to cost him more on the market, a couple of injuries or an ERA of 8?

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After last night I would say yes, he surely will not be resigned by the O's, but they will keep trotting him out there.

His stuff last night looked like BP HR derby stuff... He's ONLY effective if he get's the breaking ball to bite, but Tillman is NOT a junkball'er and that may be his only hope for a future in MLB.

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It's been obvious for many months that he has a serious shoulder injury and he and the Orioles decided to take rehab and pitch route. He will have some kind of surgery and take a prove-your-healthy kind of contract with someone next year. I think there's a chance that the injury may be the end of his career. 

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I'm extremely concerned that he may be done.     Per BrooksBaseball, his fastball averaged 92.1 yesterday, maxing out at 93.5, which isn't that terrible.    But, he couldn't command the baseball.    I think we'll stick with him for 1-2 more starts, but unless something turns around, I don't know what you do.

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7 minutes ago, RZNJ said:

I didn't see Tillman yesterday but the velocity numbers are certainly interesting.    That is a surprise and I'm not sure what to make of it.   Usually, it would be a positive.   ???

I didn't see it either.   And I'm glad I didn't.   Went to a movie, got out, saw the score was 12-0.    Went to dinner.

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