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The Orioles absolutely have to land Teixeira now that they've passed on Smoak. If it takes 25+ million a year they'd better be prepared to pay it. I really hope what Tony said about their draft strategy is false if they aren't prepared to make Tex the highest paid player since A-Rod signed his deal.

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I've gone on record as thinking that the O's won't sign Teixeira. I think they have a slim chance, but when it gets down to it they can't bid as high as suitors as the Yanks, Red Sox and Mets.

I was hoping today would be a banner day for the organization as they would select the power hitting first baseman, Justin Smoak, with the 4th overall pick of the draft. To my dismay, they selected Brian Matusz, LHP.

Before anyone jumps on me for not liking Matusz, please don't take this thread as a slam against him. I know he's a fine pitcher and I'm happy that the O's have drafted someone that doesn't have a problem throwing strikes.

I outlined earlier that it's not wise to put all your eggs in one basket. It's not a secret that this organization lacks a lot of positional depth and it's also not a secret that we need help at first base. Smoak would have helped us here greatly....and we still could have made a run at Tex.

Draft and sign Smoak and sign Tex and you have two switch hitting slugging first baseman. Put those two in a lineup with Wieters and Markakis and suddenly we have the makings of a lineup that can score some runs.

As I said in a post in the minor forum, there are just too many variables when it comes to signing Tex. There aren't nearly as many for us to sign Smoak, had we drafted him. If we were able to somehow land both, we'd have a positive problem on our hands and most likely we could fill our 1B/DH hole for a long time to come.

Someone else said that we should already be able to find the makings for a 5 man rotation within the organization already. As it is, we have Cabrera who's enjoying a fine year, Guthrie and perhaps Olson who will look like mainstays for awhile to come. I don't even have to delve into the minors to talk about the arms that we have that could contribute, for you already know who they are.

Again, this isn't a slam on Brian Matusz, so please don't take it as such. This is a criticism of the overall choice of a pitcher instead of what I perceived to be a bigger need.

Now the pressure is on and the eggs are in one basket.

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The Orioles absolutely have to land Teixeira now that they've passed on Smoak. If it takes 25+ million a year they'd better be prepared to pay it. I really hope what Tony said about their draft strategy is false if they aren't prepared to make Tex the highest paid player since A-Rod signed his deal.

Do you seriously think Mark Teixeira is anywhere near as valuable as ARod? Spending ARod money on a very good but not great player would cripple us for years.

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Do you seriously think Mark Teixeira is anywhere near as valuable as ARod? Spending ARod money on a very good but not great player would cripple us for years.

The market's inflated, Tex is a hot commodity and you have the Yankees, Red Sox and Mets bidding on him as well as other teams. Absolutely I think he's worth 25+ million in this market...

The Orioles had better be prepared to bump the payroll north of 100 million...

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Markets get inflated when the perception of a commodity becomes overvalued. And 25M for Tex fits that definition.

Tex would be a great option to fill a need.... but other alternatives will present themselves if it doesn't happen.

The market's inflated, Tex is a hot commodity and you have the Yankees, Red Sox and Mets bidding on him as well as other teams. Absolutely I think he's worth 25+ million in this market...

The Orioles had better be prepared to bump the payroll north of 100 million...

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Markets get inflated when the perception of a commodity becomes overvalued. And 25M for Tex fits that definition.

Tex would be a great option to fill a need.... but other alternatives will present themselves if it doesn't happen.

My question is why haven't we gone after one of those alternatives. Heck we've been waiting for Tex since we lost him in the draft.

All signs point to the Orioles offering Tex a huge amount of cash north of 20 million per season. They have to pray he doesn't turn it down now...

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I'm outraged that the O's passed on Smoak and Posey. We don't need any more starting pitching.

This is just as bad as passing on Fielder for Loewen. The reason the Rays are so much better than us is that they've drafted great positional talent. I understand emphasizing pitching, but not to this extent.

I'm livid.

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This is long term rebuilding plan so I doubt the organization is even seriously considering going after Teixiera or any top level free agent this offseason. Seems like they'd have to get a lot closer to contention to make that kind of commitment.

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My question is why haven't we gone after one of those alternatives. Heck we've been waiting for Tex since we lost him in the draft.

All signs point to the Orioles offering Tex a huge amount of cash north of 20 million per season. They have to pray he doesn't turn it down now...

More importantly, they have to pray that they don't spend that obscene amount of money on a player only to have him get hurt or tank.

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This is long term rebuilding plan so I doubt the organization is even seriously considering going after Teixiera or any top level free agent this offseason. Seems like they'd have to get a lot closer to contention to make that kind of commitment.

It doesn't make sense to pass on a Teixeira clone then if we weren't going after the man himself. Matusz is not the next coming of Koufax here. He's not even Clayton Kershaw. It just doesn't make sense to pass on Smoak unless you are planning on blocking him with Tex. Smoak could have been our alternative to Tex. The fact we passed on him just showed our cards...

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It doesn't make sense to pass on a Teixeira clone then if we weren't going after the man himself. Matusz is not the next coming of Koufax here. He's not even Clayton Kershaw. It just doesn't make sense to pass on Smoak unless you are planning on blocking him with Tex. Smoak could have been our alternative to Tex. The fact we passed on him just showed our cards...

From the bits and pieces I have read about the Orioles top pick he doesn't even have a potential to be an ace. The ceiling for him supposedly is a number 2. Why in the world would they not have drafted a potential future slugging first baseman in Smoak? Or maybe they could have drafted Posey and converted him into a first baseman which is where the Orioles are weak (other than shortstop) and have been ever since Eddie Murray!:confused::scratchchinhmm:

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