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I'm hearing the same as Belkast. This is all McPhail. I'm told a majority of people have no idea what he's doing and are not being told anything.


This is GREAT news.

Loose lips sink ships.

Just like I speculated earlier in the day- McPhail (and Boras) are professionals. They are not going around "gossiping" or "blabbing" about the negotiations.

Who cares that the insider "sources" aren't getting "scoops" ?

If Wieters is signed (or not) we will find out via the news media.

It amazes me that so many haaaaang on every tidbit of gossip thrown out there by those with "insider sources".

We can all speculate til the cows come home without the insider sources. I guess it is more fun and juicy to hear it from someone who supposedly knows someone inside the warehouse.

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FWIW, even if things change in the next 3 hours, it isn't because Belkast's source is a fool. It's a solid source as far as inside sources go on this board.

I enjoy the "insider" reports. Here, though, the process is more problematic.

Further, Belkast phrased the news as if it were absolute. It's most emphatically not. It was phrased in a way that could only drive the already hysterical toward a wider-swinging hysteria.

But nothing I said was disparaging about the source. It was disparaging the value of inside information in a situation like this. A criticism only reinforced by BB's post, acknowledging the dearth of information even within the Warehouse.

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Why would Mostokoas? not sign. Its tough getting higher then the 2nd pick. Let alone you have 3 years to risk injury and your draft stock to fall.

MLB needs to do something about this. This process is only hurting teams that need to draft well

I agree. Moustakos will be hard-pressed to do better than #2, but Wieters will probably go #1 next year.

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If they really are within $2M then I'd still hold out some hope too. Hopefully the FO can come to their damn senses and get the kid signed.

I swear to god pitchforks and burning effigies if Wieters isn't inked.

FWIW the recent MLB.com article has them further apart:

According to a source close to the negotiations, Wieters, the fifth overall pick in the Draft, is seeking a contract worth $11 million. The source added that the Orioles offered less than half that amount -- a little more than $5 million -- and aren't likely to raise it substantially. As the hours count down toward midnight, the two sides will need to decide whether they want to meet in the middle.


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His source has been wrong before, too. Knott coming up over House was his most recent.

Everyone's sources have been wrong. Peace called this a done deal a week ago.

I agree with BillySmith and the others ripping the sources. They need it every now and again.

True. It seems that this board is so caught up in having sources that we arent allowed to challenge them at all.

Belkast has been right more than most and I have never challenged him. Need I bring up Wild Bill? Lets just allow free conversation here as long as no one is insulting and breaking board rules.

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True. It seems that this board is so caught up in having sources that we arent allowed to challenge them at all.

Belkast has been right more than most and I have never challenged him. Need I bring up Wild Bill? Lets just allow free conversation here as long as no one is insulting and breaking board rules.

I don't recall what you wrote, but BillySmith did insinuate a personal insult, which is not cool.

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Huh? This is a message board. Are we all supposed to agree on all topics?

He's sharing the info he's getting. That shouldn't require him to defend his sources or their historical accuracy. I believe his sources and I also think they're seeing one angle of the process and it's fololish for them to call it dead, unless it's posturing. But ya gotta love Bigbird and Belkast for trying to share their unique privelage of having sources. In short.....lay off him!

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Somebody brought up the fact that cursing gets you a one week unpaid vacation from the OH. If we don't sign Wieters, I wonder how many of us will intentionally take vacation, take some time to cool down, and then come back here with a renewed outlook, OR how many of us will say the hell with this pathetic franchise and stay way for a while longer. Just thought I'd do some speculating while everyone else is speculating about Belkast and Bigbirds' speculation! :D

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