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3/8 O's vs Phillies

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Geez, typical 2010 Orioles. Score early. No follow on runs. Blow it at the end. Thank goodness it was scrubs hitting and, in the 9th, pitching. No worries.

Yeah, we will look a lot better I think when the starters get stretched out some.

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I wonder if we hear about Lee after he sees the specialist and we hear what is really going on with his hand.

From Roch at 3:48 pm:

The Orioles might provide an update on Derrek Lee later today, so check back with me. A team orthopedic consultant was scheduled to examine Lee about an hour ago.

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    • Would Pache be claimed by anyone?
    • He made his comment publicly. That’s not on any forum. And it is foolish to take offense where none is intended. It’s like being offended when your friend tells you he’s a Democrat and you’re a Republican.  But again, I’m happy to discuss this privately if you feel there’s reason to, but would much prefer to focus on baseball.
    • Likewise. It never makes any sense to me when people start from the position that they're looking for ways to send away our top prospects. Huh? The goal isn't to rid ourselves of elite assets who will make this team competitive for the long haul--it's to plug in-season holes, which can be done without so much as breaking a sweat as the two trades today show. I'm glad Elias and co. are in charge of things and not the proletariat.
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    • No, it was just that verse on his instagram. There was no meme, just outrage I guess. I don't know. I don't do social media like that I had to google it to find out what he posted.
    • Yeah like I said, there’s nothing controversial about the verse itself so I was wondering if it had been turned into something inflammatory. I’m wearing a t-Shirt right now that says,”put on the whole armor of God,” and I can’t imagine why anyone would take umbrage at that.
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