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Gus Gilchrist

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He's scum that used the 4/16 tragedy as an excuse to back out of his LOI to Virginia Tech. He comes complete with a "personal trainer" and no moral backbone. Enjoy him, Terps. I hope he tears an ACL.

I don't care how wrong you think his decommit was, it doesn't give you an excuse to wish physical injury on him. If the VT tragedy hits so close to home for you, I find it odd that this is your response. Kindof like violent anti-war protesting, it doesn't add up. Besides, however dubious the situation may appear, everyone makes mistakes and who are you to judge this kid so severely? I'm assuming you don't have any personal knowledge of him, you're probably going off some "insider" scoop off a message board or something. There is no way to truly know at this point whether his being rattled by the tragedy is sincere or not.

I don't blame you for being upset about the decommit but get a grip on yourself please.

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Let's face it, these situations where a guy breaks a commitment, whether it's a verbal one or even an LOI, always cause bitterness among fans of schools. We tend to take this stuff way too seriously, and when we get a good recruit like GG we get excited about his potential and losing him under circumstances like this is never enjoyable. It's happened to Maryland too. You always wonder, or suspect, if the other team's coach was whispering in his ear (illegally) after he committed to get him to change his mind. When that is compounded by the player bringing up a tragic event, when feelings are still raw, and using it as an excuse, those emotions are only going to be stronger. I mean, does ANYONE really believe this kid is going to feel safer in College Park than in Blacksburg? Could someone even say that with a straight face?

Fair points. Maryland fans have experienced this, in fact I'd argue much more than most schools because of GW's unwillingness to go the extra (illegal) mile to bring a recruit home. Rudy Gay's shady AAU dealings that led him to $UCONN$ are a prime example. In fact, this is exactly why your suggestion about the opposing coach whispering in GG's ear is silly (although I'm not sure you were suggesting it in this case). As abrasive as GW's coaching style and defensiveness may be to non-Terp fans, he is unquestionably one of the most straight-laced and ethical coaches in the game. Whatever happened here was clean enough for GW to sign off on it, and I tend to trust his judgment on these things.

As for the idea of being safer in CP vs Blacksburg, who said the kid had to be totally rational/logical? When a tragedy happens it affects people in funny ways, and often those effects are out of our normal range of experience. If I'm not mistaken a number of VT athletes considered transferring after the tragedy...I'm not saying GG is faultless in this situation, but still I'm inclined to give the benefit of the doubt.

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Not really. He had signed his LOI and so he could not decommitt and go somewhere else. To get around this he took a year off and used the 4/16 tragedy as leverage to get VT to let him out of his LOI.

IMO, when Gus committed to VT he was a nobody (in terms of national buzz) but then he blew up thanks to a strong senior campaign. His personal trainer thought he'd be better served at a better basketball school so Gus used the 4/16 tragedy to force VT to let him out of his LOI. Very, very shady. The kid may be a baller but he has no class.

I didn't realize that he had signed a LOI. I thought he just gave a verbal. In that case, it is pretty crappy.

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I didn't realize that he had signed a LOI. I thought he just gave a verbal. In that case, it is pretty crappy.

I think this is the sequence:

1) Signed a LOI to go to Tech starting in the 2007-2008 season.

2) After the April 16 incident, he said that he was suddenly unsure about VT and might consider a year of prep school. Here is Coach Greenberg's statement at the time:

Due to the tragedy of April 16, we understand the Gilchrist family's genuine concerns regarding Augustus attending Virginia Tech in the fall of 2007," head coach Seth Greenberg said. "We think the world of the Gilchrist family and developed a close relationship during the course of the recruiting process over the past two years."

We respect his decision to attend prep school and use the year to mature, continue his development and better evaluate the healing process on the Virginia Tech campus. It is our hope, that as time passes, he will embrace the reasons he originally committed to Virginia Tech and the tremendous opportunity that both a Virginia Tech education and Virginia Tech basketball can offer his future.

It's important to understand that the Gilchrist family has not asked for a release. Although disappointed, we respect their decision and look forward to having them back on campus this fall so they can see first-hand the togetherness and unity of our campus.

When you go to prep school you become a recruitable athlete again for the next college season (2008-2009). So the LOI really is no longer valid, except that it means you can't enroll in another NCAA school for THIS season (2007-2008).

3) Later in the summer, Gilchrist communicated to Greenberg and VT that he would not be coming to Tech under any circumstances. He asked to be let out of his letter of intent so that he could go directly to another NCAA school this fall.

At this point, Greenberg could have been within his rights to say the hell with that, we're holding you to it. But there is really little to gain by spiteful behavior like that, it just will wind up being something that other coaches will use against you in recruiting (see what a jerk that Greenberg guy was for not letting a guy change his mind, etc). So Greenberg agreed to release Gilchrist from his LOI this year so that he could attend any school he wanted.

Most of the rumors we were hearing at VT was that that school was going to be Georgetown, and JTJr had apparently developed a relationship with Gilchrist's trainer and "advisor" Terrell Woody. Whatever was going on with Georgetown must have fallen through. We are hearing that Chuck Dreisell was a key player in the recruitment of Gilchrist to MD, and we are NOT hearing any rumors that Gary Williamsdid anything wrong like contacting Gilchrist before he had been released from his LOI. Georgetown may have done that (or at least contacted Woody). My guess would be that Georgetown did the [possibly illegal] dirty work of getting to Woody and getting Gilchrist to ask for his release, but then once he got his release, Maryland just plain out-recruited the Hoyas for him.

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If Gilchrist didn't want to be a Hokie, fine. I'd be upset that he bailed on his LOI but I'd understand. What I will never be able to understand or respect is the fact that Gilchrist couldn't man up and say that he didn't want to go to VT but, rather, he chose to hide behind the 4/16 tragedy. This is inexcusable to me. I don't think that UMD did anything shady but I'll never be a Gilchrist fan in any way, shape, or form.

What if he really was freaked out by the tragedy?

Is that so wrong?

I think he... or anyone else at that school... has the right to say the events of that day were enough for them to never set foot on that campus again.

Unless you are this guy's best friend and have secret confessions from him that he planned to "hide behind" the events... I think you should take his word at face value and wish him well.

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I think this is the sequence:

1) Signed a LOI to go to Tech starting in the 2007-2008 season.

2) After the April 16 incident, he said that he was suddenly unsure about VT and might consider a year of prep school. Here is Coach Greenberg's statement at the time:

Due to the tragedy of April 16, we understand the Gilchrist family's genuine concerns regarding Augustus attending Virginia Tech in the fall of 2007," head coach Seth Greenberg said. "We think the world of the Gilchrist family and developed a close relationship during the course of the recruiting process over the past two years."

We respect his decision to attend prep school and use the year to mature, continue his development and better evaluate the healing process on the Virginia Tech campus. It is our hope, that as time passes, he will embrace the reasons he originally committed to Virginia Tech and the tremendous opportunity that both a Virginia Tech education and Virginia Tech basketball can offer his future.

It's important to understand that the Gilchrist family has not asked for a release. Although disappointed, we respect their decision and look forward to having them back on campus this fall so they can see first-hand the togetherness and unity of our campus.

Well, that sure doesn't seem to reconcile with this:

But according to Terrelle Woody, Gilchrist’s longtime trainer/mentor, the shootings on the Blacksburg campus last April caused the 6-foot-10, 235-pound big man to reevaluate things.

“When the shootings happened, they really spooked him out,” Woody said. “Once they spooked him out ... Gus and his parents talked to [Virginia Tech] coach [seth] Greenberg and told him they didn’t want to go this year. He wanted to sit out, go to prep school and then come back the next year after all the things blew over. ... The coach felt that he recruited him and Gus needed to come there now, but myself and his parents thought he should feel comfortable. ... Once he wasn’t supported, he changed his mind about the whole thing. ... He did want to go to school there. He really liked the school.”

(Link: http://weblogs.baltimoresun.com/sports/college/recruiting/2007/10/gilchrist_found_right_fit_with_maryland.html)

I'm sure I know which story VT fans believe, but I for one am not convinced Greenberg has come clean on his end. Perhaps he initially OK'ed a year at prep school but then put pressure on the family or otherwise made them feel uncomfortable about it? Either way, I think it's unfair to be overly harsh in judging GG's motive for leaving the school.

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If Gilchrist didn't want to be a Hokie, fine. I'd be upset that he bailed on his LOI but I'd understand. What I will never be able to understand or respect is the fact that Gilchrist couldn't man up and say that he didn't want to go to VT but, rather, he chose to hide behind the 4/16 tragedy. This is inexcusable to me. I don't think that UMD did anything shady but I'll never be a Gilchrist fan in any way, shape, or form.

Dude - get a life; seriously. A situation like the shootings at VT would scare most people, it is very understandable that he no longer feels comfortable there.

Gus is gonna throw down double-doubles every time he squares off against VT; I hope Coach Seth was not as cold to Gus as is being reported; that is something to be upset about if true.

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You need to keep the VT shootings in perspective... they were the largest single shooter slayings in the history of the US.

Wouldn't that freak you out?

I think it's great that Blacksburg rallied and pulled together... but you need to keep the scope of the tragedy in perspective. That kind of event would and should have an impact on everyone (especially folks who are incoming freshmen).

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He's scum that used the 4/16 tragedy as an excuse to back out of his LOI to Virginia Tech. He comes complete with a "personal trainer" and no moral backbone. Enjoy him, Terps. I hope he tears an ACL.

At least you are the bigger person.:rolleyes:

He's 18, kids make mistakes when they are 18.

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He's scum that used the 4/16 tragedy as an excuse to back out of his LOI to Virginia Tech. He comes complete with a "personal trainer" and no moral backbone. Enjoy him, Terps. I hope he tears an ACL.

I'll be rooting for good things for VaTech, but they sure don't need comments like that coming from their alumni.

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Well at least we can spot the Virginia Tech grads easy.

I've never had any trouble spotting Hokies!!! Here's a little tip from your ol' buddy Scottie B on how to identify a Virginia Tech grad at work. The dead giveaway? He or she ordinarily starts the conversation with, "Welcome to McDonald's, may I take your order please?"


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He's scum that used the 4/16 tragedy as an excuse to back out of his LOI to Virginia Tech. He comes complete with a "personal trainer" and no moral backbone. Enjoy him, Terps. I hope he tears an ACL.

Wow...I sure hope people cut you more slack than you're giving Gilchrist when you someday make a decision that you ultimately regret and try to back out of it. Did VT really want a kid that didn't want to be there? Is it possible that the incident really did shake him up?

Either way, wishing a torn ACL on an 18 year old kid is classless.

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I want to give Gilchrist the benefit of the doubt. Is it possible that the reason he doesn't want to go to VT is because he doesn't feel safe there? Absolutely.

Just wondering though... wasn't College Park right in the thick of the DC Sniper attacks in October of 2002?


Man, that happened when he was 13 years old.

This VT thing happened when he was getting recruited to go to the school. A tiny bit different. It also happend on the campus, not around it like the DC incident.

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I want to give Gilchrist the benefit of the doubt. Is it possible that the reason he doesn't want to go to VT is because he doesn't feel safe there? Absolutely.

Just wondering though... wasn't College Park right in the thick of the DC Sniper attacks in October of 2002?


Um, no. Unless of course you consider "the thick of things" anything within a 50 mile radius of the shootings.

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