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Cal Speaks

Hank Scorpio

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Viviano just read a statement from Cal on the air... he refuted the whole "Angelos doesn't want Cal to receive credit for the turnaround" thing.

He also confirmed that he's been in discussions with Andy & Angelos about returning to the big leagues for the Orioles.

I don't have a link but I suspect there'll be one shortly.

So, this sounds like good news to me.... I'm sure someone will call it spin, etc... go nuts.

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Cal's statement:

“In my baseball experience, rumors and stories seem to break when things aren’t going well. Let me address recent media reports.

“First I want to say that Mr. Angelos never said that he didn’t want me to get credit for any success that the club might have. That’s just not true.

“I have had a very good relationship with Peter for a long time. He has been an advisor to me, a great supporter of my foundation and it is because of him that we have an Orioles affiliate in Aberdeen.

“I have met with Andy and Peter on a number of occasions to discuss many subjects. Ultimately our discussions have turned to baseball, the Orioles and me. I have enjoyed those talks very much, and yes the subject has been broached about me potentially joining the organization. I look forward to those talks continuing.

“I have been consistent in my statements about a return to baseball since my retirement in 2001. With my son Ryan approaching the end of high school in a couple of years I have been thinking more seriously about a return to the big league game. I am more excited now to explore all opportunities and find the right situation that could lead me to the next phase of my life.”

Source: WNST

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Interestingly, the one thing that may come out of this whole "controversy" may be Cal actually taking a position with the Orioles. It's been a talked-about but moot point until now, as Cal's been busy with Ripken Baseball. Rosenthal's article, whether true or false, has brought the issue to the forefront and has forced Angelos and Cal to come out and make some sort of public decision on Cal's future involvement with the Orioles.

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The statements that have been coming out after this sure seem to be carefully worded.

I'm guessing that Rosenthal's info was mostly accurate.

Wow, what a joke.

There have been nothing but firm denials from everyone involved in this.

I don't think that Rosenthal made this up, but I certainly do think that his sources did. Or at least, made up the obvious BS about "Angelos not wanting Cal to get credit". The sources probably knew that meetings were going on between Cal, Peter, and Andy and also knew that Cal hasn't rejoined the organization yet. That's all.

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The statements that have been coming out after this sure seem to be carefully worded.

I'm guessing that Rosenthal's info was mostly accurate.

I'm not one to get all pissy whenever a national writer speaks bad of the Orioles, but as for Rosenthal, his contempt for Angelos and the Birds is evident in every piece he writes about us. I have no doubts that his article was meant as nothing more than another piece to stir up trouble.

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Interesting source, considering I just listened DF destroy Angelos for a half hour on my way into work for this whole "not wanting Cal to get credit" thing.
Well Drew is a complete moron. He posted here for a while and made an ass out of himself with every post. He doesn't understand baseball at all, and has no concept of reality when it comes to the Orioles.

He's very much of the "well the Yankees spend $200M every year so why can't we?" mindset.

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Wow, what a joke.

There have been nothing but firm denials from everyone involved in this.

I don't think that Rosenthal made this up, but I certainly do think that his sources did. Or at least, made up the obvious BS about "Angelos not wanting Cal to get credit". The sources probably knew that meetings were going on between Cal, Peter, and Andy and also knew that Cal hasn't rejoined the organization yet. That's all.

I'm not even sure the sources made it up. I bet they took something out of context.

You got to love the (for him) biting jab he takes with the very first line, though. Good for him for pointing that out.

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I'm not even sure the sources made it up. I bet they took something out of context.

You got to love the (for him) biting jab he takes with the very first line, though. Good for him for pointing that out.

I think Cal and Peter went out to dinner, and when Cal whipped out his MBNA IronBIrds credit card, Peter loudly proclaimed, "No way are you paying for this dinner Cal. This place won't accept your credit!" :D

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