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Renamed Wow Simon


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Fastball at 93-94 through 6 innings. An offspeed pitch the strikeout Wright and Delgado back to back in the 6th. Mets had a major league lineup though the pitcher did bat.

Line: 6 IP, 4H, 1R, 1ER, 1 BB, 3 SO

Nice, He deserves a rotation spot.

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Fastball at 93-94 through 6 innings. An offspeed pitch the strikeout Wright and Delgado back to back in the 6th. Mets had a major league lineup though the pitcher did bat.

Line: 6 IP, 4H, 1R, 1ER, 1 BB, 3 SO

Nice, He deserve a rotation spot.

I agree, it's about time someone stepped up!

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It was a very impressive outing by Simon this evening. For those who watched on MLBTV, i'm sure you can back me up when I say that his stuff was impressive and he pitched within himself tonight. Great poise, good off speed stuff, steady fastball with movement.

It's ashame that Penn may lose his chance, but i'm just glad to see someone step up when given the opportunity. Does it even matter what Penn does tomorrow now?

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Simon had better have a rotation spot after tonight. He's pitched well all spring and was brilliant in his one start at the end of last season. I'm much more enthusiastic about giving him a shot than Eaton. Simon could be a classic late bloomer--great arm but has always had erratic command and poor secondary offerings.

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It'd be nice to see Penn put up similar numbers tomorrow and make it at least a little difficult for Trembley.

I guess Eaton will be in, which I disagree with... but whatever. Given that, I'd like to see :






Keep Hendrickson in the pen.

Didn't DT give him a spot as a lefty? I like your rotation better, and awarding Hendrickson a starting role simply because he is a lefty, is my first substantial disagreement with DT.


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Personally, I don't have any issue with giving a relative unknown a chance if they do well in spring training.

However, I do have a problem with giving a veteran a chance who has stunk up the place during ST and hasn't done much of anything for 3 years when you can give his spot to a youngster with much more upside.

Just my thoughts.

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Didn't DT give him a spot as a lefty? I like your rotation better, and awarding Hendrickson a starting role simply because he is a lefty, is my first substantial disagreement with DT.


I think Trembley said something along the lines of he doesn't HAVE to have a lefty in the rotation.

Ideally, he chucks the idea of a lefty and goes with the aforementioned.

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I think Trembley said something along the lines of he doesn't HAVE to have a lefty in the rotation.

Ideally, he chucks the idea of a lefty and goes with the aforementioned.

I would agree. I just haven't seen Hendrickson accomplish anything of note this spring. Or ever.


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