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That's it... time to send Adam to Norfolk


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Down 4 runs, a man on, and he swings at a 3-1 pitch that is way high and pops out.

He has to change his approach at the plate. Bring up Reimold, send Adam down there and tell him until he has a walk every 10 plate appearances for a 2 week stretch he isn't coming back up.

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Why would you bring up Reimold when he has 2 hits in 7 games at Norfolk?

OK, then bring someone else up. Jones has to be accountable for the horrible approach he is taking at the plate. I'm not talking about the results he is getting (though those certainly are bad), but the overall piss-poor approach. When you go up swinging at an eye-high pitch on a 3-1 count in a game where you are down 4 runs and need baserunners... you are obviously not thinking about the team or anything else. I don't think Crowley is coaching players to hit like that. If he isn't listening to his coaches in the majors then he needs to be sent down.

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OK, then bring someone else up. Jones has to be accountable for the horrible approach he is taking at the plate. I'm not talking about the results he is getting (though those certainly are bad), but the overall piss-poor approach. When you go up swinging at an eye-high pitch on a 3-1 count in a game where you are down 4 runs and need baserunners... you are obviously not thinking about the team or anything else. I don't think Crowley is coaching players to hit like that. If he isn't listening to his coaches in the majors then he needs to be sent down.

No one in the minors is really doing anything at all in terms of hitting.

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Fire Crowley yesterday.

It's his job to fix Jones and whatever he's doing isn't working.

Jones has more talent than this...

One must begin to wonder how coachable Jones is. Looking back now you wonder about little things... like when it came out that the coaches wanted him to play deeper this year and his quote was something to the effect of "I don't know if I'm going to do that".

Believe me, I'm no Crowley syncophant. But there's no way that Crowley is actually coaching Jones to take the approach at the plate that he does. So there has to be a communication gap. Whether the fault lies in Crowley's teaching or Jones' not listening, I don't know.

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One must begin to wonder how coachable Jones is. Looking back now you wonder about little things... like when it came out that the coaches wanted him to play deeper this year and his quote was something to the effect of "I don't know if I'm going to do that".

Believe me, I'm no Crowley syncophant. But there's no way that Crowley is actually coaching Jones to take the approach at the plate that he does. So there has to be a communication gap. Whether the fault lies in Crowley's teaching or Jones' not listening, I don't know.

The whole team isn't hitting.

You can't just single out Jones.

Are we going to send Wieters down with him?

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No one in the minors is really doing anything at all in terms of hitting.

I don't care. I"m more interested in getting through Jones' thick skull that he is accountable for the approach he takes at the plate and that he needs to change it. I'm not really concerned who we bring up for three or four weeks. It's more important that Jones learns the lesson(s) necessary to get the most out of his great talent for the next three or four years.

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The whole team isn't hitting.

You can't just single out Jones.

Are we going to send Wieters down with him?

I haven't seen major problems with Wieters approach at the plate, just his results. I haven't seen evidence that Wieters isn't listening to his coaches and needs a wakeup call.

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