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I think Gary is a very good coach...I think he did a poor job capitalizing on the final 4s and the program should be better than it is.

But I still think he is the best guy for the program as of right now...Maybe in year, that will change.

As far as being on par with UNC and Duke...I don't expect more than a handful of programs to be on par with them year in and year out.

Being a good college coach is largely a result of good recruiting. Roy and Coach K are very good at "X's and O's"? Are their coaches at other schools just as good? Sure. But, they are great at recruiting. They make the MOST out of the recruiting advantages that they have.

Gary does NOTHING with the following advantages:

1) Beautiful facilities.

2) ACC

3) National Championship Banner

4) National Television Coverage

5) 30 miles from DC and Charm City (i.e. talent everywhere)

6) Transitioning talent to the pros

I'm sure Gary knows how to cover a pick and roll. He can probably draw up a mean game plan to counteract a Box and 1. Unfortunately, I don't think he could recruit his own son to be a Terp is there was any other program interested. Whether he likes it or not, recruiting is what makes a great program...not the flex offense.

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FWIW....the message board rumor mill has Gilchrist going to West Virginia.

I think we have a situation here where a kid is listening to his AAU coach / "advisor" Terrelle Woody. (Can't call him an "agent", of course).

And perhaps Mr. Huggins is making sure that Mr. Woody will not be affected too badly by the rise in gas prices, if you know what I mean.

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I've been a season ticket holder pre Joe Smith (since moved) and don't remember that-certainly not for an ACC game. If GW is hated it is by a small minority, but I think most (like me) do not like the current path of the program. GW is a great coach but he is not known for admin and recruiting. He is often noted for bringing in money but why then is the Terrapin Club fourth from the bottom in the ACC in revenue despite a huge alumni and fan base-and it is not even close looking at FSU, Carolina, Clemson, State. Don't even think about comparing the large Big 10 and SEC schools. In basketball UNC generates twice the revenue MD does and Duke is not far behind-UNC's profit is larger than Md's revenue!! Point being Md does not over index in alumni (or fan) support and that is likely not lost on the administration.

Since you wrote the above ---most of your examples are FOOTBALL schools---GW ---------on his own ------brings the money------and you dam'n well know it!------Again Duke and Carolina are BB giants and NOT FB giants.

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Since you wrote the above ---most of your examples are FOOTBALL schools---GW ---------on his own ------brings the money------and you dam'n well know it!------Again Duke and Carolina are BB giants and NOT FB giants.

That doesn't make any sense (football & basketball), so Md with their alumni base is absolved because they are neither??. Either way how do YOU know that? Are the checks personally cut to GW? Does the TC not under achieve versus other like schools? Are they not behind Tech and Duke (which have a much smaller revenue base)? I am not saying he does not do his part, but I don't buy that the school loses money long term if he leaves. If you are talking coaching, yeah it's a loss-but not revenue. I would be interested in your fact based response as to what GW raises-not emotional which none of us can quantify.

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That doesn't make any sense (football & basketball), so Md with their alumni base is absolved because they are neither??. Either way how do YOU know that? Are the checks personally cut to GW? Does the TC not under achieve versus other like schools? Are they not behind Tech and Duke (which have a much smaller revenue base)? I am not saying he does not do his part, but I don't buy that the school loses money long term if he leaves. If you are talking coaching, yeah it's a loss-but not revenue. I would be interested in your fact based response as to what GW raises-not emotional which none of us can quantify.

I used to work for maryland's fundraising office. lot of the Terrapin Club's biggest donors are very high on Gary Williams. Firing him would alienate a lot of those donors. It's just the way it is.

It is also a well known fact that football has the highest potential revenue of any sport. No matter how big us ACC folk think basketball is, Fooball squashes basketball. That is a fact.


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I used to work for maryland's fundraising office. lot of the Terrapin Club's biggest donors are very high on Gary Williams. Firing him would alienate a lot of those donors. It's just the way it is.

It is also a well known fact that football has the highest potential revenue of any sport. No matter how big us ACC folk think basketball is, Fooball squashes basketball. That is a fact.


Exactly my point, football is the big TC revenue provider even at Md. I am sure GW does a great job fund raising but he's not replaceable assuming that the program is a perennial winner. The one thing a very good basketball team does is provide profit as the expenses are small compared to football-basketball provides a net profit of ~$7m which essentially funds the athletic department. To put that in perspective State's program generates more revenue and is even more profitable.

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Exactly my point, football is the big TC revenue provider even at Md. I am sure GW does a great job fund raising but he's not replaceable assuming that the program is a perennial winner. The one thing a very good basketball team does is provide profit as the expenses are small compared to football-basketball provides a net profit of ~$7m which essentially funds the athletic department. To put that in perspective State's program generates more revenue and is even more profitable.

I disagree that Football is the big TC revenue provider at Maryland. It has the POTENTIAL to be larger, but it is not currently.

Also you keep switching between profit and TC revenue... those are 2 separate issues. Profit is influenced by a number of issues - TV/Radio broadcasting deals, marketing, promotions, staff, etc., while TC donations are donations and are not necessarily earmarked for a particular program. YOu cant talk about the 2 as if they are the same thing.

Terrapin club donations are largely driven by the basketball program. That is why there are 10,000 terrapin club members sitting ona waitlist to get season tickets and every year the Fridge is begging people to buy season tickets (for which you do not have to be a TC member to purchase).

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I disagree that Football is the big TC revenue provider at Maryland. It has the POTENTIAL to be larger, but it is not currently.

Also you keep switching between profit and TC revenue... those are 2 separate issues. Profit is influenced by a number of issues - TV/Radio broadcasting deals, marketing, promotions, staff, etc., while TC donations are donations and are not necessarily earmarked for a particular program. YOu cant talk about the 2 as if they are the same thing.

Terrapin club donations are largely driven by the basketball program. That is why there are 10,000 terrapin club members sitting ona waitlist to get season tickets and every year the Fridge is begging people to buy season tickets (for which you do not have to be a TC member to purchase).


I understand the difference, between profit and revenue (AD v. TC)-it's what I do for a living, maybe I didn't make myself clear. There's also no standardized-GAAP like procedure between schools which muddies things. What is the $ breakout on distribution between basketball and football-don't many many TC members own both football and basketball tickets-how are the donations then earmarked? If that breakout can be quantified it's incredibly embarrassing that the football contribution is so poor. What are your thoughts on why Md's participation level and contributions are so poor versus other schools. 10,000 seems significant but at even $100 it's only $1m. It's also a factor of supply and demand-more football seats available.

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I understand the difference, between profit and revenue (AD v. TC)-it's what I do for a living, maybe I didn't make myself clear. There's also no standardized-GAAP like procedure between schools which muddies things. What is the $ breakout on distribution between basketball and football-don't many many TC members own both football and basketball tickets-how are the donations then earmarked? If that breakout can be quantified it's incredibly embarrassing that the football contribution is so poor. What are your thoughts on why Md's participation level and contributions are so poor versus other schools. 10,000 seems significant but at even $100 it's only $1m. It's also a factor of supply and demand-more football seats available.

The contribution from the football side is so poor because the football program never had a Gary Williams to bring it out of the rubble of NCAA sanctions. They were horrible pretty much every year until the Fridge got there. Growing up in CP, the biggest event at Bird Stadium every year was probably the LAX championship. One breakout season will not turn it around overnight. It is getting better though.

On supply/demand side - The Comcast Center is one of the largest arenas in college basketball (21 last I checked). Byrd isn't even in the top 40 in football.

I'm not going to sit here and tell you that I know exactly what percentage of donors are supporting what particular sport or what their motivations are. A lot of the info I have comes from working with the people bringing in the money, having a parent that dealt with donors on a day-to-day basis, and knowing people who are a part of the TC inner-circle. Gary Williams is very important to those people. Sorry, but I don't have numbers to throw at you. You dont have to believe or agree with me. I'm just telling you what I know from my personal experiences.

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FWIW....the message board rumor mill has Gilchrist going to West Virginia.

I think we have a situation here where a kid is listening to his AAU coach / "advisor" Terrelle Woody. (Can't call him an "agent", of course).

And perhaps Mr. Huggins is making sure that Mr. Woody will not be affected too badly by the rise in gas prices, if you know what I mean.

Bob Huggins involved, eh? Say no more. :rolleyes:

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Gary Williams is very important to those people. Sorry, but I don't have numbers to throw at you. You dont have to believe or agree with me. I'm just telling you what I know from my personal experiences.

Who are these donors that Gary Williams is so important to? Because he is so warm and fuzzy with everyone? I know many, many $2000 and above level donors who are sick and tired of his act. Donors want wins period and that isn't happening any longer. At least not enough of them. 3 out of 4 years in the NIT and it looks like at LEAST two more years of the same.

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Who are these donors that Gary Williams is so important to? Because he is so warm and fuzzy with everyone? I know many, many $2000 and above level donors who are sick and tired of his act. Donors want wins period and that isn't happening any longer. At least not enough of them. 3 out of 4 years in the NIT and it looks like at LEAST two more years of the same.

Have you ever sat in the front row in the Comcast Center? There are those nice seats on the court that actually have plaques with the seat owners names on them... those people in particular tend to be very big Gary supporters.

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As per the below recent snippet from Yow there are only 8600 TC members. How can there be 10,000 TC members on the waiting list? Assuming the majority of TC members already have tickets you aren't even close. You are BUSTED!!


Dear Valued Terrapin Club Member,

As we begin the Summer season, I wanted to write to share a few thoughts with you and information regarding a number of initiatives in Terrapin athletics.

Honoring the Past, And Looking To the Future

Terrapin Athletics, which includes staff, coaches, student-athletes and Terrapin Club members, enjoyed a number of proud moments over the last several years. Those included our highest-ever number of ACC All-Academic Student-Athletes, some outstanding competitive success, record attendance for several sports, balanced budgets and rising to 8,600 Terrapin Club members.

I disagree that Football is the big TC revenue provider at Maryland. It has the POTENTIAL to be larger, but it is not currently.

Also you keep switching between profit and TC revenue... those are 2 separate issues. Profit is influenced by a number of issues - TV/Radio broadcasting deals, marketing, promotions, staff, etc., while TC donations are donations and are not necessarily earmarked for a particular program. YOu cant talk about the 2 as if they are the same thing.

Terrapin club donations are largely driven by the basketball program. That is why there are 10,000 terrapin club members sitting ona waitlist to get season tickets and every year the Fridge is begging people to buy season tickets (for which you do not have to be a TC member to purchase).

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As per the below recent snippet from Yow there are only 8600 TC members. How can there be 10,000 TC members on the waiting list? Assuming the majority of TC members already have tickets you aren't even close. You are BUSTED!!


Dear Valued Terrapin Club Member,

As we begin the Summer season, I wanted to write to share a few thoughts with you and information regarding a number of initiatives in Terrapin athletics.

Honoring the Past, And Looking To the Future

Terrapin Athletics, which includes staff, coaches, student-athletes and Terrapin Club members, enjoyed a number of proud moments over the last several years. Those included our highest-ever number of ACC All-Academic Student-Athletes, some outstanding competitive success, record attendance for several sports, balanced budgets and rising to 8,600 Terrapin Club members.

I dont know. All I know is that I am #8,800 something on the waitlist. Perhaps faculty & staff are on the same waitlist.

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As per the below recent snippet from Yow there are only 8600 TC members. How can there be 10,000 TC members on the waiting list? Assuming the majority of TC members already have tickets you aren't even close. You are BUSTED!!


Dear Valued Terrapin Club Member,

As we begin the Summer season, I wanted to write to share a few thoughts with you and information regarding a number of initiatives in Terrapin athletics.

Honoring the Past, And Looking To the Future

Terrapin Athletics, which includes staff, coaches, student-athletes and Terrapin Club members, enjoyed a number of proud moments over the last several years. Those included our highest-ever number of ACC All-Academic Student-Athletes, some outstanding competitive success, record attendance for several sports, balanced budgets and rising to 8,600 Terrapin Club members.

LOL! I just recieved the same letter. I like how you omited the part where MD recieved an award for having one of the best run ADs in the country:

"In August, I begin my 15th year as your Athletics Director and want to tell you that these have been the finest years possible for me, as I have worked alongside you and our coaches and staff in building this athletics program. We have won 16 National Championships, more than any public institution in the ACC during this period and in 2006 had the highest student-athlete graduation rate among all public institutions in the ACC. I would add that we have now joined Stanford and UCLA as the ONLY THREE Universities in the nation to win National Championships in football, in men’s basketball and in women’s basketball. Added to those achievements, your Terps won the inaugural PRISM Award as one of the best-run athletics programs in the nation, a tribute to you for providing the resources and to our hardworking staff for their productivity and teamwork."

Obviously they are doing something right.

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