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Bedard on the block?


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Beddard is a great pitcher, but, He's only had 1 complete game in his career, He has never one 20 and don't forget, He's a FA in two years. I'm sure his agent will strongly advise him NOT to sign an extension( I would). Why sign now when your value will just increase? As far as a "Hometown Discount", remember He's from Canada. He gives the impression he really doesn't want to be here. There is no reason NOT to trade him now. A player that a team will control for 2 years is more valuable than a 1 year rental.

Cabrera for

Dodgers- Loney, Kemp, Kershaw( any 2)

DBacks- Jackson & Quenton

Mets- Pelfrey, Milliedge, and or Gomez

RedSox- Bucholz & Gabbard

Braves- Saltalammachia and Escobar

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No no no no no, I love this guy. I doubt we will get a player of impact back for him. W/o an impact pitcher and batter in return it shouldnt be considered

Are you kidding me???? I really like Bedard too, but you really don't think we could get one impact player back in return for him?? IMO, if we made him available he would instantly become the hottest trade target in MLB for any team in contention. Now, that means that a contender would not be thrilled about giving up many players in their present lineup. But I would say Bedard could get you at least two of a contenders top prospects and another 5-10 prospect, +. i.e, Gomez, Milledge, Humber and Pelfrey from the Mets. How does that sound? I think the O's need to listen to what Bedard could net them before the trade dealine. I hope the O's are listening to offers for everybody.

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Beddard is a great pitcher, but, He's only had 1 complete game in his career, He has never one 20 and don't forget, He's a FA in two years. I'm sure his agent will strongly advise him NOT to sign an extension( I would). Why sign now when your value will just increase? As far as a "Hometown Discount", remember He's from Canada. He gives the impression he really doesn't want to be here. There is no reason NOT to trade him now. A player that a team will control for 2 years is more valuable than a 1 year rental.

Cabrera for

Dodgers- Loney, Kemp, Kershaw( any 2)

DBacks- Jackson & Quenton

Mets- Pelfrey, Milliedge, and or Gomez

RedSox- Bucholz & Gabbard

Braves- Saltalammachia and Escobar

Those are some really nice packages. I doubt any of them will come to fruition, but then again, you never know...

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Beddard is a great pitcher, but, He's only had 1 complete game in his career, He has never one 20 and don't forget, He's a FA in two years. I'm sure his agent will strongly advise him NOT to sign an extension( I would). Why sign now when your value will just increase? As far as a "Hometown Discount", remember He's from Canada. He gives the impression he really doesn't want to be here. There is no reason NOT to trade him now. A player that a team will control for 2 years is more valuable than a 1 year rental.

Cabrera for

Dodgers- Loney, Kemp, Kershaw( any 2)

DBacks- Jackson & Quenton

Mets- Pelfrey, Milliedge, and or Gomez

RedSox- Bucholz & Gabbard

Braves- Saltalammachia and Escobar

There is so much wrong with this post that the only thing I feel like pointing out is we would never ever ever ever get any of those trades.

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Why Does Everyone Overrate Daniel Cabrera!?!?

Omg Im Gonna Lose It!!!!

I think it was a typo.. I think he was referring to Bedard for all those trade ideas.. considering he was writing about Bedard in the entire first part of his post and never mentioned Cabrera.

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There is so much wrong with this post that the only thing I feel like pointing out is we would never ever ever ever get any of those trades.

Give me a break. What's wrong with those proposals?

You, my friend, have the Mike Flanagan/Jim Beattie/Jim Duquette mindset.

It never hurts to ask. If you don't ask, then you're stuck with the same cast of losers we're always stuck with.

The guy is dead-on. These are the kinds of deals we should be exploring.

Shapiro got a boatload from Minaya in the Colon deal. Think Minaya wouldn't pull the trigger knowing that Bedard could net him a WS this year and possibly next as well?

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There is so much wrong with this post that the only thing I feel like pointing out is we would never ever ever ever get any of those trades.

I wouldn't trade him for any of those packages.

I don't think people realize just how valuable Bedard would be on the trade market...3 players is the cost, not 2.

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I wouldn't trade him for any of those packages.

I don't think people realize just how valuable Bedard would be on the trade market...3 players is the cost, not 2.

I'd say at least 3. Three stud prospects and a low level minor leaguer with huge upside is where my negotiating would start.

If a playoff bound team wants him bad enough, they can pony up.

And to replace Bedard I'd want to make sure two of those prospects are starting arms.

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