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DFA Ubaldo


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I don't know if DFA is the best answer, but I do know you can't keep trotting out a starter with a 7.17 ERA. Give a guy like Asher a try it can;t be any worse then the Ubaldo debacle.

It's the last year of the contract I really don't care what happens the O's could not be stupid enough to offer him another contract.

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2 hours ago, Aristotelian said:

I would love to give Asher a shot and move Ubaldo to the bullpen. Problem is, that would cost a shuttle spot, which in turn would prevent us from keeping Kim. Ubaldo would have to be DFA, but what happens if Asher fails and then Ubaldo is gone? 


Hate to keep harping on the same point but the fact that Castro was sent down for Wilson BEFORE the game says it all. The Orioles are telling everyone including Ubaldo we don't trust you. 

If Asher fails they can always send him back to the pen. Have to try something and stop running someone out there that the team is afraid of. If they are fortunate enough to be in the race in late July perhaps DD can pull off a Joe Saunders type.  

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1 hour ago, TouchemAll said:

I don't know if DFA is the best answer, but I do know you can't keep trotting out a starter with a 7.17 ERA. Give a guy like Asher a try it can;t be any worse then the Ubaldo debacle.

It's the last year of the contract I really don't care what happens the O's could not be stupid enough to offer him another contract.

Well it's that or let him keep pitching in some form or another. I guess you could stick him in the pen and only use him in mop up scenarios, but if he's that bad, why not just let him go? He's going to get paid this year no matter what. It's his last year. End it.

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1 hour ago, BRobinsonfan said:

At this point I'd trade him for a bag of broken bats and a pop up toaster... but I don't think we'd get that for him.  

It would be nice to trade him for something that had a repeatable motion.


Srsly though, I was hoping to log on this morning to find the issue has been resolved.

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2 minutes ago, FlipTheBird said:

Well it's that or let him keep pitching in some form or another. I guess you could stick him in the pen and only use him in mop up scenarios, but if he's that bad, why not just let him go? He's going to get paid this year no matter what. It's his last year. End it.

And face the prospect of him going to another team and them fixing him?  Oh noes!

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13 hours ago, bpilktree said:

Let's see when Ynoa goes into the rotation in Norfolk.  If he starts on Thursday that would put him in the spot to take over for Ubaldo

He can't be brought until June 1, right?

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I'm on the bandwagon now too.

It is time to DFA him.   He is not even an adequate bullpen piece, and he can't be allowed to start.   It's a sunk cost at this point.

I see no reason why some combination of Ynoa/Asher/Aquino/Verrett could not put up stats better than Ubaldo.   Worst case not a lot better, but at least a little better.   And it's not like putting one of them in the rotation cripples the bullpen, since we have rarely had more than one of them on the roster at the same time anyway.

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29 minutes ago, Can_of_corn said:

And face the prospect of him going to another team and them fixing him?  Oh noes!

At this point I'd have to imagine its the "principle" of the thing for Angelos. I don't even know that ownership would be worried about someone "fixing" Ubaldo - they just don't want to pay him to pitch for another team, no matter how detrimental he is to the O's proper.

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9 minutes ago, FlipTheBird said:

At this point I'd have to imagine its the "principle" of the thing for Angelos. I don't even know that ownership would be worried about someone "fixing" Ubaldo - they just don't want to pay him to pitch for another team, no matter how detrimental he is to the O's proper.

I don't know if it's true, but they were saying on 105.7 this morning that at one point LAST YEAR, Duquette was given permission by Angelos to DFA Ubaldo if he deemed it absolutely necessary, and Angelos would, reluctantly, eat the year+ left on his contract.   I think it was close enough to roster expansion that Duquette didn't do that.

But I really don't think Angelos would stop it at this point if Duquette told him it was the best baseball move and that it would help this team maintain its current position in the playoff race.

I think last night was the final nail in the coffin.   I think we might finally cut ties.

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8 minutes ago, FlipTheBird said:

At this point I'd have to imagine its the "principle" of the thing for Angelos. I don't even know that ownership would be worried about someone "fixing" Ubaldo - they just don't want to pay him to pitch for another team, no matter how detrimental he is to the O's proper.

Seems one way of looking at it is paying the rest of his contract no matter where he lands is "doing no harm" to the O's. Having him on the team is doing considerable harm to the games' outcomes and the bullpen for the very same price. When he's gone, we don't have that problem and either (or both) of Asher or Verrett can at the very least get us five innings and five runs or less. That's Ubaldo's baseline (and actually, I think it's more than five runs these days). It's got to be worth a try than doing what the O's have already tried. 

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Instead of a DFA, I would rather trade him to an NL team in exchange for small cash considerations or a PTBNL.  I don't want him staying in the AL, just in case he gets better and helps a WC contender (like he helped us make the WC last year in September).  

But yes, I do think it's time to fold on Ubaldo.  

But we probably won't do anything until June as we an skip his next start.  

If he stays on our roster until July 1, we're probably stuck with him, because after that we'll hear the "but we're only X weeks away from rosters expanding" excuse from the FO.  

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3 minutes ago, FanSince88 said:

Instead of a DFA, I would rather trade him to an NL team in exchange for small cash considerations or a PTBNL.  I don't want him staying in the AL, just in case he gets better and helps a WC contender (like he helped us make the WC last year in September).  

But yes, I do think it's time to fold on Ubaldo.  

But we probably won't do anything until June as we an skip his next start.  

If he stays on our roster until July 1, we're probably stuck with him, because after that we'll hear the "but we're only X weeks away from rosters expanding" excuse from the FO.  

How would you react if you found out your GM just traded money to the Orioles to obtain Ubaldo?

He's got negative value, like Webb and Matusz did.


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12 minutes ago, Can_of_corn said:

How would you react if you found out your GM just traded money to the Orioles to obtain Ubaldo?

He's got negative value, like Webb and Matusz did.


And that's an important point....I want to be rid of Ubaldo, but I'm concerned we may see a trade where we send Ubaldo, his entire remaining contract, and a useful prospect to a team for nothing.  That team will essentially be buying that prospect (or, say, a draft pick) by eating Ubaldo's salary. 

I unfortunately think this may be the mostly likely way that we get rid of Ubaldo.  Which would be ironic and depressing because he'd still be screwing us even as we offload him...


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