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Rank ESPN Baseball personalities

Oriole Baseball

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Thought this might keep me occupied throughtout the all-star break. Rank your favirote baseball personalities from BBTN throughout the years (or at least the one's you remember since they go through about 10 a year.)




Bobby Valentine

Jayson Stark

Buster Olney

Orel Hershicer (sp?)

Jon Kruk (back when Reynolds was there, he sucks now)

Well, those are the one's I can think of right now. Majority of the people they put on nowadays completly suck. I miss when BBTN was Ravech, Reynolds, and Gammons on a regular basis.

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Thought this might keep me occupied throughtout the all-star break. Rank your favirote baseball personalities from BBTN throughout the years (or at least the one's you remember since they go through about 10 a year.)




Bobby Valentine

Jayson Stark

Buster Olney

Orel Hershicer (sp?)

Jon Kruk (back when Reynolds was there, he sucks now)

Well, those are the one's I can think of right now. Majority of the people they put on nowadays completly suck. I miss when BBTN was Ravech, Reynolds, and Gammons on a regular basis.



(insert large gap here)




The rest are pretty useless.

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2. Kurkijan

3. Olney

Kruk/Hershiser/All the rest of those guys

My Grandfather who seriously thinks Brandon Fahey should be our starting shortstop and is a really good player

ETA, actually I take some of that back because I once saw Hershiser do a decent piece on some pitcher's mechanics or something like that and I was like "Hey this is kind of neat"

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What? No one thinks Tino "mumbles" Martinez was any good?

What about "KY" who sounds like he was on roids at some point?

I agree, with very few exceptions, the list is a sad one.

I would love to see that show actually be about baseball. Right now it really should be called Yankees Tonight and air on the YES network.

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I find Hersheicer (again sp?) to be pretty good when it comes to pitchers, however he seems to be on the show once a month. The show jumped the shark when it stopped being Reynolds and Gammons five times a week.

It will really suck at the trade deadline because they don't even have Gammons in studio anymore (at least last year they didn't if i remember correctly.) I wish Gammons would go work for MLB so he can reunite with Reynolds who talks to very often.

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pick one

Hershiser because he was that good and that knowledgable, and was a respected coach. He still has too much juice to belittle himself and be one of the talking head homers like the rest.

the rest.

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all those other guys

Then the dumbest person to ever be put on T.V.- John Kruk

Agreed! I can't stand listening to him yap...drive me nuts.

My favorites are Ravech, Reynolds, Kurkjian, and Gammons.

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Karl Ravech is great. I love how he just flat-out bashes his co-hosts every so often. A couple weeks ago they were doing an All-Star preview, going position by position. Ravech said something like: "And now we turn to the tools of ignorance...and who better to talk about ignorance than Steve Phillips?"

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