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Of course not, Duke is Maryland's biggest rival.

And please spare me the "But Maryland is not Duke's biggest rival" BS. I don't care. Maryland's players, fans, students, and coaches get more pumped up to beat Duke than any other team, and considering that we've beaten Duke just about as much as anyone else in the country over the past 5-6 years (if not the most), that's plenty good enough for me.

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I think MD fans hate NC State more than UVA...Is that correct? Or is that only in football?

I don't recall hating NC state at all. They are just in our confrence.

I have a feeling BC could be one of our biggest rivals in the near future. I don't know why, I just think they will.

I don't know why they think Uva is our rival. Just because they are a state away...

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I don't recall hating NC state at all. They are just in our confrence.

I have a feeling BC could be one of our biggest rivals in the near future. I don't know why, I just think they will.

I don't know why they think Uva is our rival. Just because they are a state away...

Funny you bring up BC...I just have a feeling, with their "thuggish" way they play at times that alot of teams and fans will end up disliking them.

I have heard alot of anomisty between State and MD before but it may pertain to football more than bball.

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Funny you bring up BC...I just have a feeling, with their "thuggish" way they play at times that alot of teams and fans will end up disliking them.

I have heard alot of anomisty between State and MD before but it may pertain to football more than bball.

I have never heard that. I wouldn't totally discount it, but I don't think NC state is really on MD radar as far as rivals go.

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I guess it varies by sport. In football, I definitely do not like NC State.

In general I don't much care for anything about U of Vagina. I want to beat them in every sport, including water polo, croquet, and frisbee golf. So you better believe I get pumped for a game like this tonight.

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I think MD fans hate NC State more than UVA...Is that correct? Or is that only in football?

I'd say yes, but a large part of that is due almost exclusively to two people:

Julius Hodge and Phillip Rivers.

The only real reason UVa and MD are playing in the "rivalry week" are because they are the closest to each other (or were before the new teams came in). The two "northern" teams of the ACC seemed a smart match for the rivalry week. Even when MD/Duke was having some of the most epic battles in college basketball every season, I had no problems with Duke/UNC being the games during "rivalry week" because of the historical aspect.

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Agreed that Duke is really #1, but for "official" purposes, UNC and Duke have to play, so we get UVA by default.

Whatever. At this point, I just want to see wins. I don't think we really have the luxury of worrying about who's our biggest rival. Our biggest rival is anyone with more ACC wins than us.

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Agreed that Duke is really #1, but for "official" purposes, UNC and Duke have to play, so we get UVA by default.

Whatever. At this point, I just want to see wins. I don't think we really have the luxury of worrying about who's our biggest rival. Our biggest rival is anyone with more ACC wins than us.

Wow. Can't believe that there has been all this talk about how Duke is Maryland's biggest rival, blah, blah, blah, and almost no talk about the actual game.

You are 100 percent right itilian, who gives a rats a$$ who your rival is as long as you are winning games. I'll tell you right now, as UVa sits tied for first place in the conference, I couldn't care less if we played Duke, UNC, Virginia Tech or Miami tonight, I just want to win to take over first place in the conference.

You guys should feel the exact same way. This is an enormous game for Maryland if they want to go to the NCAA's this year. Sure it's a big game for Virginia, but it is 100 times bigger for Maryland.

So, everyone can argue about who each others rivals are or whatever, but tonight at 9 it's just about UVa and Maryland, and that's all that matters.

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I would say in the past Clemson was the biggest football rivary. I think it is changing to FSU and maybe WVA if the game continues in the future. I know niether looks like a rivary on the map but to the players it is the most important game. I notice many times there is a disconnect between the most important game to the players and the most important game for the fans. In basketball currently it has to be Duke. In the past I think it was UNC.

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