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I hate Chris Turner


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True but not a very likeable team this year (mostly cause they are terrible), especially on offense, and Wujciak on defense.
Did you type that wrong or do you not like Wujciak?

Wujciak is really good, and Torrey Smith on offense is real good as well. With a good QB we'd be a decent, although still not really good, team.

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Did you type that wrong or do you not like Wujciak?

Wujciak is really good, and Torrey Smith on offense is real good as well. With a good QB we'd be a decent, although still not really good, team.

Nah I don't really like him that much...I think hes okay...

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Depressing....depressing.....depressing. Turner has been a major disapointment this season. He hasn't been really criticized a lot until today but he has played a big role since the first game in this teams collapse. Really embarassing. I don't think Ralph has any choice but to resign. The program is going downhill fast and the school might as well start rebuilding now with a new coach. I'm shocked and almost speechless at what has happened with this program. I feel sick right now and really bad for friends who go to the games at College Park. There are no more excuses acceptable from Ralph. No more wait until next week....or you'll see a different team next week....or you'll see a big turnaround. It almost looks like the team wants to get him fired so Franklin can take over sooner....and I don't think anyone is sold on him being the next MD Head Coach.

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Let's get realistic. Chris Turner is a good kid but he's not an upper level Division 1 QB. He's a 2nd tier football school QB who is best suited to a school like Furman or a conference like the Southern conference.

It's time to clean house. I appreciate what Fridge did for the program the first few years but he's proven that he can't run a program any longer.

Talent evaluation and development is lacking. Joel Statham, Jordan Steffy, Sam Hollenbach, Chris Turner. Those were the QBs he brought into the program and these guys have been average QBs at best. I'm tired of watching D1 QBs stare down receivers and lack the arm strength to get the ball downfield. Heck, who knows who might have preceded Steffy had Scott McBrien not fallen into our laps. Add to it the holes in the OL and DL from the lack of recruiting or picking guys who would eventually leave the program. These guys don't recruit adequately to fill the holes and when they do they bring too many kids who can't play ACC level football.

Game Day Prep is terrible. The past 5 years are evidence enough that this team sleepwalks through the first 4 games of the season. Year after year we hear excuses like "I'm not sure if I'm reaching these kids..." etc, etc, etc. The primary job of a coaching staff is to get your kids ready to play each week. If they're not, its on YOU!

You aren't going to sell seats and suites with a 2-10 record. This offseason go out and get a Tommy Tuberville and get this thing turned around. There's too much talent in this area to be this terrible.

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Yeah... OregonBird... you're right. Fridge at one time won... but he didn't win with his recruits.

Plain and simple... with the exception of a few standouts, Ralph Friedgen is a horrible recruiter. Not only that, but any coach with an eye toward the future would have the foresight to realize that entire pieces of the team will age and graduate... let's just use the ENTIRE OFFENSIVE LINE as an example.

How could the man not see this coming????????????????????? It's almost like the steam roller scene from a Fish Called Wanda.

When did he realize that he was going to have to announce: "Oh, by the way folks, we are going to have to start TWO... that's spelled 'T' - 'W' - 'O'... former walk-ons on our offensive line this year. I know some of you will find it odd that a prominent Division 1 State University in a major conference could have a situation where band-aids will be used... but, hey, it's all good."

We have finished week 4. Fridge is getting PAID. No excuse is acceptable any longer.

The kids on the team? IMO, they are just that... kids... who are students... who got recruited into this mess. I really don't blame them.

Fridge on the other hand.... you've got to bring it to the table. You just haven't.

Pretty pitiful. It really is looking like Yow needs to fire someone. I just don't think she has the guts. Why? Because the big guy has put butts in the seats and gotten $$$ from bowl games at a much more consistent clip than any time since the mid to early '80's. I think she is afraid that the replacement would fail miserably and never even get to something like the Emerald Bowl. In other words, status quo is okay for Debbie.

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Yeah... OregonBird... you're right. Fridge at one time won... but he didn't win with his recruits.

Plain and simple... with the exception of a few standouts, Ralph Friedgen is a horrible recruiter. Not only that, but any coach with an eye toward the future would have the foresight to realize that entire pieces of the team will age and graduate... let's just use the ENTIRE OFFENSIVE LINE as an example.

How could the man not see this coming????????????????????? It's almost like the steam roller scene from a Fish Called Wanda.

When did he realize that he was going to have to announce: "Oh, by the way folks, we are going to have to start TWO... that's spelled 'T' - 'W' - 'O'... former walk-ons on our offensive line this year. I know some of you will find it odd that a prominent Division 1 State University in a major conference could have a situation where band-aids will be used... but, hey, it's all good."

We have finished week 4. Fridge is getting PAID. No excuse is acceptable any longer.

The kids on the team? IMO, they are just that... kids... who are students... who got recruited into this mess. I really don't blame them.

Fridge on the other hand.... you've got to bring it to the table. You just haven't.

Pretty pitiful. It really is looking like Yow needs to fire someone. I just don't think she has the guts. Why? Because the big guy has put butts in the seats and gotten $$$ from bowl games at a much more consistent clip than any time since the mid to early '80's. I think she is afraid that the replacement would fail miserably and never even get to something like the Emerald Bowl. In other words, status quo is okay for Debbie.

I do think that Vandy's recruiting went unappreciated. The man did actually get some hard nosed, tough, honest to God football players. I don't care about recruiting rankings, give me guys who are lunch pale types with a chip on their shoulder. Hopefully they have some upside/talent to go with the attitude.

I'm telling you, there's a legit coach out there who would LOVE a shot at this job. The area is a fertile recruiting ground.

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I do think that Vandy's recruiting went unappreciated. The man did actually get some hard nosed, tough, honest to God football players. I don't care about recruiting rankings, give me guys who are lunch pale types with a chip on their shoulder. Hopefully they have some upside/talent to go with the attitude.

I'm telling you, there's a legit coach out there who would LOVE a shot at this job. The area is a fertile recruiting ground.

I agree. We lost some of our top local recruits this year to U of Buffalo. Buffalo?!?!

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Debbie Yow's interview on ESPN360 at halftime said it all for me. She didn't say anything earth shattering, but was discussing the succession plan for Friedgen, and appeared to be 110% confident and unconcerned.

Accepting mediocrity from this program is why it's mediocre. There's no excuse to be this bad. First time ever Friedgen's started 1-3. Is this program heading in the right direction? I think not. Any momentum we had at the beginning of the Fridge era has completely evaporated, IMO.

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