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Davis is making changes!

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36 minutes ago, Tony-OH said:

Let's look at the whole situation. Does anyone really care how Davis is doing? You can tell Hyde doesn't like to talk about hi because he knows what's up with him. 

Why would a reporter want to waste time asking what's up with Davis? WHO CARES? the fact that he's no taking up spring training PAs is the one small victory in all of this.

Davis has gone from one of the favorite Orioles to one of the all-time hated Orioles by most Orioles fans because he won't do what's right. 

I for one will feel the organization can take a huge sigh of relief when this embarrassing albatross is out of the organization and I could care less whether his back is feeling better or not. I'm just hoping this is the inevitable "Ubaldo Puddle" where it's used to get him off the roster.

If he stays on the 26-man roster, he's costing another guy from making major league money this year by his refusal to so what's right and retire. I doubt he really cares though since he seems to be about himself first.

So instead, he's going to have an injury, collect his paycheck, and hopefully be sent home to "rehab". 


I think the beats are doing us an extreme disservice by recycling all this BS. We know it’s BS,  they know it’s BS. They know we know it, we know they know we know it, Davis knows it, Davis knows we know it, we know Davis knows we know it.

I told Dan I didn’t need to read his article about Davis, because I knew what it said, and he complained that that was strange, to which I replied,” it’s the same BS he’s spouted for the last several years. Why bother reading it?” He did not reply. I wanted to ask why he bothers writing it, but he’s a sports writer. Writing every day requires a bit of BS.

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Davis is a strange case but its not unique to baseball, with Pujols and Cabrera are 2 other examples just in the AL. Im sure im missing one or two more. Strange that they're all 1B too. Votto with the Reds is fast approaching uselessness territory, though he was good recently. None of them have yet to be as bad as Davis, but im guessing their teams no longer see them as useful. 

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1 minute ago, jabba72 said:

Davis is a strange case but its not unique to baseball, with Pujols and Cabrera are 2 other examples just in the AL. Im sure im missing one or two more. Strange that they're all 1B too. Votto with the Reds is fast approaching uselessness territory, though he was good recently. None of them have yet to be as bad as Davis, but im guessing their teams no longer see them as useful. 

I'll make the argument that he is.

I don't think anyone has been this bad for this long and kept his job.

Folks said that Ryan Howard would be a comp for a Davis deal gone bad...Howard at least still hit a bit during his decline.

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7 minutes ago, Can_of_corn said:

I'll make the argument that he is.

I don't think anyone has been this bad for this long and kept his job.

Folks said that Ryan Howard would be a comp for a Davis deal gone bad...Howard at least still hit a bit during his decline.

Howard, Pujols and Cabrera were all vastly better than Davis in their albatross years.   

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6 minutes ago, Frobby said:

Howard, Pujols and Cabrera were all vastly better than Davis in their albatross years.   

They were better but like Davis not producing enough to keep their jobs, other than the fact they were owed huge salaries. 

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5 hours ago, Tony-OH said:

Let's look at the whole situation. Does anyone really care how Davis is doing? You can tell Hyde doesn't like to talk about hi because he knows what's up with him. 

Why would a reporter want to waste time asking what's up with Davis? WHO CARES? the fact that he's no taking up spring training PAs is the one small victory in all of this.

Davis has gone from one of the favorite Orioles to one of the all-time hated Orioles by most Orioles fans because he won't do what's right. 

I for one will feel the organization can take a huge sigh of relief when this embarrassing albatross is out of the organization and I could care less whether his back is feeling better or not. I'm just hoping this is the inevitable "Ubaldo Puddle" where it's used to get him off the roster.

If he stays on the 26-man roster, he's costing another guy from making major league money this year by his refusal to so what's right and retire. I doubt he really cares though since he seems to be about himself first.

So instead, he's going to have an injury, collect his paycheck, and hopefully be sent home to "rehab". 

I'm not going to get into a discussion of whether Davis is a good person, because I don’t know better and I think your feelings on the subject are clear, and I trust your judgment.   However, I don't think it's on Davis to do the "right thing" and give back millions to a billionaire family.  It takes 2 to tango here and the Orioles gave a contract to a high risk player that had a significant chance of blowing up in their faces.   Maybe it was impossible to predict that it would be as bad as it has been, but the risk was there and well known.  It's not up to Davis to bail the Orioles out.

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16 hours ago, Hallas said:

I'm not going to get into a discussion of whether Davis is a good person, because I don’t know better and I think your feelings on the subject are clear, and I trust your judgment.   However, I don't think it's on Davis to do the "right thing" and give back millions to a billionaire family.  It takes 2 to tango here and the Orioles gave a contract to a high risk player that had a significant chance of blowing up in their faces.   Maybe it was impossible to predict that it would be as bad as it has been, but the risk was there and well known.  It's not up to Davis to bail the Orioles out.

He's not just giving any money back to a Billionaire family. He's saying to the fans, his children, and the world that he realizes he can no longer rightfully perform any longer so he should not take money he's not earning. 

We all know that it's ownerships fault that they gave him the contract, but it's not that Davis is just a bad player but still could perform a bit, he's historically bad to the point that he's ruined his legacy. 

Now I get it, some people rather collect every dime of a contract and could care less about their legacy, but it's not like he doesn't already have more money then he or his children's children will ever be able to spend. 

If he's on the 26-man roster, he's also taking an opportunity away from a player to make major league money and to gain major league time for benefits purposes. So not only can he no longer perform, he's taking away an opportunity from another. 

Honestly, ownership needs to to do the right thing and allow Elias to just release him since it appears Davis appears to have no conscious and is not going to retire. He has no role on this team and would be getting in the way of actual players who could be a part of a future here in Baltimore or who could be moved for pieces that will be part of a winning future.

I really don't necessarily disagree with your premise that Davis should not have to bail out ownership for their decision, but his decision continues to have ramifications far beyond the ownership.

I think the one thing we all can agree on is that the day Davis is no longer a part of this organization will be the day this organization can truly look forward and leave the past in the past.


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23 minutes ago, Tony-OH said:

He's not just giving any money back to a Billionaire family. He's saying to the fans, his children, and the world that he realizes he can no longer rightfully perform any longer so he should not take money he's not earning. 

We all know that it's ownerships fault that they gave him the contract, but it's not that Davis is just a bad player but still could perform a bit, he's historically bad to the point that he's ruined his legacy. 

Now I get it, some people rather collect every dime of a contract and could care less about their legacy, but it's not like he doesn't already have more money then he or his children's children will ever be able to spend. 

If he's on the 26-man roster, he's also taking an opportunity away from a player to make major league money and to gain major league time for benefits purposes. So not only can he no longer perform, he's taking away an opportunity from another. 

Honestly, ownership needs to to do the right thing and allow Elias to just release him since it appears Davis appears to have no conscious and is not going to retire. He has no role on this team and would be getting in the way of actual players who could be a part of a future here in Baltimore or who could be moved for pieces that will be part of a winning future.

I really don't necessarily disagree with your premise that Davis should not have to bail out ownership for their decision, but his decision continues to have ramifications far beyond the ownership.

I think the one thing we all can agree on is that the day Davis is no longer a part of this organization will be the day this organization can truly look forward and leave the past in the past.


This is a good post.

I don't think Davis necessarily cares about legacy....if so, he might have quit two years ago.  Long gone are the 40 and 50 homer seasons, finishing 3rd in the MVP race, being scorching hot down the stretch in 2012 and playing on winning teams....his legacy isn't going to be a good one, it's going to be a bad one now...probably the worst contract in baseball history.  He's going to be remembered more for this rather than anything good he did on the field.

Not that he cares about that.  I'm assuming he doesn't...and if I had 161 million coming my way, I might not care either.  It's easy to sit on a message board and talk about the "right thing to do."  Quite another thing altogether to walk that talk...everyone has a price and it looks like we know what Davis' price is.  

This has been a perfect storm, I have to think that if it weren't for Covid last year and a short season, they would have released him.  There's labor strife on the horizon and I also have to think that if they're keeping him on the roster this year it's because they think they can save some money if there's a strike/lockout.

They just need to cut him...we've been saying this for years and i think we'll continue saying that, unfortunately.  He clogs the roster, he prohibits more deserving players from getting a shot...it's just terrible no matter how you look at it.  

But he's made it this far, I don't think it's over until his contract is over.  Which is pathetic.

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