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For those who thought Tex wanted to be a Yankee...


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I suggest you read this article:

With the focus of every signing or trade being on the rivalry between the Yankees and the Red Sox, this needs to be said first about the Yankees’ signing of Mark Teixeira. The Yankees didn’t snatch him away from the Red Sox because they outbid or outsmarted the Red Sox. Teixeira didn’t sign with the Red Sox, a baseball official said, because he and his wife, especially his wife, didn’t want to live in Boston. If necessary, they were going to choose the big bad city of New York, and they did.

“He just didn’t want to go to Boston,” the official said. “He didn’t want to be a Red Sox so Boras called the Yankees and said he really wants to be a Yankee.”

So there you have it folks. Tex wanted to be a Yankee so he didn't have to go to Boston. Had the Orioles stepped up their offer to begin with, he probably would have signed with them. But since they lowballed him to begin with and wouldn't raise the offer, he basically eliminated them from contention IMO...

So while Tex should be booed for choosing the Yankees, he only chose them because he didn't really have much of an alternative...

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I suggest you read this article:

So there you have it folks. Tex wanted to be a Yankee so he didn't have to go to Boston. Had the Orioles stepped up their offer to begin with, he probably would have signed with them. But since they lowballed him to begin with and wouldn't raise the offer, he basically eliminated them from contention IMO...

So while Tex should be booed for choosing the Yankees, he only chose them because he didn't really have much of an alternative...

Where do you deduct from ANY of this that he would have signed with the Orioles if we had stepped up our offer?

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That is just simply lame, at what point is enough money enough? I mean what is the difference whether you are making 20 or 22 million a year. This is simply some Boras BS. He saw more $$ by signing with new york, plain and simple. When its all said and done, Tex will be looked at simply as a piece of a losing pie. (the yanks have been trying to buy a ring for 8 years, what makes them think this will work). Instead Tex could have possibly become an icon for a city that needs one. His loss.

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yeah. he had no alternative. oh wait. he had 150mil here or something still. Haha. I'm not saying he should of signed here and I'm not saying it would of been good for us but DAMN. The ABSURDITY of pro sports nowdays that we say a guy "didn't really have any alternative" when he had 140 or 150 mil sitting and waiting for him.

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Where do you deduct from ANY of this that he would have signed with the Orioles if we had stepped up our offer?

He didn't want to go to Boston and only signed with the Yankees because they would offer him the cash he was looking for and so he wouldn't have to sign with Boston.

Had the Orioles orginally offered him 8/184 out of the gate he probably would have signed with us. I don't blame Tex for taking more money even though he did sign with the Yankees.

Our offer wasn't good enough to begin with and turned him off right away IMO. It was stupid to go that low to begin with if you wanted a player.

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He didn't want to go to Boston and only signed with the Yankees because they would offer him the cash he was looking for and so he wouldn't have to sign with Boston.

Had the Orioles orginally offered him 8/184 out of the gate he probably would have signed with us. I don't blame Tex for taking more money even though he did sign with the Yankees.

He reportedly had a higher offer from the Nationals and he would of been closer to his family in maryland then the Yankees. He chose less money to play in New York farther from Maryland for less money.

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He reportedly had a higher offer from the Nationals and he would of been closer to his family in maryland then the Yankees. He chose less money to play in New York farther from Maryland for less money.

He had no ties to the Nationals and they didn't have as bright a future as the Orioles did. The Orioles were his favorite team growing up but they gave him no reason to pick them...

I'm not saying he wouldn't have turned down more $ from the Orioles to play for the Yankees, but the bottom line is the Orioles never really gave him a chance to pick them with their low offer.

It's quite obvious he never wanted to go to Boston...

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I suggest you read this article:

So there you have it folks. Tex wanted to be a Yankee so he didn't have to go to Boston. Had the Orioles stepped up their offer to begin with, he probably would have signed with them. But since they lowballed him to begin with and wouldn't raise the offer, he basically eliminated them from contention IMO...

So while Tex should be booed for choosing the Yankees, he only chose them because he didn't really have much of an alternative...

THis is a stretch even for you. He said he wanted to be a Yankee. His favorite player was Mattingly. He has been away from Baltimore for 11 years. We haven't won or drawn fans to our park to root for US in years. We are the fifth best team in the division until at least 2010. Yea, I am sure Tex was dying to be an Oriole. :rolleyes: Give it up already. We get it you put all your eggs into, Angelos upping an offer and it never happened.

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I suggest you read this article:

So there you have it folks. Tex wanted to be a Yankee so he didn't have to go to Boston. Had the Orioles stepped up their offer to begin with, he probably would have signed with them. But since they lowballed him to begin with and wouldn't raise the offer, he basically eliminated them from contention IMO...

So while Tex should be booed for choosing the Yankees, he only chose them because he didn't really have much of an alternative...

He could have been an Oriole all he had to do was accept the 20 million bucks that Baltimore offered.

He would have been the hero of all Oriole fans.

Instead he chose a few million more bucks to be in the background behind Jeter and Arod and all the other star players that the Yankees have.

He could have been Ripken like.

Instead he will be more like Giambi

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I suggest you read this article:

So there you have it folks. Tex wanted to be a Yankee so he didn't have to go to Boston. Had the Orioles stepped up their offer to begin with, he probably would have signed with them. But since they lowballed him to begin with and wouldn't raise the offer, he basically eliminated them from contention IMO...

So while Tex should be booed for choosing the Yankees, he only chose them because he didn't really have much of an alternative...

Hmm! Seems to me that you took your own opinion (in bold), came up with a conclusion then attempted to make it a reality. :scratchchinhmm:

I really don't see indications from the information that you posted that if the Orioles offered more money, Teixeira would have signed with the Orioles.

Based on the way that the negotiations were going, it could have been possible that Boras was trying to get the Orioles to bid higher in an attempt to get the Yankees to put more money on the table.

Boras and Teixeira contacted the Yankees and Teixeira had every chance to take the Orioles offer. If Teixeira wanted to play for the Orioles, then he would have signed regardless of the money that was on the table.

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He had no ties to the Nationals and they didn't have as bright a future as the Orioles did. The Orioles were his favorite team growing up but they gave him no reason to pick them...

I'm not saying he wouldn't have turned down more $ from the Orioles to play for the Yankees, but the bottom line is the Orioles never really gave him a chance to pick them with their low offer.

It's quite obvious he never wanted to go to Boston...

I think the comment of the Orioles having a brighter future than the Nats is incorrect. Unless you are informed of re-alignment that no one else knows of , then they have a better chance to win before we do. Even with their terrible roster.

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Here is a reply to a poster on Peter Schmuck's blog:

Pete's reply: My opinion on this is well-documented. I wanted Tex, for some of the reasons you state here. He would have fit nicely into the long-term rebuilding plan while having the immediate effect of mollifying the disgruntled fan base. To me, he would have been worth eight years at $180 million, but the fact is, Boras made it pretty clear to the Orioles that there was no reason for them to make a counter-offer. He didn't want to come here. The O's contacted Boras several times and told him they were ready to modify their offer. He often changed the subject. It just wasn't going to happen. I wish it had turned out differently, because I believe it was a unique opportunity for the O's that won't come along again any time soon.

That's really why this took so long. Tex was waiting for the Yankees to come into the mix. As soon as they did, he jumped. People can try to sugar coat it, but the bottom line is, Tex had only one team in his head all along and it happened to be the one that is most hated by Oriole fans.

If I was working at OPACY, I would record the boos and play it over the PA system, so it is amplified, just to remind him of the shame. ;)

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Hmm! Seems to me that you took your own opinion (in bold), came up with a conclusion then attempted to make it a reality. :scratchchinhmm:

I really don't see indications from the information that you posted that if the Orioles offered more money, Teixeira would have signed with the Orioles.

Based on the way that the negotiations were going, it could have been possible that Boras was trying to get the Orioles to bid higher in an attempt to get the Yankees to put more money on the table.

Boras and Teixeira contacted the Yankees and Teixeira had every chance to take the Orioles offer. If Teixeira wanted to play for the Orioles, then he would have signed regardless of the money that was on the table.

Did you even read that article? Tex wanted to avoid going to Boston. He didn't want to play for the Nationals obviously because they were the worst team in MLB and he had no ties. The Yankees were willing to offer him enough money and the fact he didn't have to play in Boston or for the worst team in baseball. The Orioles could have been the preferred alternative to Boston.

He's said he's wanted to play in Baltimore in the past, but the Orioles never gave him a reason to play there. They had the lowest offer and weren't willing to go much higher. Tex wasn't going to take a hometown discount but he probably would have signed for 8/180 if the Orioles had offered it. Now the Yankees might have beat that or might have not, but the Orioles had much more of a shot in the Tex sweepstakes than they are telling everybody.

They just chose not to be players...

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Here is a reply to a poster on Peter Schmuck's blog:

Pete's reply: My opinion on this is well-documented. I wanted Tex, for some of the reasons you state here. He would have fit nicely into the long-term rebuilding plan while having the immediate effect of mollifying the disgruntled fan base. To me, he would have been worth eight years at $180 million, but the fact is, Boras made it pretty clear to the Orioles that there was no reason for them to make a counter-offer. He didn't want to come here. The O's contacted Boras several times and told him they were ready to modify their offer. He often changed the subject. It just wasn't going to happen. I wish it had turned out differently, because I believe it was a unique opportunity for the O's that won't come along again any time soon.

That's really why this took so long. Tex was waiting for the Yankees to come into the mix. As soon as they did, he jumped. People can try to sugar coat it, but the bottom line is, Tex had only one team in his head all along and it happened to be the one that is most hated by Oriole fans.

If I was working at OPACY, I would record the boos and play it over the PA system, so it is amplified, just to remind him of the shame. ;)

Boras probably didn't want a counteroffer because Tex was probably miffed by the lowball offer. It would have been interesting to see Tex having to turn down more or equal money to go to the Yankees over the Orioles. I bet he would have chosen the Orioles in that case...

And if he did, then fans would be justifed in vindicating the FO, but the reality is we can't let them off the hook because they never really gave Tex that chance.

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