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Kawakami Narrows His List


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According to Wayne Craczyk of the Japan Times, Kenshin Kawakami has narrowed his options to three teams: the Orioles, Cardinals, and Twins.

However, the Orioles appear to be the furthest away of the three (pure speculation), while the Cards, being near playoff contention, have the biggest chance of signing Kawakami.

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Just cause we aren't the most competitive team at the moment between us, the Cardinals, and the Twins, why does that automatically make us not the frontrunner for Kawakami? Or why does it then make sense for him to not come here?

It seems like every team that isn't contending that goes after a respectable free agent "shouldn't be doing it" or "it doesn't make sense".

I understand that it sometimes doens't make sense for certain players, but for someone like Kawakami who isn't going to get a monster Burnett-like contract, why? He's not going to be a huge financial commitment and maybe he sees something about the organization that he likes.

To say that he "doesn't make sense" for us or to automatically speculate that he isn't coming here because we aren't likely to immediatly contend in 2009 I think is rediculous. Teams have to get better somehow.

Don't mean to rant or anything but the editorial comment by the MLBTR guy kinda hit a nerve for some reason.

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Free agents like to go to contenders. By definition they are guys who have been playing the game for awhile and they are moving toward the ends of their careers. They want to have a chance to win.

For example, I bet Brian Roberts, soon to be a FA, is pretty sick of going out there year in and year out and getting his rearend kicked.

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Just cause we aren't the most competitive team at the moment between us, the Cardinals, and the Twins, why does that automatically make us not the frontrunner for Kawakami? Or why does it then make sense for him to not come here?

It seems like every team that isn't contending that goes after a respectable free agent "shouldn't be doing it" or "it doesn't make sense".

I understand that it sometimes doens't make sense for certain players, but for someone like Kawakami who isn't going to get a monster Burnett-like contract, why? He's not going to be a huge financial commitment and maybe he sees something about the organization that he likes.

To say that he "doesn't make sense" for us or to automatically speculate that he isn't coming here because we aren't likely to immediatly contend in 2009 I think is rediculous. Teams have to get better somehow.

Don't mean to rant or anything but the editorial comment by the MLBTR guy kinda hit a nerve for some reason.

The Orioles are definately low balling this guy. Thats why ! If the Orioles were to offer him a 2 year deal for fair value they could probably get him,

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Here's hoping that we don't make the next cut!

Unless he has to take a very incentive-laden or short term deal, I don't have any interest in adding him.

Would you give him 2 years at 5-7 mil per season? No way all of the big three will be ready in 2010.

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Of course we're the furthest away.

I'm sure Kawakami knows that the O's are the team to use in order to get more dollars from other teams that are really interested in him.


That's how we know our overseas scouting is making headway. We're a bargaining chip on three continents now. We've gone international baby!

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That's how we know our overseas scouting is making headway. We're a bargaining chip on three continents now. We've gone international baby!

Come on man. Its not like this seasons crop from Japan is great anyhow. Atleast we are over there and scouting. Making our presence known.

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